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Can you watch Facebook watch without an account?

Can you watch Facebook watch without an account?

Facebook Watch is a video-on-demand service operated by Facebook where users can watch videos uploaded by individuals, media companies and organizations. Since launching in 2017, Facebook Watch has grown into a popular destination for video content on Facebook’s platform.

A common question asked by both existing Facebook users and non-users alike is whether you need a Facebook account to watch Facebook Watch. Many internet users are drawn to Facebook Watch for its wide selection of videos but may not want to create a Facebook account or log into their existing one to view content.

This article will provide a definitive answer on if and how one can access Facebook Watch without an account. We’ll explore the requirements and restrictions around watching Facebook Watch as an unregistered user.

Do you need a Facebook account to watch Facebook Watch?

The short answer is yes, you do need a Facebook account to fully access and watch videos on Facebook Watch.

Facebook requires users to register for an account before they can view complete videos in the Facebook Watch section. Those without an account are blocked from playing more than just a preview of a video.

This account requirement extends across both web and mobile devices. On the Facebook website and mobile app, users will be redirected to login or create an account when trying to play Facebook Watch videos while unregistered.

So unfortunately, there is no way to freely watch the full length of Facebook Watch content without having a Facebook account. Facebook restricts complete access to encourage more users to register accounts on their platform.

Why can’t you watch Facebook Watch without an account?

There are a couple reasons why Facebook doesn’t allow open access to Facebook Watch without an account:

– To increase registered users – Requiring an account means more users will create Facebook accounts to watch videos. This grows Facebook’s user base.

– To track watch history – With registered accounts, Facebook can track what videos users are watching and for how long. This data helps serve users with personalized recommendations for future videos.

– To serve targeted ads – By tying videos watched to user accounts, Facebook can target and monetize audiences through ads. Registered accounts allow ads to be fine-tuned based on watch history.

– To foster user connections – Viewing videos as a registered user means you can more easily connect with friends and creators around that content through likes, comments, and shares.

So in summary, Facebook leverages the account requirement for Facebook Watch to grow their network and enhance data collection, ad targeting, and user interactivity. An open, account-free watching experience would limit these benefits.

What can you watch without a Facebook account?

While full videos require an account, there are some aspects of the Facebook Watch experience that you can access without logging in:

– Video previews – Facebook will show a short preview clip, usually 30 to 60 seconds long, before requiring you to log in to keep watching. This gives you a sneak peek of video content.

– Public videos – Videos that have been shared publicly can be previewed without an account. But you still can’t watch the full video.

– Page information – You can view basic information about Facebook Pages that upload videos to Watch. This includes Page descriptions, follower counts, and public posts.

– Video descriptions – Video titles, descriptions, and metadata like view count can be seen by non-logged in users. But you can’t watch the actual full video.

So in essence, someone without a Facebook account can get a taste of Facebook Watch’s content through limited previews but won’t get access to full videos or subscriber exclusives.

Should you create a Facebook account just for Facebook Watch?

Here are some pros and cons to consider about whether to create a Facebook account for the sole purpose of watching Facebook Watch:


– Access to full videos – You’ll be able to watch complete videos, not just previews.

– Personalized recommendations – Facebook will suggest new videos based on your interests and watch history.

– Interact with content – You can like, comment on, and share videos as well as follow creators.

– Works across devices – Your account will let you seamlessly watch on mobile, desktop and smart TVs.


– Facebook privacy concerns – Registering an account means sharing some personal data with Facebook.

– Time sink potential – Facebook Watch can lead to spending excessive amounts of time scrolling through videos.

– Adds to screen time – You may increase your overall daily screen time by regularly watching Facebook videos.

– Distraction from other priorities – Watching Facebook videos can cut into time better spent on work, family, hobbies, etc.

– Difficulty cancelling account – Facebook makes it challenging to fully delete an account once registered.

So weigh these factors against how much you think you’ll use Facebook Watch. Casual viewers may be satisfied previewing some videos while frequent watchers would find an account worthwhile.

Other ways to watch Facebook Watch videos

If you decide not to create a Facebook account but still want to watch the full length of Facebook Watch videos, there are a couple alternative options:

– Download videos – There are third party apps and websites that allow downloading Facebook videos to watch offline later. However, this likely violates Facebook’s terms.

– View on creator’s other channels – Follow your favorite Facebook Watch creators on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, or their own websites where they may post full versions of their videos.

– Search for pirated versions – You can likely find pirated copies of Facebook Watch videos on unofficial streaming sites and torrent networks. But again this has ethical concerns and legal risks.

– Screen recording – You could screen record videos as they play in preview mode. But this is highly impractical for long videos and still violates copyright.

As you can see, all the methods for getting around Facebook Watch’s account requirements come with drawbacks. Your best and only legitimate option is to sign up for a Facebook account if you wish to properly watch Facebook Watch videos.

Signing up for a Facebook account

If you decide to create a Facebook account, signing up is quick and easy to do:

1. Go to on any browser or download the Facebook app on your device.

2. Click on “Create New Account” below the login fields.

3. Enter your first and last name, then your email or mobile number to register.

4. Create a secure password.

5. Facebook will send a confirmation code to verify your email or number. Enter it.

6. Fill in your birthdate and gender.

7. Click Sign Up and you now have a Facebook account!

The process takes just a couple minutes. Now you can access Facebook Watch and watch videos in full along with Facebook’s many other features.

Downsides to having a Facebook account

While a Facebook account enables full use of Facebook Watch, having an account also comes with some drawbacks:

– **Privacy and data concerns** – By being a Facebook member, you need to accept their terms for how they use your personal data and target you with ads. Facebook has faced many controversies related to member privacy and ethical data practices.

– **Time sink** – Facebook usage, including Facebook Watch, can become extremely addictive and eat up large amounts of time each day. This takes away time from other priorities.

– **Misinformation and toxicity** – Facebook communities can frequently spread misinformation, hate speech, and cyberbullying. Moderation is inconsistent.

– **Social validation obsession** – Amassing likes, reactions, and comments on Facebook posts can become an unhealthy obsession and form of social validation.

– **FOMO and comparison** – Browsing Facebook often leads to “fear of missing out” as you observe your friends’ activities. This can breed feelings of inadequacy.

– **Difficulty staying focused** – The endless content and rabbit hole tendency of Facebook makes it challenging to remain focused on tasks or live in the moment.

So while the immediate desire to access Facebook Watch may motivate opening an account, be wary of broader impacts on your time, mental health, privacy, and wellbeing that could come from joining Facebook.


In summary, it is not possible to fully watch videos on Facebook Watch without having a registered Facebook account. Only limited previews are available to non-logged in users.

To properly view complete Facebook Watch videos, creating a Facebook account is necessary. But one should weigh the pros and cons of joining Facebook before deciding if it’s worthwhile just for video access.

For many, the large video catalog on Facebook Watch makes opening an account compelling. But be cautious of the deeper impacts Facebook membership can have. At the end of the day, browsing Facebook Watch must provide enough value to justify the tradeoffs.