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Can you view who sees your Facebook story?

Can you view who sees your Facebook story?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. Unlike regular Facebook posts, Stories are only viewable by your friends and followers. But can you see exactly who has viewed your Facebook Stories?

Can you see who views your Facebook Story?

The short answer is no, you cannot see who has viewed your Facebook Stories. Facebook does not provide viewership metrics for Stories like it does for regular posts.

When you share a Facebook Story, you can see the total number of views it has received. However, you cannot see a list of names or profiles of who has viewed your Story. This information is private and not available to Story creators.

Why doesn’t Facebook show who views Stories?

Facebook has a few reasons for keeping Stories viewership anonymous:

  • Privacy – Viewing someone’s Story is meant to be a private experience. Facebook wants to respect users’ privacy.
  • Engagement – Not knowing exactly who has seen a Story encourages more sharing and engagement. There is less pressure if specific views are not tracked.
  • Clutter reduction – Seeing a long list of viewers could create clutter and distract from the Stories themselves.

The idea is that Stories should be fun and casual. You can see if a lot of people viewed your Story, but you don’t need to know each individual viewer.

Can you tell if specific friends viewed your Story?

While there is no viewer list, there are a couple of tricks people try to guess who has seen their Facebook Stories:

  • Check replies – If someone replies to your Story, then obviously they have viewed it.
  • Check activity – If a friend suddenly likes or comments on an old post of yours shortly after you share a Story, they likely saw your Story.
  • Check views – If views suddenly spike by 100+ then a friend with a large following probably watched your Story.

However these methods are not foolproof. The only surefire way to know if someone saw your Story is to ask them directly.

What viewership data is available?

Facebook does provide some high-level Story viewership metrics:

  • Total views – See the total number of views your Story received.
  • Peak views – See the highest number of views your Story received in one snapshot.
  • Completion rate – See the percentage of viewers who watched your entire Story.

You can access this data while your Story is live or for a limited time after it expires.

Story viewer limits

The number of views your Stories receive will depend on your audience size and engagement. However, Facebook does limit the reach of Stories:

  • Follower limit – Only your followers + friends can view your Stories.
  • 100 viewer limit – If you have over 100 followers/friends, Facebook will only show your Stories to a percentage of those people.

So even if you have thousands of friends, at most only 100 of them might see your Story, which is why view counts are usually low.

How Facebook Story ads work

Businesses can now promote Stories as ads in Facebook feeds. This looks identical to a normal Story except with a “Sponsored” tag.

When you run a Story ad, you can see more detailed analytics such as impressions, reach, clicks, etc. However, you still cannot see individual people who viewed or clicked on your Sponsored Story.

Should Facebook add a Story viewer list?

Some users argue Facebook should add a way to see exactly who watched your Story. The benefits would be:

  • Satisfy curiosity – You can see all your individual viewers.
  • Increase engagement – You can have focused conversations about your Story with each viewer.
  • Understand preferences – You can learn what types of Stories specific friends enjoy.

However, there are downsides to showing viewer lists:

  • Breach of privacy – Viewers may not want to be identified.
  • Social pressure – Seeing specific views could increase pressure to view Stories.
  • Comparison – People may compare viewer lists to determine popularity.

Overall the benefits of anonymous viewing seem to outweigh the benefits of showing viewer lists. But some users still argue for more transparency.

How to see Story viewers on Instagram

Facebook owns Instagram and takes similar approaches to Stories. You cannot see who has viewed your Instagram Stories.

However, Instagram does allow you to share Stories with Close Friends. If you share a Close Friends Story, you will see a green ring around your friends’ profiles who have viewed it. This lets you see those specific viewers.

Other social media viewer options

Every platform handles Story viewership differently:

Platform Can see viewers?
Instagram Only for Close Friends Stories
Snapchat Yes, full viewer list available
Twitter No, only total views
TikTok No, only total and peak views

Snapchat is the only major platform that lets you see every single person who has viewed your Story. Other apps focus more on privacy.

Should businesses care who sees their Stories?

For businesses and creators, seeing Story viewer names can provide useful marketing data. However, engagement should not rely too heavily on vanity metrics like views.

Rather than obsessing over exactly who saw a Story, businesses should focus on creating high-quality, engaging content. Quality Stories will organically reach the right audience.

Analyzing overall views, completion rates, and clicks will provide enough data to improve your strategy. The names of individual viewers are less crucial for businesses.


Facebook prioritizes privacy over transparency when it comes to Stories. You cannot see exactly who viewed your Facebook Stories.

While some users argue for adding viewer lists, the benefits of anonymous viewing seem greater. There are limited workarounds to guess who saw your Story, but no way to know for sure.

Focusing on creating captivating Stories and analyzing broader metrics will serve businesses better than obsessing over individual views.