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Can you tell if your comment has been hidden on Facebook?

Can you tell if your comment has been hidden on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to post comments on posts, pages, photos, videos, and other content. However, sometimes a user’s comment may be hidden by the page admin or moderator without the user’s knowledge. So how can you tell if one of your comments has been hidden on Facebook? Here are some ways to check if your comment is visible to others or has been hidden.

Check the Comments Section

The most straightforward way is to simply check the comments section where you posted your comment. Load the post, photo, or video where you left a comment and look through the other comments. If your comment is missing, then it has likely been hidden by the admin or moderator.

However, this doesn’t work if the post has a lot of comments. Your comment could be buried or hidden from your view but still visible to others. So you’ll need to take additional steps to confirm if your comment has been hidden.

Log Out and Check as Visitor

When you are logged into your Facebook account, you are able to see all the comments you have posted, even if they have been hidden from the public view. So log out of your account and try viewing the post as a visitor or someone else not logged into Facebook.

If your comment is now missing, it means the admin or moderator has hidden it and it is no longer publicly visible or searchable. This method clearly shows if your comment has been blocked from public view.

Use Another Account to Check

Similarly, you can use another Facebook account that you have access to in order to check the visibility of your comment. For example, log into a friend’s account and navigate to the post where you left a comment. See if your comment is visible there or has been hidden.

This serves the same purpose as logging out and viewing the post as a visitor. The advantage is you don’t have to go through the process of logging in and out of accounts.

Ask a Friend to Check

Reach out to a Facebook friend or follower who you know has access to the post and can view the comments. Ask them to check if they can see your comment or not. Having someone else confirm if your comment is visible or hidden is one of the most reliable ways to check.

Try Commenting Again

If your initial comment was hidden, try posting a new comment on the same post. Use different wording than your original comment.

If your new comment goes through and is visible, it indicates your original comment was most likely hidden by the admin or moderator. However, if the new comment also doesn’t appear, you may be blocked from commenting on that page entirely.

Check Notification Settings

Facebook notifies users when their comment gets liked, replied to, or the author of the original post interacts with it. If your comment has been hidden, you will stop receiving notifications related to that comment.

So if you’ve suddenly stopped getting notifications for a comment you left earlier, it’s quite likely that the comment has been hidden from public view.

TrySearching for Your Comment

Use Facebook’s search bar to try and search for your comment text specifically. If your comment doesn’t show up in the search results, it means your comment is no longer visible to anyone else on Facebook.

However, this method only works if your comment text was unique or distinct enough to show up in a search. Generic comments like “Nice pic!” won’t necessarily surface in search results.

Use Facebook Comment Search Tools

There are some third party Facebook tools and browser extensions you can use to search for your comments more easily. For example:

– Social Searcher – Browser extension to search all your Facebook content
– Instant Search Pro – Search all your Facebook history and activity

These tools allow searching your entire Facebook history and activity for a specific comment. If your comment doesn’t show up, even after using these search tools, it means the comment is no longer publicly visible.

Check Email Notifications from Facebook

When your comment gets significant activity like likes and replies, Facebook may send you an email notification. If you stop receiving email updates about a specific comment you left, it could indicate the comment has been hidden.

However, Facebook doesn’t email you about every single interaction on your comments. So this isn’t a fully reliable method to check if your comment has been hidden.

Why Would Your Comment be Hidden?

There are a few reasons why a Facebook page admin or moderator may hide your comment from public view:

– Your comment violated the Facebook Community Standards or page rules. For example, hate speech, threats of violence, nudity etc.

– Your comment was reported as being offensive, abusive or spam by other users.

– The page admin or moderator simply disagreed with your comment or found it irrelevant to the discussion.

– You posted the comment on a page that you are banned or blocked from interacting with.

– Your comment included prohibited advertising, marketing or promotional content.

– You were engaging in deliberate trolling or inciting reactions through your comment.

If you find your comment has been hidden for any of these reasons, it’s best not to attempt reposting it or engaging in further discussion on that page. Doing so could get your account suspended or banned by Facebook.

What Happens When Your Comment is Hidden?

When a Facebook page admin or moderator hides your comment, here is what happens:

– The comment is no longer visible to anyone except you. Other users won’t be able to see it.

– The comment stops appearing in the comments section of the post chronologically.

– The comment will not show up when others search for it.

– Any likes, replies or reactions to your comment will also be hidden.

– You will stop getting notifications about any new activity on the hidden comment.

– The link to the comment will lead to a ‘content not found’ page for others.

So essentially, hiding a comment removes it completely from public view on Facebook. But the comment still exists in Facebook’s database and is visible to you from your account.

Can You Unhide a Hidden Comment?

Unfortunately, regular users can’t unhide a comment once it has been hidden by a page admin or moderator. Only the person who hid your comment has the ability to unhide it and make it public again.

You can try politely reaching out to the page admin via private message or email and request them to unhide your comment. Explain that you didn’t realize the comment went against their rules or community standards. But there is no guarantee they will comply with your request.

Ultimately, the page admin has full discretion when it comes to moderating comments on their Facebook page. If they choose to keep your comment hidden, you will have to accept that decision.

How to Avoid Getting Your Comments Hidden

To reduce the chances of having your comments hidden by Facebook page admins, follow these tips:

– Carefully read the page rules and community guidelines before commenting. Don’t post anything that violates these.

– Stick to commenting on the actual topic or post content instead of leaving irrelevant remarks.

– Be respectful and thoughtful when posting comments. Don’t troll, attack others or use offensive language.

– Avoid spamming the same comment repeatedly or making disturbing/controversial statements just to get attention.

– Don’t post promotional content or links to sales/offers without permission from the page owner.

– Report any offensive comments you see instead of responding with equal toxicity.

– Don’t call out or insult the page admin directly if you disagree with their post.

Following these Facebook comment etiquette rules will ensure your views are heard without getting your comments hidden.


Having a Facebook comment hidden can be frustrating, especially if it was a thoughtful contribution to the discussion. The key is to check the visibility of your comment through different methods outlined above. There are various reasons why admins may hide comments, so try to avoid these pitfalls in the future. While you can’t directly control it, you can reduce the chances of your comments being hidden by posting respectfully and following page guidelines.