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Can you tell if someone unfriended you on Facebook?

Can you tell if someone unfriended you on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion monthly active users. With so many connections, it’s common for people to unfriend or unfollow others periodically. But unlike other platforms like Instagram or Twitter, Facebook doesn’t notify you if someone unfriends you. So how can you tell if someone has unfriended you on Facebook? There are a few ways to figure it out.

Check Your Friends List

The most straightforward way is to check your friends list and see if the person still appears there. To view your friends list on desktop:

  1. Click on your profile icon in the top right
  2. Select “Friends” from the dropdown menu
  3. Scroll through your list of friends to see if the person still appears

On mobile:

  1. Tap on the Menu icon (three horizontal lines)
  2. Tap “Friends”
  3. Scroll down your list of friends to see if the person is still there

If they’ve unfriended you, they’ll no longer show up on your friends list. One caveat is that if you have thousands of Facebook friends, it can be easy to miss someone unfriending you. So this method works best if you have a relatively small friends list or you know specifically who you want to check on.

Check Mutual Friends

Another way to see if someone has unfriended you is to look at your mutual friends list with that person. To do this:

  1. Go to their Facebook profile
  2. Scroll down and click on “Mutual Friends”
  3. See if the number of mutual friends has decreased

Typically, if someone unfriends you, your number of mutual friends will go down. If you no longer have any mutual friends with the person, that’s a strong indicator they’ve unfriended you.

Look for Recent Posts

If someone has unfriended you, you may notice that their posts and profile updates no longer show up in your News Feed. So if you haven’t seen any activity from someone recently when you normally did, there’s a good chance they’ve unfriended or blocked you.

However, this method isn’t foolproof. If the person doesn’t post often, you may not notice their absence from your feed. And Facebook’s algorithm determines what shows up in your News Feed, so even if someone hasn’t unfriended you, their posts could get buried.

Try Visiting Their Profile Anonymously

Here is a little trick to find out if someone has unfriended or blocked you:

  1. Open an incognito or private browser window
  2. Go to Facebook and search for the person’s profile
  3. See what shows up and what you have access to

If you can see the person’s public profile and posts normally, they haven’t blocked or unfriended you. But if it says “Content unavailable” or you can’t see any of their posts, that likely means you’ve been unfriended or blocked.

This method works because Facebook’s privacy settings hide certain content from people who aren’t friends. By viewing their profile logged out, you can get an idea of what your status is with them.

Use a Browser Extension

There are a few browser extensions like Who Deleted Me and Social Book Post Manager that will actually notify you if someone unfriends or blocks you on Facebook.

These extensions monitor changes in your friends list and mutual friends to detect if someone has unfriended you. They’ll then send you a notification or email alerting you of the change.

Some extensions can even show you exactly when the person unfriended you, so you have timestamped proof. These tools provide the most definitive way to know if you’ve been unfriended, versus you having to manually figure it out.

Check Your Messages

If someone has unfriended or blocked you on Facebook, it will affect your ability to contact them on Messenger. When you try to send a message to someone who has unfriended you, it will say something like “Message Undeliverable” or “Couldn’t send message.”

If you try to start a new message thread with someone who has blocked you, you may see an error saying you’re unable to message this person. So if you suddenly can’t message someone anymore, it likely means you’ve been unfriended or blocked.

Look for Facebook’s Active Status

The Facebook mobile app shows an “active” status indicator when friends are currently online. If you’ve noticed someone used to show as active frequently, but now their active status has disappeared, they may have unfriended you.

When someone unfriends or blocks someone on Facebook, that person can no longer see their active status indicator. So their active status disappearing from your app can be a sign you’ve been unfriended.

However, this isn’t 100% reliable as people can disable the active status indicator. So if it’s suddenly gone, it may raise suspicion but doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been unfriended.

Ask a Mutual Friend

If you really want to know if someone has unfriended you, one way to find out for sure is to ask a mutual friend. Have one of your mutual friends on Facebook check if the person is still friends with them or not.

If they are still friends on Facebook with the mutual connection, but they’ve disappeared from your friends list, it’s safe to assume you’ve been unfriended. Just keep in mind this tactic could seem a little confrontational or awkward.


Being unfriended on Facebook can be disappointing, but it happens fairly often. If you’re wondering whether it’s happened to you, there are a number of ways to check, from monitoring your friends list to using browser extensions. Just remember that unfriending doesn’t always mean anything personal – people’s Facebook habits change over time as circumstances in their lives change. With 2 billion users, unfriending is bound to occur. Don’t take it too personally and consider reaching out to the person to find out why.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook notify you when someone unfriends you?

No, Facebook does not notify you if someone unfriends or blocks you. The only way to know is through the methods mentioned above.

What happens when someone unfriends you on Facebook?

When someone unfriends you on Facebook, you are no longer connected as friends on the platform. You will no longer see their posts, pictures, or updates in your News Feed. Likewise, they will not see any of your activity and posts.

Can you tell who views your Facebook profile?

No, there is no way to see who specifically views your Facebook profile or posts. Facebook removed this feature several years ago. Third-party apps that claim to track profile views are also inaccurate.

What does it mean when a Facebook friend disappears?

If a Facebook friend seems to disappear from your friends list or you can no longer see their profile content, it likely means they either unfriended you or blocked you. Their posts and information are no longer visible to you.

Can someone unfriend you without you knowing?

Yes, when someone unfriends or blocks you on Facebook, you are generally not notified. The only way to know for sure is by proactively checking your friends list or mutual friends. So it is easy for someone to unfriend you without you immediately finding out.

Key Takeaways

  • Facebook does not notify you if someone unfriends you – you have to figure it out
  • Ways to tell if unfriended: check your friends list, mutual friends, News Feed activity, send a message, and use browser extensions
  • If someone disappears from your friend list or you can’t see their profile, they likely unfriended you
  • Asking mutual friends is one way to confirm, but can be awkward
  • Don’t take unfriending too personally – people’s habits change over time