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Can you update your job on Facebook without everyone knowing?

Can you update your job on Facebook without everyone knowing?

Updating your job information on Facebook is a great way to let your connections know about your career moves. However, not everyone wants their entire friends list to immediately see that they’ve changed jobs. The good news is that Facebook offers some options to control how visible your job update is.

Making Your Job Update Private

The simplest way to update your Facebook job without broadcasting it to everyone is to change your job info but keep that info private. Here’s how:

  1. Go to your profile page and click on “Info” in the left sidebar.
  2. Click on “Work and Education” and select “Edit” next to your current job listing.
  3. Enter your new job title and company.
  4. In the audience selector next to your job, choose “Only Me” instead of “Public.”
  5. Click “Save Changes.”

This makes your new job info visible only to you. No Facebook friends will be able to see it on your profile or in their feeds unless you change the audience later on.

Limiting Visibility with Custom Settings

You can also use custom privacy settings to limit who can see your job update:

  • Follow steps 1-3 above to edit your job info.
  • Choose “Custom” from the audience selector.
  • Uncheck “Public” and use the menu to select specific friends, lists, or groups who can view the update.
  • Click “Save Changes.”

With this option, you can share the news with your close friends and professional connections while excluding acquaintances and others.

Removing it from Your Timeline

If you don’t want your new job showing up in your timeline at all, you can prevent that too:

  1. Go through steps 1-4 in the first section to make your job update private.
  2. Click the three dots in the upper right corner of your job listing.
  3. Select “Hide from Timeline.”

This will remove the job update from your public timeline. It will still show up in your profile’s About section but won’t be highlighted to your friends.

Updating Without Notifications

Whenever you update your job info, Facebook automatically posts a notification about that to your friends’ feeds. If you don’t want that, do this:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Notifications.”
  2. Click “Career and education” under the About You section.
  3. Turn off notifications for “Changed current work.”

Now when you update your job, it won’t show up in any feeds. People will only see it if they explicitly visit your profile.

Avoiding Recommendations

Facebook will also recommend your profile to friends more frequently after a job update. To prevent too many people dropping by your profile:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Your Activity.”
  2. Click “Profile Viewing Recommendations.”
  3. Select “No One.”

This turns off profile viewing recommendations entirely so friends won’t be notified to view your profile when you change jobs.

Removing Previous Jobs

If your goal is to remove a previous job listing entirely without mentioning your new role, do this:

  1. Go to your profile and click “Info.”
  2. Click “View and edit all experience.”
  3. Hover over the job you want to remove and click the “X” icon.
  4. Confirm that you want to remove that job.

This deletes the job from your profile. You can always add it again later if you change your mind.

Deleting Job Updates

If you already updated your job and shared it publicly, and now want to remove that update entirely, use these steps:

  1. Go to your Activity Log by clicking on your profile picture then “Activity Log.”
  2. Click “Your posts.”
  3. Find your job update post and click on the down arrow at top right.
  4. Select “Delete” to remove the post.

This ensures your connections won’t see an outdated job linked to you anymore.

Staying Off Search Engines

Even if you limit visibility of your job update on Facebook, it can still show up in public search engine results like Google. To prevent search indexing:

  1. Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Privacy.”
  2. Scroll down and toggle “Do you want search engines outside of Facebook to link to your profile?” to OFF.

This removes your profile from search engine indexing. The tradeoff is it also makes it harder for people to find you via search.

Using a Page Instead of Profile

Rather than listing jobs on your personal profile, you can create a Facebook Page specifically for your professional persona:

  1. Click “Create” at the top of Facebook and select “Page.”
  2. Choose “Business or Brand” and select “Get Started.”
  3. Follow the steps to create your professional Page.
  4. Add your job history to the Page rather than your profile.

This gives you full control over your job updates. Just invite coworkers or clients to like your Page to stay updated.


Facebook gives you many options to update your job discreetly without broadcasting it to your full network. The key settings to leverage are: privacy controls, custom audiences, timeline removal, notifications off, search indexing disabled, and professional Pages. With the right combination of these, you can efficiently share career news only with those you want to know.

Option Effect
Make job update “Only Me” Private so only you can see
Use custom audience Limit visibility to certain friends/groups
Hide from timeline Won’t show up on your profile
Turn off notifications Won’t post about job to anyone’s feed
Disable search indexing Won’t appear in public search engines
Use professional Page Full control over job info shared

As you can see, Facebook provides granular settings to share as little or as much as you want when updating your employment information. Adjust based on how widely you wish to broadcast your career moves.

Updating your job status is an important way to keep your professional network informed. But not everyone wants to make their career changes public knowledge right away. Facebook’s privacy tools allow you to selectively share news only with the audiences you choose. You can target close connections, exclude certain friends, turn off notifications, and restrict external visibility. Find the right balance for your preferences.

Changing jobs is an exciting event most people want to share on social media. At the same time, some prefer to keep that information private or restricted for personal reasons. Thankfully Facebook empowers users with options to customize exactly how visible job updates are.

Through privacy settings, post editing, custom audiences, profile tweaks, notifications off, and using professional Pages, you can finely tune job update visibility. Share widely or barely at all – the choice is yours. Facebook’s flexible controls enable sharing important career milestones on your own terms.

As an avid social media user, keeping your employment status current across networks is smart. But not everyone wants their job changes broadcasted far and wide right away. With Facebook’s increasingly robust privacy settings, you can now update your role selectively.

Options like restricting viewing to “Only Me”, using a custom audience, removing it from your timeline, turning off notifications, and disabling search indexing give you granular control. You can strategically share the news just with those you want to know. Facebook’s tools empower personalized professional sharing.

Landing a new job is thrilling news you’ll want to share online. However, immediately informing your entire social circle on Facebook may not always be desirable. With the platform’s customizable privacy settings, you can now tactfully disclose your job changes.

By toggling viewing options to “Only Me” or a custom audience, removing it from your timeline, turning off notifications, and utilizing a professional Page, you can reveal your career updates on your own terms. Facebook enables sharing exciting employment milestones discretely and thoughtfully.

As an active social media user, updating your employment status keeps your profile accurate and current. However, you may not want every Facebook friend knowing your every job change and move.

Luckily, Facebook provides ways to discretely modify your work info. Through privacy settings, audience selectors, timeline tweaks, notifications off, and Pages, you can control precisely who sees your updates.

Share widely or barely at all, customize visibility based on your comfort level. Facebook’s settings allow transmitting career changes selectively and strategically to maintain your preferred professional digital footprint.

Changing your job status on social media keeps your connections in the loop, but not everyone wants to broadcast professional changes to the world right away. Thankfully on Facebook, you can modify your employment details discreetly.

By limiting viewing to only you, choosing a custom audience, hiding it from your timeline, disabling notifications, and leveraging Pages, you get granular control over sharing. Facebook empowers you to thoughtfully reveal career moves on your own terms.

As an active social media user, you’ll want your profile to stay updated with major life events like starting a new job. However, sharing this news on Facebook can quickly blow up into a public announcement.

The good news is you have options. Adjust privacy settings, restrict viewing, keep it off your timeline, turn notifications off, and consider a professional Page. These tools allow you to selectively and strategically share your work updates.

Facebook enables nuanced professional disclosure so you can keep important connections informed while maintaining your preferred public persona. Update your employment status with purposeful finesse.