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Can you tell who blocked you on Facebook?

Can you tell who blocked you on Facebook?

It can be frustrating when you realize someone has blocked you on Facebook and you’re not sure who it was. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t directly notify you if someone blocks you. However, there are a few subtle clues you can look for to determine if someone has blocked you on Facebook.

Does Facebook notify you if someone blocks you?

No, Facebook does not directly notify or alert you if another user blocks you. They do this to protect privacy and prevent potential harassment or bullying if people knew definitively who blocked them. The person who blocked you will also not receive any notification that they’ve blocked you. From their end, it will just seem like you no longer exist on Facebook.

How to tell if someone blocked you on Facebook

Here are some signs that may indicate a Facebook friend or contact has blocked you:

  • Their profile and cover photos disappear
  • You can no longer see their posts or Stories
  • You are no longer friends with them or connected to them
  • Any comments you’ve made on their posts disappear
  • Your messages to them will show only one check mark and remain undelivered
  • You cannot start a new conversation or add them as a friend
  • You cannot tag them in photos or posts
  • You are no longer able to search for their profile

If one or more of these signs occur suddenly without any warning, it’s very likely that person has blocked you on Facebook. You’ll have to do a bit of sleuthing by going through your list of friends and trying to interact with different people to figure out exactly who blocked you if multiple people seem to be missing.

Things to keep in mind about Facebook blocks

Here are some key things to understand about how blocking works on Facebook:

  • You will not get an alert or notification of any kind if someone blocks you.
  • Your messages will go through from your end but will be automatically blocked from reaching the other person.
  • Any tags, invites, or interaction attempts from you will be hidden from the person who blocked you.
  • Friends you have in common will not be notified or alerted either.
  • Messages, tags, and notifications will reappear if the person later unblocks you.
  • You can still interact normally with mutual friends if someone has blocked you.
  • You will not be notified if and when someone unblocks you later on.

In summary, the block feature is designed to be subtle yet effective at cutting off contact. The only way to really know if someone has blocked you is through the absence of access and communication with that person.

Why would someone block me on Facebook?

There are a few main reasons why someone might make the choice to block you on Facebook:

  • They want to cut off all contact and communication with you
  • They find your posts or interactions annoying or irrelevant
  • They want to avoid seeing your updates and activity
  • There was an argument, disagreement or falling out between you
  • You’ve over-messaged them or crossed personal boundaries
  • They are cutting ties after ending a relationship
  • They have moved on from a friendship or relationship
  • You have differing political views or social opinions

In most cases, blocking happens after some conflict, irritation or gradual disinterest in maintaining a connection. It’s unlikely to happen abruptly out of nowhere, unless the person is doing a mass “purge” of their contacts or friends list.

What happens when you block someone on Facebook?

Here is what happens when you block another user on Facebook:

  • All messages from you will be blocked and hidden from their inbox
  • They will not receive notifications for any tags, posts, or interactions from you
  • Any posts you’ve made on their profile or content will be hidden
  • You will be removed from their friends list and they cannot search for or view your profile
  • They will not be able to start a new conversation or interact with you
  • You both may still have mutual friends in common
  • If they visit a mutual friend’s profile, your comments and posts will be visible
  • Group posts involving both of you will still be visible to mutual connections

In effect, blocking prevents the blocked person from contacting you or seeing your profile and activity. However, it does not completely eliminate traces of each other in common social spheres on Facebook.

How to determine exactly who blocked you

It can be tricky to pinpoint exactly which of your contacts or friends has blocked you on Facebook. Here are some steps you can take to narrow it down:

  1. Try searching for the profile of the person you think may have blocked you – if you get zero results, that’s a clear sign.
  2. Go through your main friends list and look for missing profile photos – this indicates they blocked you.
  3. Check your messages to see whose recent ones show only a single check mark and remain undelivered.
  4. Try tagging various friends in posts – anyone who never interacts or likes the tag likely blocked you.
  5. Scan through comments you’ve left on friends’ posts – if some have disappeared, they may have blocked you.
  6. Look for missing reactions and engagement on your posts from specific people who used to interact.

Using these clues, you can confirm who blocked you by a process of elimination. It may take some time, but you can usually narrow it down to identify the person or people who have blocked you on Facebook.

Can you recover or undo a Facebook block?

There are a couple of options if you want to recover from or undo someone blocking you on Facebook:

  • Wait it out – Sometimes blocks are temporary. If it was a minor argument, give it some time and check back in a few weeks to see if it’s reversed.
  • Reach out off of Facebook – You can try contacting the person who blocked you through another channel like phone, email or mutual friends to work things out.
  • Send an appeal – If you think the block was an accident or unfair, you can try sending an appeal to Facebook directly.
  • Create a new account – Make a new Facebook account not associated with your name or info and try to contact or view the blocker’s profile from it.
  • Wait for them to unblock you – If the block was just meant to send a message, eventually the person may lift it and restore your access.

However, there is no guarantee that any blocked account can be recovered. If the person does not wish to contact you again, the block is permanent unless they choose to remove it themselves.

Best practices for avoiding blocks

Here are some tips to avoid being blocked on Facebook:

  • Respect other people’s privacy and boundaries online.
  • Don’t spam friends with too many messages or notifications.
  • Avoid controversial religious, political or social posts if connections are sensitive.
  • Don’t escalate or prolong arguments – agree to disagree respectfully.
  • Limit tags and mentions to relevant contexts where they make sense.
  • If someone seems irritated with you, give them space and avoid pressuring them.
  • Don’t take blocks personally – focus on those who want to connect.

Following basic etiquette on social media can go a long way in avoiding blocks. Be thoughtful in your interactions and don’t overwhelm others. If someone does block you, your best recourse is to move on and connect with more receptive friends.


Being blocked on Facebook can feel disheartening, especially if you don’t know who did it. While Facebook doesn’t directly reveal who blocked you, there are ways to deduce who it was through small clues on your profile and feed. In most cases, blocks result from relationship issues or privacy concerns from the other user. While you can try to appeal a block, you may just have to accept it and focus on your other connections. With care and respect for others’ boundaries, you can maintain positive relations that make blocking unlikely.