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Can you turn off like count?

Can you turn off like count?

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. allow users to see the number of likes on posts. This metric shows how much engagement a post receives. However, some believe seeing like counts can negatively impact mental health and lead to social comparison. So platforms have introduced options to hide like counts. Here’s what you need to know about turning off like counts on social media.

Why Do People Want to Turn Off Like Counts?

There are a few key reasons why some want the option to turn off like counts:

  • Reduces social comparison – Seeing a high number of likes can make people feel inadequate or unpopular if their own posts don’t get as many
  • Lessens fixation on vanity metrics – Focus shifts from simply racking up likes to sharing meaningful content
  • Improves mental health – Removes some of the pressure and anxiety associated with how well posts perform

Research has shown that heavy social media use correlated with lower self-esteem and higher rates of depression and anxiety. While likes aren’t the only factor, they do play a role for some users.

Platforms That Offer Ways to Hide Like Counts

In response to these concerns, some major platforms have released tools to conceal like counts:

Platform Like Count Hiding Feature
Instagram “Hide Like Counts” option removes public like counts from your feed and your profile page
Facebook “Hide Like and Reaction Counts” prevents others from seeing how many likes/reactions your posts get
Twitter No native option, but third-party tools like TweetDelete let you hide public like counts
YouTube “Hide Likes Count” makes number of likes on videos private

These give users more control over their experience if they want to avoid the pressures of like counts. Platforms have approached it differently – some remove the metric completely, while others just make it private.

How to Turn Off Like Counts on Major Platforms

Here are step-by-step instructions to hide like counts on some popular sites:


1. Go to your profile and tap the three-line menu button in the top right
2. Select “Settings”
3. Choose “Privacy”
4. Toggle on “Hide Like and View Counts”

This prevents others from seeing how many likes your posts receive. To hide like counts on your feed, tap the three dots above a post and select “Hide Like Count” under “Post Settings”.


1. Click the arrow in the top right and go to “Settings & Privacy”
2. Select “Settings”
3. Click “Privacy” on the left menu
4. Under “How people can find and contact you”, toggle “Hide Like and Reaction Counts” to the on position

This hides the number of likes and reactions your posts get from everyone except you. You can also hide like counts for a specific post by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the post and choosing “Hide Like and Reaction Counts”.


1. Open YouTube Studio
2. Go to Settings
3. Select Channel
4. Toggle on “Hide Likes Count” under “Interactions”

This will remove public like counts from all your YouTube videos. You can still see the data under YouTube Analytics.

Pros and Cons of Turning Off Like Counts

Hiding like counts has some potential benefits, but there are also drawbacks to consider:


  • May improve mental health and self-esteem
  • Reduces social comparison with others
  • Encourages focusing on meaningful content instead of vanity metrics
  • Levels the playing field so all voices can be heard


  • Removes key engagement and performance metric
  • Influencers rely on like counts to attract sponsors
  • Potentially allow misinformation to spread more easily without fact-checking
  • Limits creators’ ability to track what content resonates with audience

There are reasonable arguments on both sides. Each person needs to decide if the pros outweigh the cons based on their own social media use.

Other Ways to Improve Social Media Experience

In addition to hiding likes, here are some other tips to make social media less stressful:

– Unfollow accounts that trigger social comparison or negative feelings
– Limit overall time spent on social media each day
– Disable push notifications to avoid constant distraction
– Curate your feed to focus on uplifting content
– Schedule social media breaks to reset your mindset
– Seek support if you’re struggling with self-esteem related to social media


Major platforms now provide options to conceal public like counts in an effort to improve user wellbeing. This can eliminate some social pressure and comparison. However, it also comes with drawbacks like reduced metrics. Each person needs to weigh the pros and cons themselves. Hiding likes alone isn’t a cure-all, but can be one part of establishing a healthier relationship with social media when combined with other techniques. Moderation and self-awareness are key.