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Can you tell if someone blocked you on Messenger?

Can you tell if someone blocked you on Messenger?

Facebook Messenger has become one of the most popular messaging platforms, with over 1.3 billion monthly active users. With that many users, it’s common to wonder if someone has blocked you on Messenger.

There are a few signs that can help you figure out if someone blocked you on Messenger. In this article, we’ll go over how to tell if someone blocked you on Facebook Messenger.

How Messenger blocking works

When you block someone on Messenger, it prevents them from starting new conversations with you or continuing existing message threads. You won’t receive any new messages from a blocked user.

Blocking on Messenger is one-sided. When you block someone, they can still send messages, but you won’t see them. The blocked person is not notified and may not realize they’ve been blocked.

Here’s a quick overview of how blocking works on Messenger:

  • You can block users in existing conversations or from a user’s profile
  • Blocked users can no longer message you or add you to group conversations
  • Your messages to a blocked user will remain in their inbox, but they will not see your messages
  • Blocked users are not notified they have been blocked
  • You can unblock users at any time to resume messaging

Ways to tell if you’ve been blocked on Messenger

There is no definitive notification that you’ve been blocked by someone on Messenger. The platform is designed this way intentionally to avoid confrontations about blocking. However, there are some strong indicators that suggest you’ve been blocked.

1. One-sided conversations

The most obvious sign is when you send multiple messages that go unanswered. If you see one-sided conversations where your messages have been delivered but you get no responses, that indicates you may be blocked.

Keep in mind that just because a message is delivered doesn’t guarantee the person has seen it. They may have just not logged into Messenger. But if you’ve sent several messages over days or weeks with no reply, that’s a red flag.

2. Messages go from Sent to Delivered only

In Messenger, when you send a new message you’ll see the status change from “Sent” to “Delivered” when the recipient gets the message. If your messages only ever show “Delivered” and never change to “Read,” this may mean you’ve been blocked.

However, the recipient may have also turned off read receipts in their Messenger settings. So this alone doesn’t confirm blocking.

3. You’re removed from group chats

If you realize you’ve been removed from group chats that include a certain person, they may have blocked you. When you block someone, they get removed from any shared group conversations automatically.

Of course, there are other reasons you could have been removed from a group chat. But if you notice a pattern of getting kicked out of groups involving the same person, that’s a clue.

4. Your profile photo disappears

In Messenger conversations, you can see a tiny profile photo next to each user’s name. If you notice your profile photo is missing from a chat, specifically for one user, this can indicate you’re blocked.

When you block someone, their profile photo disappears from the conversation on your end. So if others see your photo missing, you’ve likely been blocked.

5. Some messages fail to send

If your messages fail to send specifically to one person, but you can message other friends, it’s possible you’re blocked. Blocked users may see an error saying “Couldn’t send message.”

Keep in mind messages can fail to send for other reasons like network errors. But if it only happens for one contact, blocking could be the issue.

6. You can’t start new conversations

Another sign is if you try starting a new Messenger conversation with someone and it fails, but you can message other friends. Blocked users can’t start new message threads, so this may indicate you’ve been blocked.

Again, technical errors can also prevent new conversations, so this alone isn’t 100% proof of blocking.

7. The user disappears from your contacts

If someone disappears entirely from your Messenger contacts or friend list, that’s a strong sign you may have been blocked. Of course, it could also mean they deleted their account.

But if all other signs point to blocking and now you can’t even find their profile on Messenger, they likely blocked you.

Other possible explanations

While the signs above may indicate you’ve been blocked, there are some other reasons you may see similar behavior on Messenger:

  • Technical issues like network errors, bugs, glitches
  • The user disabled their account or deleted Facebook
  • Your account was temporarily banned or restricted
  • You or the other user has notifications turned off
  • Poor internet connection on either end
  • The user has you muted or unfollowed you

So while being blocked is one explanation, make sure to rule out other possibilities first. The only way to know definitively is to ask the user directly.

Can you tell precisely who blocked you?

There is no feature on Messenger that shows exactly who has blocked you. You only get indicators like one-sided conversations that suggest blocking.

Some third-party apps claim to show you who blocked you on Messenger. However, these apps cannot directly access block data, so any results may be inaccurate.

Officially, the only way to confirm who blocked you is to ask them. Messaging the user to ask is the most direct method. If they confirm they blocked you, at least you’ll know.

What happens when you block someone on Messenger?

If you decide to block another user on Messenger, here are some key things that will happen:

  • They will no longer be able to message you or add you to group conversations
  • Any current conversations will no longer show their messages to you
  • You will both be removed from any shared Messenger groups
  • Your messages will remain visible in their inbox, but they won’t see new messages
  • The user will not be notified they are blocked
  • You can still unblock them at any time

Essentially, blocking prevents all new communication from that user reaching you. But the block is invisible from their side.

Should you tell someone they are blocked?

Since Messenger doesn’t notify users when they’ve been blocked, it can be unclear whether letting them know is appropriate. There are pros and cons to telling someone directly that you’ve blocked them.

Reasons to tell someone you blocked them:

  • It provides closure and an explanation for your lack of response
  • Prevents them from continually messaging you without a reply
  • Lets them know their behavior caused this outcome
  • Gives them a chance to apologize or change their actions

Reasons not to tell someone they are blocked:

  • Adds unnecessary confrontation or drama
  • May provoke them to try contacting you in other ways
  • They may demand details or reasons for blocking
  • Allows them to try manipulating you to reverse the block

In general, telling someone directly should be reserved for cases where healthy communication may resolve any issues. In cases of harassment or abuse, it may be wise not to provide any opening for further contact.

How to unblock someone on Messenger

If you change your mind, it’s easy to unblock a user on Messenger and resume messaging. Here are the steps:

  1. Open your Facebook app and tap the More tab (three-line menu)
  2. Go to Settings & Privacy > Blocking
  3. Tap See All to view your list of blocked users
  4. Find the user you want to unblock and tap Unblock

This will remove the block so they can message you again as normal. You can also go to a user’s profile and tap “Unblock” to reverse a block.


Being blocked on Messenger can be inconvenient and confusing, but there are ways to determine if it happened. Look for one-sided conversations, failed messages, and removal from group chats as clues. While you can’t definitively see who blocked you, reaching out to the user directly can confirm if they did.

Blocking exists to prevent unwanted conversations and harassment. So think carefully before reversing a block without an understanding of why it happened. With over 1 billion users, blocking will remain a necessary tool to manage interactions on Messenger.