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Can you turn off reels in Facebook?

Can you turn off reels in Facebook?

Facebook introduced Reels in 2020 as a way for users to create and share short, entertaining videos similar to TikTok. While Reels have become popular with many users, others find them annoying and would prefer not to see them in their feeds. Unfortunately, there is no setting in Facebook to completely turn off or opt out of Reels. However, there are a few things you can do to reduce the number of Reels you see.

Why Facebook introduced Reels

Facebook launched Reels as their version of short-form vertical videos, aiming to compete with the massive popularity of TikTok. Here are some of the key reasons why Facebook felt the need to add Reels:

  • Capitalize on the growth of short video content
  • Appeal to younger audiences who prefer apps like TikTok
  • Provide a creative outlet for users within Facebook
  • Increase user engagement and time spent on Facebook
  • Attract video creators and influencers to the platform
  • Sell advertising within short videos
  • Stay competitive with other social media platforms investing in video

Overall, Reels allow Facebook to retain and gain users who want short-form, entertaining video content in vertical full-screen format. The feature helps Facebook appeal to Gen Z audiences, compete with rivals, increase engagement, and open up revenue opportunities.

How Facebook serves Reels to users

When you open Facebook, here are some of the ways Reels can appear in your feed or on the sidebar:

  • Reels feed – A dedicated feed of public Reels content
  • Reels tab – A tab in the shortcut bar dedicated to Reels
  • Reels in Stories – Some users can share their Reels to Stories
  • Suggested Reels – Reels Facebook recommends based on your interests
  • Reels in news feed – Reels shared by your friends or pages you follow
  • Reels in Groups – Reels shared in Groups you have joined
  • Ads in Reels – Paid ads play in between Reels

The more you interact with Reels, the more Facebook will show them to you. This is done through personalized recommendations powered by A.I. So if you frequently watch cooking Reels, you’ll see more cooking Reels.

Limitations for controlling Reels

Unfortunately, Facebook does not provide any settings to completely disable or opt out of seeing Reels in your feed or the sidebar suggestions. This lack of control stems from a few factors:

  • Facebook wants to push Reels to gain more users
  • Reels increase overall engagement and time spent
  • Facebook likely makes money from advertising within Reels
  • Users can create content, so Facebook doesn’t want to limit reach
  • Facebook caters to younger users who like Reels

While you can’t eliminate Reels entirely, you can reduce your exposure using methods covered next. Facebook may eventually provide more settings if enough users request it.

How to see fewer Reels in your Facebook feed

Here are 5 techniques you can use to reduce the amount of Reels showing up in your Facebook feed:

1. Hide Reels from particular people

If there are certain friends or Pages that constantly share Reels you don’t care for, you can hide their Reels:

  • Go to their profile and tap the three dots icon in the top right
  • Select “Hide Reels”
  • This will prevent their Reels from appearing in your feed

You can toggle this setting on and off for each person as needed.

2. Snooze friends and Pages temporarily

Another option is to snooze friends or Pages short-term if they are sharing too many Reels. Here’s how:

  • Go to their profile and select the three dots > Snooze Feed for 30 days
  • You can adjust the snooze duration or reverse it anytime
  • Their content will not show up in your feed during the snooze period

3. Use ‘See First’ to prioritize preferred friends

You can add your favorite friends or Pages to your “See First” list:

  • Go to their profile and choose the See First option
  • Their posts will then be prioritized higher in your feed
  • This pushes down content from other people you didn’t select

Setting your best friends and Pages as See First means you’ll see more of their content rather than random Reels.

4. Limit your interactions with Reels

Keep in mind that interacting with Reels by liking, commenting and sharing signals to Facebook you want to see more of that content. Try to limit your engagement with Reels, and engage more with the types of posts you prefer.

5. Use the Feed Filter Bar

Facebook has a Feed Filter Bar that lets you filter what types of posts you see:

  • Tap Home in the shortcut bar then scroll up
  • Tap Feeds to select filtering options
  • Choose Favorites, Friends, Pages, Groups to limit feed

Selecting Favorites or Friends will reduce the amount of public content like Reels in your feed.

