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Can you tell if a Facebook account is private?

Can you tell if a Facebook account is private?

Yes, there are a few ways to tell if a Facebook account is private or public. When viewing someone’s profile, there are certain indicators that can help determine if their account is set to private.

Profile Picture

One of the first things to check on a Facebook profile is the profile picture. If you can see the person’s profile picture clearly, it means their account is likely set to public. However, if their profile picture is obscured or blurred out, that’s a strong sign their account is set to private.

Facebook intentionally blurs out the profile pictures of private accounts as a visual cue that the person has increased privacy settings. The blurring prevents people who are not friends with the user from seeing their photo and identifying them.

Wall Posts

Another indicator is the ability to see the person’s wall posts. Wall posts include their own status updates, shared content, and posts from friends on their timeline.

If you can scroll through and read the person’s wall freely, it means their account is public. However, if you try to read their posts and see messages indicating the content is not accessible, it means their wall settings are likely set to private.

Friends List

Checking if you can see the person’s friends list is another sign of a public or private account. If you are able to browse their full list of friends, it means their account has public visibility.

On a private account, you will not be able to access their friends list at all. You may see a limited number of mutual friends in common, but you won’t see all of their connections.

Photos and Videos

The ability to see someone’s uploaded photos and videos can also indicate if their profile is public or private. If you can freely scroll through and view all their content, it means their account has public visibility.

However, on a private account, you will have limited access to photos and videos. Trying to browse through their content will show messages that you cannot view this content due to the privacy settings.

About Info

Checking the about section of someone’s profile can provide clues about their account privacy as well. If you can read their full bio info, work and education history, relationship status, and other personal details, it indicates a public setting.

For private accounts, some bio info may be displayed, but accessing their full about section will show restrictions due to increased privacy controls. Any info designated as viewable by “Friends Only” will be inaccessible.

Shared Content

If someone has shared posts, links, or videos to their Facebook wall, viewing this content provides visibility into their privacy settings. If you can access and view all their shared content fully, it means their account is public.

However, private accounts will show restrictions on shared content from the posting user and others. You will see messages that the content cannot be accessed or only viewable by the user’s friends.


Searching for the person’s name or username on Facebook can also indicate if their account is private or public. If you can easily find and access their profile through search, it means their account has public visibility.

For private accounts, Facebook search results will not display their profile information at all. Their name and profile content will not come up in searches if the account is fully private.

Friend Request Button

The ability to send a friend request to the person shows if their account is public or private. On a public profile, you will see the standard Add Friend button.

However, on private accounts, the Add Friend button will be replaced with a message indicating the action is unavailable due to the user’s privacy settings. You cannot send requests to accounts with private visibility.

Page Follow Button

If the person is a public figure, celebrity, or has a Facebook page you may see a Follow Page button. The presence of this button indicates a public account, since liking pages requires public visibility.

Conversely, if you try to follow their page and see messages about restrictions, it suggests increased privacy on their personal profile and accounts.

Making Your Account Private

If you want to make your own Facebook account private, here are the steps:

  1. Click the arrow in the top right and go to Settings & Privacy > Settings
  2. Click on the Privacy tab in the left menu
  3. Under the Privacy heading, click on Privacy Shortcuts
  4. Toggle your account to Only Me or Friends for all the different privacy settings
  5. Click Close and confirm the changes

Making these updates will restrict your profile, posts, friends list, photos, videos, and other content to be viewable only by you or your confirmed friends.


Checking profile pictures, posts, friends lists, photos, searches, and friend/follow buttons can indicate if a Facebook account has private or public visibility. Blurred images, limited content views, and unavailable actions like sending requests or following pages signify a private profile with increased security settings.

With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook allows flexibility in privacy options. While public profiles allow maximum sharing and open visibility, private accounts limit access to authorized friends only. Understanding the signs of private profiles gives users control over their digital presence.

Whether public for maximizing connections or private for limiting unknown access, the choice comes down to personal preference. But the indicators provided here allow determining if that cute stranger, potential date, or new online friend keeps their Facebook profile open to the public web or to an exclusive approved circle.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some signs an account is private?

Signs of a private Facebook account include a blurred or obscured profile photo, inability to view posts or wall content, limited or restricted access to friends lists and photos/videos, unavailability of search results for the person’s name or username, and inability to send a friend request or follow their page.

Can I tell if an account is private without sending a friend request?

Yes, there are several ways to identify if an account is private without sending a friend request, such as checking if you can see their friends list, view photos/videos, read wall posts, or find their profile through a Facebook search.

What happens if I try to friend request someone with a private account?

If you try to send a friend request to someone with a private Facebook account, you will see a message that the action is unavailable due to the user’s privacy settings. You cannot send requests to accounts with private visibility.

Can I see posts from a private account that I’m tagged in?

If someone with a private account tags you in a post, you will be able to see that post in your own Timeline or feed. However, others will not be able to view that post on the private account’s wall without approved friend status.

How do I make my own Facebook profile private?

To make your Facebook account private, go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Privacy and set all options like posts, friends list, photos, info, etc. to Only Me or Friends Only. Toggle each setting individually toFriends or Only Me for maximum privacy.

Table of Privacy Indicators

Indicator Public Account Signs Private Account Signs
Profile Picture Clear, visible picture Blurred or obscured picture
Wall Posts All posts visible Restricted post visibility
Friends List Full list accessible Limited or no access
Photos/Videos All content viewable Limited content access
About Info Full bio and details visible Limited bio information
Shared Content All shared content accessible Restrictions on shared content
Searchability Profile appears in searches Profile does not show in searches
Friend Request Add Friend button available Friend request unavailable
Page Follow Follow Page option available Cannot follow their Page

This table summarizes the main indicators that distinguish public vs private Facebook account visibility and settings.

Identifying Private Accounts on Facebook

Facebook’s widespread use and broad platform of features allows flexibility in how users showcase and restrict account information. The company offers customizable privacy options to enable desired visibility.

Checking profile photos, posts, friends lists, images, videos, bio sections, shared content, searchability, friend requests, and page follows provides clues into an account’s privacy status.

Blurring, obscurity, limited views, unavailable actions, and restrictions indicate a private profile. Clear visibility, full access, and active buttons signal a public presence.

Understanding the nuances takes the guesswork out of determining if that intriguing profile is open to everyone or just an exclusive friend group. Users can then tailor connecting, interacting, or viewing habits appropriately.

While public accounts maximize transparency for building connections, private profiles allow selectivity. The choice depends on personal preferences and privacy needs. But the signs detailed here empower users with knowledge to discern Facebook account visibility at a glance.

The Takeaway

Check profile photos, posts, friends lists, media content, bio info, searchability, and available actions to detect if a Facebook account is private or public. Restricted visibility and limited access signify increased privacy settings and approved friend status needed to view full profile details.