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Can you turn off Facebook Live option?

Can you turn off Facebook Live option?

Yes, it is possible to turn off the Facebook Live broadcasting option so that you cannot go live on Facebook. Facebook Live allows users to broadcast live video streams to their Facebook followers. While it can be a useful feature, some users may wish to disable it for privacy or other reasons.

Why Would You Want to Turn Off Facebook Live?

There are a few common reasons why someone might want to disable the Facebook Live feature:

  • Privacy – To prevent accidentally broadcasting live when you did not intend to. This avoids oversharing personal moments.
  • Limit Social Media Use – Removing the live option can help limit overall social media usage for some individuals trying to spend less time on platforms like Facebook.
  • Avoid Embarrassment – For users prone to oversharing, disabling live could prevent broadcasting content you later regret.
  • Security/Safety Concerns – Deactivating live may provide assurance that your real-time location or sensitive information cannot be accidentally revealed on a live broadcast.

Ultimately, the decision depends on your personal preferences and comfort level with having the Facebook Live tool enabled. For those wanting more control, turning off live streaming is simple to do.

How to Turn Off Facebook Live on Mobile

If you primarily use Facebook’s mobile app on your smartphone or tablet, here is how to disable Facebook Live:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your iOS or Android device
  2. Tap on the three line “hamburger” menu icon in the top right
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the menu
  4. Choose “Settings”
  5. Tap on “Facebook Live”
  6. Toggle the switch next to “Turn On Facebook Live” to the off position

With these steps complete, the Facebook Live option will be disabled and you will no longer have the ability to start a live broadcast from the Facebook mobile app.

How to Turn Off Facebook Live on Desktop

If you predominantly use Facebook on a desktop computer, here is how to turn off Facebook Live:

  1. Log into your Facebook account on a web browser
  2. Click on the down arrow in the top right and choose “Settings”
  3. Click on “Facebook Live” in the left sidebar
  4. Uncheck the box next to “Turn On Facebook Live”
  5. Click “Turn Off” in the popup confirmation window

This will disable the live streaming feature so the option no longer appears when posting updates. You will need to re-enable it using the same steps if you want to broadcast live video again in the future.

Does Turning Off Facebook Live Delete Past Streams?

No, turning off live streaming does not delete any previous Facebook Live videos you have broadcast. It simply removes the ability to start new live streams going forward. Any past live streams you’ve shared will still be available for replay on your Facebook page unless you choose to manually delete them.

Can You Control Who Sees Your Live Videos?

Yes, Facebook provides privacy settings to control the audience for your live broadcasts:

  • Public – Anyone can view your live video including people without a Facebook account.
  • Friends – Only your approved Facebook friends can see the live stream.
  • Specific friends or groups – Restrict visibility to only certain people or friend lists you select.
  • Only Me – Keep the live video private so that only you can view it.

You can set the privacy when first going live or change it after the fact for past broadcasts. This gives you flexibility in determining who can watch your Facebook Live streams.

Does Facebook Notify Contacts When You Go Live?

By default, Facebook will send notifications about your live stream to your followers and friends when you start broadcasting. This allows them to easily join your live video.

However, it is possible to disable notifications so you can broadcast live more privately:

  1. Tap the camera icon to start a new live video
  2. Tap “Advanced Settings”
  3. Toggle off “Notify Friends When You Go Live”

With notifications off, your live stream availability will be more discreet and unseen by many of your connections.

Can You Limit Who Can Comment on Your Live Videos?

Yes, Facebook allows you to moderate and limit commenting on your live broadcasts in the following ways:

  • Disable commenting – Turn off comments entirely so no one can comment during the live video.
  • Pre-approve comments – Require comments be approved by you before they are publicly visible to viewers.
  • Keyword filtering – Block comments containing specified words, phrases or profanity.
  • Ban or restrict users – Prevent specific people from commenting on your live videos based on your settings.

Using combinations of these moderation tools lets you maintain full control over the commenting experience on your Facebook Live broadcasts.

Can You Download Your Facebook Live Videos?

Yes, Facebook allows you to download copies of live videos you have shared, as well as any viewer comments made on them. Here is how to download your Facebook Live videos:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click “Videos”
  2. Click on the live video you want to download
  3. Click on the three dots “…” icon in the top right corner
  4. Select “Download Video”

The video file will then be saved to your computer or mobile device. You can also download just the video comments by clicking “Download Comments” instead.


Facebook Live can be a fun way to share experiences and engage your social media connections. However, if you prefer to avoid live broadcasting, disabling the tool is straightforward on both mobile and desktop. You maintain control over past live videos and can re-enable the feature in the future at any time. With Facebook’s privacy settings, you can also limit viewing and commenting on live streams based on your comfort level.

