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Can you use Facebook dating on desktop?

Can you use Facebook dating on desktop?

Facebook dating is a relatively new feature on Facebook that allows users to match with and meet potential romantic partners. Since its launch in 2018, Facebook dating has gained significant popularity, with millions of users worldwide. But one question that often comes up is – can you use Facebook dating on desktop? Let’s take a closer look.

The Short Answer

No, currently you cannot use Facebook dating on the desktop version of Facebook. Facebook dating is only available on the Facebook mobile app for iOS and Android devices. There is no way to access or use the dating features on the desktop website as of now.

Facebook Dating is Mobile-Only

When Facebook first launched dating, they made the conscious decision to only allow it on their mobile app. There are a few key reasons behind this decision:

  • Mobile-first experience: Mobile apps provide a more intimate, private experience than desktop. Since dating is a personal endeavor, the mobile format suits it well.
  • Location-based features: Facebook incorporates user location for dating matches and suggestions. This works best on mobile where users carry their device everywhere.
  • Notification-driven: Push notifications can alert users to new matches or messages, which is more convenient on mobile.

Additionally, the user interface and features were designed solely for mobile. The card-swipe style browsing and chat features are optimized for smaller touchscreens. Porting it to desktop doesn’t appear to be a priority for Facebook at this time.

Are There Any Workarounds?

Because Facebook dating is unavailable on desktop, there are no official or supported ways to access it on desktop. However, some users have found workarounds and unoffical methods to view Facebook dating on desktop, such as:

  • Using the browser developer tools to emulate a mobile device.
  • Changing the user agent string in the desktop browser to mimic a mobile browser.
  • Viewing the mobile website on desktop.

However, these workarounds have limitations. Major functionality like messaging or swiping may not work properly. And Facebook may block or ban accounts using unauthorized methods to access dating.

Why Facebook Dating is Unlikely to Come to Desktop

Given that Facebook dating has been out for several years now as a mobile-only feature, it seems unlikely Facebook will develop a desktop version. There are a few reasons why:

  • Developing a desktop version would require a significant engineering effort on Facebook’s part. They would have to totally rework the UI and features.
  • Mobile usage continues to dominate – over 90% of Facebook’s users are on mobile. Desktop usage is declining.
  • Facebook’s product strategy favors mobile-first development. They may not see enough value-add in a desktop experience.

Facebook has not officially commented on their plans regarding desktop support for dating. But they seem committed to mobile, and the barriers to building a desktop version are substantial.

What About Facebook Dating on iPad or Tablets?

Currently, Facebook dating is available on the iPhone and Android smartphones. But what about tablets like the iPad?

Unfortunately, Facebook dating is not supported on iPads or Android tablets either. Again, this comes back to it being designed solely for mobile phone experiences and interactions. The larger tablet screen size does not work well with the card swiping and chat interfaces.

It is possible Facebook could optimize dating for tablets down the road. But for now, iPads and Android tablets are not able to access Facebook’s dating product.

Tips for Using Facebook Dating on Mobile

Since Facebook dating is only on mobile, here are some tips to get the best experience:

  • Download the latest version of the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android phone.
  • Ensure your mobile OS is up to date for maximum compatibility.
  • Enable push notifications so you never miss a match or message.
  • Connect your Instagram photos for more profile views.
  • Be thoughtful about your dating profile and preferences.
  • Use the mobile chat features to get to know matches.

Following these tips will help you have success with Facebook dating on your smartphone. While it may be inconvenient that it’s not on desktop, the mobile version still offers a robust dating experience.


Facebook dating remains a mobile-only experience as of 2023. While you cannot access it on desktop, Facebook has created an optimized mobile dating platform. They have no imminent plans to port it to desktop. For the foreseeable future, users will have to stick to their smartphones if they want to use Facebook’s dating product. But the mobile app still provides powerful matching and chatting capabilities to help you meet new people.