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Can you use any music on Facebook story?

Can you use any music on Facebook story?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. One popular feature of Stories is the ability to add music or audio to the background of your photos and videos. However, there are some limitations on what music you can use in your Facebook Stories.

Copyright Rules for Music on Facebook Stories

Facebook’s terms of service prohibit users from uploading or sharing content that infringes on someone else’s copyrights. This includes music that you do not have the rights to use. If you add a popular song to your Story without permission from the artist, record label, or publisher, your Story may be removed and your account could face penalties from Facebook.

To avoid copyright issues, you should only use music on Facebook Stories that you have licensed properly or that is freely available for commercial use. Here are some of your options:

  • Original music that you created yourself
  • Royalty-free music or production music that licenses allow commercial use
  • Music licensed directly from the artist/label
  • Music available under a Creative Commons license that allows commercial use

You should be careful about using music you find on YouTube, as most YouTube videos do not come with commercial rights. Downloading a song from YouTube to use in your Story requires permission from the proper rights holders.

Facebook’s Music Library for Stories

To provide users with a legal source of music for Stories, Facebook launched its own Music Library in 2018. The Library contains thousands of songs from popular and emerging artists across genres that you can freely synchronize to your Stories.

To find the Music Library when creating a Story:

  1. Tap the sticker icon when uploading a new Story
  2. Select the Music sticker
  3. Search or browse the available music selections
  4. Pick a song to add to the Story

The Facebook Music Library makes it easy to find tunes that are approved for use in Stories. The selection is updated regularly with new hits and classics. However, the Library does not contain every popular song, so you may still need to seek other options if you can’t find what you’re looking for.

Using Background Music Apps

In addition to the Music Library, there are apps you can connect to Facebook Stories to access pre-approved music catalogs:

  • Spotify – Add full-length songs from Spotify to liven up your Stories. You must connect your Spotify account.
  • Lip Sync Live – An app with music and effectsperfect for lip syncing videos.
  • Music Player for Stories – Enables you to include clips of music fromyour personal device.

These apps offer millions of major and independent label tracks that have been properly licensed for use in Stories. However, the music selection depends on the licensing deals between the apps and labels, so the catalogs may not contain all songs.

Original Audio Recordings

The safest option is to use original audio recordings that you make yourself. You can record a new song, beatbox or play an acoustic guitar, for example. As long as the audio is your own original creation, you have the rights to include it in your Story without worrying about copyright issues.

You can also have friends perform music or other audio and use those original recordings, as long as they grant you permission.

Voice Recordings

In addition to music, consider using your voice in creative ways on Facebook Stories. You can legally record audio clips using the mic on your phone to narrate your stories or provide other vocals. Options include:

  • Voiceovers explaining what’s happening in your photos/videos
  • Audio clips giving your thoughts or opinions
  • Interviews with friends or interesting people
  • Poems, jokes, or other spoken word recordings

Voice recordings give your Stories a personal touch without worrying about music rights. Just make sure to follow Facebook’s policies around harmful, dangerous or illegal content.

Public Domain Music

Some older music is in the public domain, meaning the copyright has expired. This music from decades or centuries ago can be used freely without needing to license it. Classical music is most commonly in the public domain.

You can search public domain music archives like MusOpen to find free downloads of symphonies, operas, choral works, and other music to use in your Stories.

Ambient Background Audio

If you want subtle background audio that isn’t the main focus, consider ambient nature sounds or other public domain audio clips. Options include:

  • Nature sounds: Ocean waves, bird calls, rainfall, crickets, etc.
  • City sounds: Cafe chatter, street traffic
  • Household sounds: Clock ticks, baby laughter, pouring water
  • Textural sounds: Wind chimes, crackling fire

This ambient audio can complement your photos and videos nicely without competing for attention. Just keep the volume lower than your voice narration or prominent video sounds.

Using Popular Music Legally

If you have your heart set on featuring a popular song in your Story, there are still ways to go about it legally:

  • Reach out to the artist directly to ask for permission. Smaller bands may grant permission if you promote their music.
  • License the song through a stock music site. Prices vary based on the song and use case.
  • Use a short 15-30 second clip that may qualify as fair use. Consult an attorney.
  • Show a video of you singing or dancing to the song without the actual audio.

The safest bet is to stick with music sourced from Facebook’s free Library. But if you absolutely need a hit tune, taking the time to properly license it will keep your Story safe from takedown notices.

Facebook Story Music Copyright Violations

If you use copyrighted music without proper licensing, here’s what may happen:

  • Facebook will mute the audio on your Story automatically
  • A label or publisher can file a DMCA takedown notice to remove your Story
  • Facebook may issue a copyright warning or temporary account restriction
  • In severe cases, your account could be disabled for repeat violations

It’s best to stick with permissible music sources to create worry-free Stories your friends will love watching and listening to.

Ads on Facebook Stories

For business accounts using Facebook Stories for advertising, the rules are slightly different. Facebook provides various licensed music tracks that advertisers can use in paid Story ads without needing to obtain their own licenses. This makes it easier for companies to add music to promote their products or services in Stories.

However, the options are still limited compared to Facebook’s free Music Library. Advertisers cannot upload their own music to use in paid Story ads. So the safest bet is to only use the music Facebook provides to avoidpotential copyright issues.


Here are some key takeaways on legally using music in your Facebook Stories:

  • Only use music you have licensed or have rights to use
  • Facebook’s Music Library offers free tunes approved for Stories
  • Record original audio like vocals or ambient sounds
  • Fair use of short music clips may be possible but risky
  • Get direct permission from artists/labels when needed
  • Stay away from copyrighted music on YouTube or elsewhere
  • Facebook mutes or removes Stories with unauthorized music

With so many music sources available, there’s no need to pirate songs and put your Facebook account in jeopardy. Do your homework to find legal audio that brings your Stories to life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use music from YouTube in my Facebook Stories?

No, most YouTube videos are not licensed for use in Facebook Stories. The music is usually copyrighted and using it requires permission from the artist. Download the proper rights before reusing music from YouTube.

What if I buy a song on iTunes – can I use it then?

Unfortunately no, purchasing a song on iTunes or elsewhere does not typically grant you commercial rights to use it in social media. You would still need to license the song specifically for use in your Facebook Stories.

Do I need permission if I perform a cover song myself?

Yes, you still need the proper synchronization and master use licensing to legally cover a song for use in Facebook Stories, even if you’re performing it yourself.

Can I use music from other platforms like TikTok?

No, TikTok has its own set of licensed music that you cannot reuse in Facebook Stories or elsewhere without permission. Get music directly from Facebook’s Library or a source licensed for Facebook.

What happens if Facebook mutes my video’s original audio?

If Facebook detects unlicensed music, it will mute the audio while leaving the video intact. Avoid multiple mutes or your account may face restrictions for repeat copyright violations.


Adding music can make Facebook Stories much more entertaining, but use caution to avoid copyright penalties. Rely on the Facebook Music Library, record original audio, or properly license any songs you need. With the right music sourcing, you can create viral Stories that delight fans and avoid frustrating takedowns.