How to see fewer Reels in Facebook Stories

In addition to the main feed, some users also share their Reels to Facebook Stories. To see less of this:

  • In Stories, tap and hold on a Reel
  • Select “See fewer posts like this”
  • You will see fewer Reels in Stories from that person/Page

This doesn’t block their Stories entirely, just reduces their Reels specifically.

How to see fewer suggested Reels

Facebook suggests Reels to watch based on your interests in the Reels tab and sidebar. To cut down on suggested Reels:

  • In Reels, tap the three dots on a suggested Reel
  • Select “See Less Like This”
  • Indicate you have no interest in the subject matter

Doing this repeatedly will train Facebook’s A.I. to serve you fewer Reels recommendations.

Use Feed Preferences to indicate interests

You can also leverage your Feed Preferences to shape the recommendations you see:

  • Go to Menu > Settings & Privacy > Feed Preferences
  • Specify topics you’re interested in
  • Limit topics you don’t want to see (like Reels/Videos)

Tweaking your Feed Preferences allows you to influence the types of content Facebook recommends.

Adjust ad topics in Ad Preferences

Since ads appear within Reels, updating your Ad Preferences can reduce those. Under Settings & Privacy:

  • Go to Ad Preferences
  • Limit categories and interests you don’t want to see ads about

This will minimize ads within Reels that aren’t relevant to your preferences.

Use shortcuts to avoid the Reels tab

Avoid tapping on the Reels tab in the Facebook shortcut bar, as that opens up the endless feed of Reels. Also be cautious about shortcut buttons for Reels on mobile. Train yourself to ignore or hide those shortcuts.

Install a Reel blocker browser extension

Some browsers allow installing extensions that can filter out Reels in your Facebook feed. These include:

  • Reel Blocker for Chrome
  • FB No Reels for Firefox

Research whether your browser has any extensions that can help block Reels.

Submit feedback to Facebook

Finally, you can provide direct feedback to Facebook that you want more control over Reels:

  • Go to Settings & Privacy > Feedback
  • Select Give General Feedback
  • Check Reels and ask for opt-out settings

The more users that submit this feedback, the more likely Facebook will make changes.

Should Facebook add a Reels opt-out?

While Facebook currently lacks an option to fully disable Reels, many users feel they should offer this control in their settings. There are valid arguments on both sides:

Reasons why Facebook should add a Reels opt-out:

  • Lets users customize their own feed preferences
  • Satisfies users who find Reels annoying or irrelevant
  • Reduces noise for users not interested in video content
  • Reels are not essential to the Facebook experience
  • Gives users more granular control over their feeds
  • Provides choice for diverse user preferences

Reasons why Facebook may hesitate to add an opt-out:

  • Reels increase engagement and time on site
  • Key part of competing with TikTok
  • Major focus area and growth driver for Facebook
  • Opt-out could suppress user adoption of Reels
  • Reduces potential advertising revenue
  • Data shows most users do enjoy Reels content
  • Could set precedent for opting out of other parts of Facebook

It remains to be seen whether public demand will eventually lead Facebook to allow opting out of Reels in the future.


While you cannot completely eliminate Reels from your Facebook experience, there are ways to reduce your exposure based on your preferences. The key options include:

  • Hiding Reels from specific people
  • Snoozing friends/Pages temporarily
  • Using See First to prioritize your favorites
  • Limiting your interactions with Reels
  • Leveraging the Feed Filter Bar
  • Training recommendations by saying “See Less Like This”
  • Customizing Feed and Ad Preferences
  • Avoiding Reels shortcuts/tabs
  • Trying a third-party blocking extension
  • Giving feedback to Facebook

While Facebook wants to promote Reels, they should consider giving users more control over opting out. In the meantime, be selective in who you interact with and use settings to shape the content you see. With some adjustments, you can enjoy Facebook while keeping your feed Reel-free.