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Can you take something out of the trash on Facebook?

Can you take something out of the trash on Facebook?

On Facebook, when you delete a post, photo, or other content, it gets moved to the Trash folder for 30 days before being permanently deleted. During this time, you can retrieve items from the Trash if you change your mind. However, there are a few caveats to keep in mind.

What happens when you delete something on Facebook?

When you delete a post, photo, page, group, or other content you’ve shared on Facebook, it doesn’t immediately disappear from existence. Instead, Facebook moves the deleted item to your Trash folder, which holds items for 30 days before permanently deleting them.

The Trash works like a recycling bin. It gives you a grace period to repost or restore anything you may have deleted accidentally or that you later decide you want to keep.

The 30-day window gives you time to rescue any cherished photos or important information you regret eliminating. However, after 30 days, deleted content is permanently removed and can no longer be retrieved.

Can you recover deleted Facebook content from the Trash?

Yes, in most cases, you can take items out of the Facebook Trash and restore them during the 30-day holding period. To do so:

  1. Go to your Facebook profile and click on the Menu icon in the top right.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click “Settings.”
  3. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar.
  4. Select “View next to Trash” to see your deleted content.
  5. Find the item(s) you want to restore and click the “Restore” button next to it.

This will move the content back to its original location on your profile or Page. You can also bulk restore multiple deleted items at once if you change your mind about mass-deleting content.

However, there are a couple exceptions where deleted content can’t be retrieved:

– Marketplace listings – Deleted Marketplace listings can’t be restored. You’ll need to create a new listing instead.
– Deleted by someone else – If content you posted was deleted by someone else (like a Page admin or the parent of a minor), you can’t restore it. Only the original deleting user can.

What happens after 30 days in the Trash?

Facebook permanently deletes all content that remains in the Trash after 30 days. Once this happens:

– The content is completely removed from Facebook’s servers.
– It can no longer be recovered or restored by anyone.
– Any links to the deleted content will no longer work.
– There is no way to retrieve it through any means.

Facebook designed this system to give users a second chance at saving content they regret deleting while also limiting how long deleted data persists in their systems.

So if you want to reclaim an item from the Trash, it’s important to do so within the 30-day cutoff. Otherwise, it will be gone for good.

Does deleting Facebook content fully erase it?

No, deleting content from your Facebook profile does not immediately purge it from existence. When you delete something, Facebook retains a backup copy in its systems for the 30-day Trash period.

It is only after content has been in the Trash for over 30 days that Facebook permanently scrubs it from its servers. They state this process may take up to 90 days to fully complete.

So while recovering recently deleted content is possible during the 30-day window, keep in mind that Facebook still maintains copies of it for a period of time before it is completely erased.

Can other people see if I’ve deleted something?

In most cases, other users cannot see that you have deleted Facebook content. For example, if you delete a post from your Timeline, it simply disappears from your profile to other viewers. The only indication it’s deleted is that the post is moved to your Trash folder.

However, there are a couple cases where deletions are more visible:

– Deleted comments – If you delete a comment you made on someone else’s post, it is replaced with a notice saying “Comment Removed.”
– Removed tags – Deleting a tag removing yourself from a photo or post leaves behind a “Person Removed” placeholder.

In groups, event pages, and other collaborative spaces, admins may also receive notices about deleted content. But regular users generally cannot tell if you’ve personally deleted something from your profile or feed. The content simply vanishes from their view.

Can you delete other people’s content?

You cannot remove anything directly posted by another user, even if it appears on your own Timeline. Only the original poster can delete their own content.

However, as a Page admin or group owner, you can delete:

– Comments others made on your Page or in your group
– Items others posted in your group as the group admin
– Posts others tag you in as the Page admin
– Photo tags of you added by others on your Page

But for content directly shared on other users’ personal profiles, you cannot remove or delete anything, only the original poster can. You can, however, hide the content from your own view.

What about deleting private messages?

When you delete a message you sent to another Facebook user via Messenger, it disappears from your inbox and their inbox as well. However, you can only delete your own outgoing messages, not ones received from other users.

Deleted messages move to the Trash folders of both parties for 30 days, during which either person can restore them. After 30 days, the messages are permanently deleted.

So if you accidentally deleted a message you want to keep, make sure to rescue it from the Trash within a month.

Can you delete your Facebook account?

Yes, you can choose to permanently delete your entire Facebook account if you no longer wish to use the platform. This will remove all your profile information, photos, posts, and other account data.

To delete your account:

1. Click the account menu in the top right corner.
2. Select “Settings & privacy” > “Settings.”
3. Click “Your Facebook information” in the left menu.
4. Select “Deactivation and deletion.”
5. Choose “Permanently delete account” and click “Continue to account deletion.”
6. Enter your password and click “Permanently delete account.”

Once your account is deleted, it cannot be restored. Facebook provides a limited 30-day period where you can log back in to cancel the deletion, but after that window, the process cannot be undone. So consider carefully before terminating your account permanently.

Can you be exempt from deletion policies?

In special cases, Facebook may grant additional time prior to permanent deletion or exempt certain types of content from standard deletion policies:

– Verified accounts – Public figures and brands with verified accounts may receive extended Trash retention periods.

– Legal holds – Content may be preserved from deletion if required by ongoing legal processes and government investigations.

– Data analysis – Some deleted data may be retained in an anonymized form solely to identify platform misuse and abuse.

Unless you have special permission from Facebook, regular users cannot receive exemptions from standard deletion and Trash retention schedules. These are implemented evenly across the platform.


While Facebook gives you the option to retrieve deleted content from the Trash within 30 days, permanently erased items cannot be recovered. So if you do have second thoughts about removing something, it’s critical to rescue it sooner rather than later.

Set reminders to check your Trash periodically so you don’t accidentally lose anything meaningful during the 30-day deletion window. Once the month is up, Facebook permanently removes all expired content, so be sure to act fast if you have a change of heart.