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Can you transfer Facebook to Instagram?

Can you transfer Facebook to Instagram?

With over 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram and 2.9 billion monthly active users on Facebook, many people maintain accounts on both platforms. This leads to the common question – can you transfer Facebook posts to Instagram?

Can You Automatically Transfer Facebook Posts to Instagram?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to automatically transfer Facebook posts to Instagram. The two platforms are owned by the same parent company, Meta, but do not directly integrate in this manner. However, there are some workarounds you can use to essentially “transfer” Facebook content to Instagram.

Cross-Posting from Facebook to Instagram

The easiest method is to cross-post content from Facebook to Instagram. You can do this manually or by using a third-party app like Buffer. Here’s how cross-posting works:

  1. When creating a post on Facebook, tap on the “Share” button.
  2. Choose “Share to Other Apps.”
  3. Select Instagram from the options.
  4. Post the content to your connected Instagram account.

This will share the same post instantly from your Facebook account to your Instagram feed. The post will still live on both platforms.

Reposting Facebook Content to Instagram

Alternatively, you can manually repost content from Facebook to Instagram. Here’s how:

  1. On Facebook, navigate to the post you want to share.
  2. Download or screenshot the post image/video.
  3. Go to Instagram and upload the image/video as a new post.
  4. Make sure to credit the original Facebook source in the Instagram caption.

While reposting does not provide the same seamless cross-posting experience, it essentially transfers the content from Facebook to Instagram manually.

Are There Any Apps to Transfer Facebook to Instagram?

As mentioned above, apps like Buffer allow you to connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts. This enables automated cross-posting to both platforms simultaneously. Here are a few more apps that provide this functionality:

App Key Features
Hootsuite Schedule and auto-publish posts to Facebook and Instagram. Monitor mentions and comments.
MeetEdgar Recycle old social media content by rescheduling posts. Cross-post to Facebook and Instagram.
Planoly Visual social media planner with auto cross-posting. Analytics and collaboration tools.

The main benefit of using social media management apps is the ability to automatically cross-post content from Facebook to Instagram. This saves you time while still allowing you to essentially “transfer” posts between the platforms.

What About Transferring Facebook Posts to an Instagram Business Account?

Instagram business accounts have access to additional analytics and advertising capabilities. You can connect a Facebook business page to an Instagram business profile in order to cross-post content.

Here are the steps to connect Facebook and Instagram business accounts:

  1. Ensure you have an Instagram business profile, not a personal account.
  2. From Instagram Settings, select “Linked Accounts.”
  3. Tap “Connect Account” next to Facebook.
  4. Log into your Facebook business account when prompted.

Once connected, you can cross-post to your Instagram business profile directly from your Facebook business page. Any apps you use, like Buffer or Hootsuite, will also now automatically have access to post to your connected profiles.

What Content Transfers from Facebook to Instagram?

When cross-posting between Facebook and Instagram, not all content types will transfer directly. Here’s what transfers:

Content Type Transfers from Facebook to Instagram?
Photos Yes
Videos Yes (must be less than 1 minute)
Carousels Yes
Stories No
Reels No
Live Video No

Essentially, standard photo and video posts will cross-post successfully. But content exclusive to each platform, like Facebook Stories or Instagram Reels, will not transfer over.

Do Instagram Posts Transfer to Facebook?

Cross-posting does go both ways. When you connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts, you can also cross-post Instagram posts to your Facebook feed. The same content type rules apply:

  • Photos and short videos will cross-post successfully.
  • Instagram Stories and IGTV will not transfer to Facebook.

To cross-post Instagram posts to Facebook:

  1. When creating an Instagram post, tap the “Share to Other Apps” option.
  2. Select Facebook from the sharing options.
  3. Post the photo/video directly to your connected Facebook feed.

The Instagram post will now show up on Facebook as well, with attribution to your Instagram profile.

Should You Transfer Facebook Posts to Instagram?

Cross-posting Facebook content to Instagram can be beneficial in a few cases:

  • You have additional audience reach on Instagram.
  • You want to build your Instagram presence more quickly.
  • You have important content that should be on both platforms.