Some other key points to remember include:

  • Turning off live streaming does not affect previously shared live videos
  • You can control who sees your live videos and if notifications are sent
  • Commenting on live videos can be moderated and limited
  • Already broadcast live streams can be downloaded for offline access

Understanding these options allows you to customize Facebook Live to best match your personal preferences. While live streaming presents certain privacy and moderation challenges, the ability to download and tightly control audiences gives you more flexibility. Disabling Facebook Live also provides peace of mind that you cannot accidentally start broadcasting when you did not intend to. Adjust your settings accordingly based on your desired level of sharing and engagement vs. privacy on social platforms like Facebook.

Platform How to Turn Off Live Streaming
Facebook Mobile App Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Facebook Live > Toggle Off
Facebook Desktop Site Click Arrow > Settings > Facebook Live > Uncheck Box
Instagram Mobile App Go to Profile > Three Lines > Settings > Live > Toggle Off
YouTube Studio Dashboard Go Live Tab > Disable Stream Now
Twitter Mobile App Go to Profile > Three Dot Menu > Settings > General > Live Video > Toggle Off

This table summarizes how to disable live streaming across some of the top social media platforms that support broadcasting live video content. The general process typically involves accessing settings, locating the live streaming configuration, and then toggling the feature off. This removes the live option from your profile and prevents accidentally going live when you did not intend to.

Going Live on Other Platforms

In addition to Facebook, here is some information on managing live streaming capabilities on other popular social media apps:


You can disable Instagram Live streaming by going to your profile, clicking the three line menu icon, selecting “Settings”, then “Live”, and toggling “Live” off. This will prevent you from starting live broadcasts on Instagram.


On YouTube Studio, go to the “Go Live” tab and click “Disable stream now” to remove the option to start live streams. You can re-enable it any time. YouTube also allows test streams visible only to you.


In Twitter’s mobile app, go to your profile, click the three dot menu, choose “Settings”, go to “General”, then “Live video”, and toggle live streaming off. This will disable the live option on your Twitter profile.


TikTok has the “Go Live” option when posting a video, but there is currently no setting to permanently disable live streaming on your profile or disable notifications to followers.


On Twitch, you can disable live streaming by going into Creator Home > Settings > Channel and unchecking “Allow live streaming”. This will remove the ability to go live.


Snapchat does not yet have a native live streaming feature, but some brands use third-party tools like Snap Camera to live stream to Snapchat profiles.

Risks of Social Media Live Streaming

While live streaming allows for real-time engagement, there are also privacy, security and moderation risks to consider:

  • Difficult to delete embarrassing comments or footage in real-time
  • Harder to restrict who views live video compared to traditional posts
  • Enables oversharing personal information publicly
  • Can reveal your real-time location/environment
  • More potential for abusive comments from viewers
  • Technical issues like dropped streams or inappropriate hacks
  • Need dedicated moderation and monitoring to maintain safety

Understanding these risks allows you to keep a healthy skepticism of live streaming and properly configure privacy settings. Thoroughly disabling live video when not actively using the tool can provide greater protection and avoid scenarios like accidental broadcasting.

Broadcasting Responsibly

If you do choose to leverage Facebook Live and other real-time social video, here are some tips for staying safe and broadcasting responsibly:

  • Restrict your audience and use friends/follower-only access whenever appropriate.
  • Disable location tagging and be mindful of revealing personal details.
  • Actively moderate comments and immediately block abusive viewers.
  • Avoid displaying children or others without their express consent.
  • Keep backgrounds neutral to limit revealing sensitive info.
  • Have a way to immediately end a stream if issues arise.
  • Delete streams with problems and report harmful viewers.
  • Enforce platform rules and community guidelines.

Proactively managing audience, content and moderation when live streaming helps maintain your privacy and creates a safer environment for you and your viewers. As with all social media tools, understand both the benefits and risks before broadcasting to make informed decisions.

Facebook Live Data and Usage Statistics

Here are some interesting statistics around adoption and usage of Facebook Live:

  • Over 2 billion people use Facebook monthly, providing a large potential audience for live video.
  • Watch time for Facebook Live videos increased 4X year-over-year as of 2018.
  • 80% of Facebook Live broadcasts attracted comments from viewers.
  • The number of pages streaming live daily grew by over 65% in 2018.
  • Live video earns up to 6X more engagement than regular video content.
  • 21% of social media users say they have watched a Facebook Live video.
  • Retail brands see around 5-10X more engagement with live vs. pre-recorded video.

This data highlights the growing adoption of live-streaming both from content creators and consumers on platforms like Facebook. As usage expands, properly configuring settings remains important to retain control over this emerging social media tool.

The Bottom Line

Facebook Live provides a new way to interact with your friends and followers in real-time. But not everyone is comfortable broadcasting video publicly. Fortunately, you can easily disable Facebook Live at any time. This removes the option to go live while retaining privacy controls over existing streams.

Understanding settings around live video gives you greater flexibility in crafting the ideal social media experience. Enable streaming only when appropriate and proactively manage audience and moderation to maximize safety. Consider both the benefits and risks of live tools to make informed usage decisions.

Social platforms will continue enhancing live video with expanded features. But ultimately you get to choose how and when to incorporate live broadcasting based on your personal preferences. Disable or enable the option at any time and continue experimenting to find your comfort level.