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Can you write on someone’s wall on Facebook if your not friends?

Can you write on someone’s wall on Facebook if your not friends?

Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to control who can see and interact with their profile and timeline. By default, only confirmed friends can post on each other’s timelines. However, depending on the user’s privacy settings, it may be possible for non-friends to post on someone’s timeline as well.

Default Privacy Settings

The default privacy setting on Facebook is that only confirmed friends can post on your timeline. This means that people who send friend requests that have not been confirmed, as well as complete strangers, are not able to write posts on your timeline.

If you try to write on the timeline of someone who is not your confirmed friend, you will get an error message saying “Couldn’t post to timeline.” This is an intentional restriction by Facebook to protect user privacy and prevent unwanted posts.

So under the default privacy settings, if you are not friends with someone, you cannot write on their timeline. You must send them a friend request and have it confirmed before you are able to post.

Adjusting Privacy Settings

While the default setting prevents non-friends from posting, users can adjust their privacy settings to allow a broader audience to write on their timeline. There are a few options:

  • Friends of Friends – This setting allows your friends as well as friends of your friends to post on your timeline.
  • Public – This setting allows anyone on Facebook to post on your timeline.
  • Customized – You can customize your settings to allow specific people or lists to post on your timeline, such as only allowing certain groups or networks to post.

So if someone adjusts their privacy settings to Friends of Friends or Public, then non-friends would be able to write on their timeline. You do not need to send a friend request in this case.

Here is a breakdown of who can post on your timeline based on privacy settings:

Privacy Setting Who Can Post
Friends Only (Default) Confirmed friends only
Friends of Friends Your friends and their friends
Public Anyone on Facebook
Customized Depends on custom settings

Pages and Public Figures

For public figures, celebrities, businesses, and other entities that have public Facebook pages, the privacy settings work a bit differently. Pages are public by default, so anyone is able to post on the page’s timeline without needing to send a friend request.

However, page administrators can restrict posting to only confirmed fans if they want an additional level of privacy. But usually public figure and business pages allow anyone to comment and post.

So in summary, while regular user profiles block non-friends by default, public pages tend to be open for anyone to post on the timeline.

Sending a Friend Request

If someone has their privacy set to Friends Only, the only way to be able to write on their timeline is by sending them a friend request and having it confirmed. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the person’s profile page
  2. Click Add Friend or Send Friend Request (wording depends on your connection to the person)
  3. The person will receive a notification that you want to be friends
  4. If they confirm the request, you will become friends and gain access to post on each other’s timelines

Some additional tips on sending friend requests:

  • Make sure you actually know the person and have a connection before sending a request
  • Personalize the request by writing a message so it’s not just a random add
  • Don’t be offended if the person rejects or ignores the request
  • You can resend a request after some time has passed if needed

Having a confirmed friend connection is the only guaranteed way to access someone’s timeline if their privacy is Friends Only.

Other Ways to Interact

If you are not able to send a friend request or have it confirmed for whatever reason, there are a couple other ways you can try to interact with the person on Facebook:

  • Comment on public posts – Look for recent public posts by the person such as posts on a Group or Page. You can comment on those posts even without being friends.
  • React to public posts – Use Reactions like Like or Love on the person’s public posts to show appreciation and interact.
  • Send a message – Use Facebook Messenger to send a message. This goes to the Message Requests folder which the user can choose to accept.

While you won’t have unfettered access to the person’s main timeline, utilizing public posts and Messenger can allow you to make positive interactions.

Restricted Profiles

In some cases, a user may have their profile set to a Restricted privacy setting. This severely limits access such that only existing friends can see the profile or Timeline.

If you encounter a Restricted profile, there is no way to send a friend request or interact with that user. You would need the user to open up their profile to the public first before being able to connect.


The default Facebook privacy settings prevent people who are not friends from writing on a user’s timeline. However, if privacy settings are adjusted to be more public or you have access to a Page, it is possible for non-friends to post. The only way to guarantee timeline access on a private profile is by sending and having a friend request confirmed. With the proper understanding of Facebook’s privacy controls, you can better manage who interacts with your own profile as well as respect others’ settings.