However, indiscriminately cross-posting all Facebook content to Instagram is not recommended. It could lead to redundancy, unclear brand messaging, and diminished engagement rates. Consider your goals and be selective about which content to cross-post.

Tips for Effective Cross-Posting:

  • Tailor posts to each platform’s style – more casual on Instagram.
  • Only cross-post your best, most engaging Facebook content.
  • Adapt captions for each platform’s audience while keeping core messaging consistent.
  • Analyze performance data to see which cross-posted content resonates best on Instagram.
  • Avoid cross-posting so much that it overwhelms your Instagram feed.

Pros of Transferring Facebook to Instagram

Cross-posting select Facebook content to Instagram can offer a few benefits:

  • Expanded reach: Grow your audience by exposing your content to new people.
  • Saves time: Cross-posting is faster than creating separate posts.
  • Maximizes resources: Get more mileage out of your top-performing content.
  • Provides consistency: Reinforce branding and messaging across platforms.

Cons of Transferring Facebook to Instagram

There are also a few drawbacks to keep in mind when transferring Facebook posts to Instagram:

  • Can seem redundant: Followers may disengage if they see repetitive content.
  • Differing platforms: Instagram has a different style and audience than Facebook.
  • Impersonal feeling: Cross-posted content can seem cold and distant.
  • Limited engagement: Heavily cross-posting provides fewer touchpoints for reactions and comments.

Optimal Cross-Posting Frequency

When cross-posting between Facebook and Instagram, finding the right balance is key. Post too infrequently, and you miss out on the benefits. Do it too often, and you risk annoying your followers.

According to research from Social Insider, the optimal cross-posting frequency for Facebook and Instagram is:

  • 1-2 times per day for profiles with less than 1,000 followers
  • 2-3 times per day for 1,000-10,000 followers
  • 3-4 times per day for more than 10,000 followers

This ensures you maximize reach while not overwhelming people’s feeds. Monitor your engagement analytics to fine-tune as needed.

Top Tips for Cross-Posting Facebook to Instagram

To succeed when transferring Facebook content to Instagram, keep these tips in mind:

  1. Cross-post your best, highest-quality content.
  2. Adapt wording and hashtags for each platform.
  3. Use relevant, complementary images for each post.
  4. Post at optimal times based on each platform’s analytics.
  5. Spread out your cross-posting throughout the day.
  6. Monitor performance to identify what content resonates best.
  7. Avoid cross-posting Stories or other platform-exclusive formats.

Risks of Transferring Facebook to Instagram

While cross-posting can provide benefits, it also carries some risks, such as:

  • Negative sentiment if cross-posting is too frequent.
  • Declining performance metrics if content is not tailored for each platform.
  • Missed opportunities by not crafting unique content for each channel.
  • Audience fatigue or unfollowing due to repetitive, irrelevant posts.

Mitigate these by carefully selecting content to cross-post, spacing out posts, and customizing captions. Monitor analytics closely for any declines.

Frequently Asked Questions About Transferring Facebook to Instagram

Can I automatically transfer all my Facebook posts to Instagram?

No, there is no native option to automatically transfer entire libraries of Facebook posts over to Instagram. You have to selectively cross-post.

How often should I cross-post between Facebook and Instagram?

1-4 times per day is ideal based on your follower count. Monitor analytics to avoid oversaturation.

Do Instagram posts show up on Facebook automatically?

No, you have to actively cross-post Instagram content over to your connected Facebook account for it to display there.

Can I cross-post Instagram Stories or IGTV videos to Facebook?

No, platform-exclusive formats like Stories do not transfer between Facebook and Instagram.

Is cross-posting to Facebook and Instagram bad?

It can be if done excessively. Judicious, tailored cross-posting can help expand reach. But avoid posting all content on both.


While you cannot automatically transfer entire Facebook histories to Instagram, selective cross-posting allows you to essentially “transfer” your best content between the platforms. This can maximize reach and reinforce branding, but should be done thoughtfully and sparingly. Use social media management tools to save time, but customize posts for each audience. With a strategic approach, transferring key Facebook posts to Instagram can be an effective tactic.