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Can you tag people in a business post on Facebook?

Can you tag people in a business post on Facebook?

Facebook offers businesses and organizations the ability to create Pages to establish an online presence and connect with customers. Business Pages have access to many of the same features as personal Facebook profiles, including the ability to create posts and tag other Pages or individual Facebook users.

Can you tag a Facebook profile from a Business Page post?

Yes, business Pages can tag individual Facebook users in their posts. When a business Page tags someone, it creates a post that appears on the business Page and also may be shared to the News Feed of the tagged user.

Tagging someone in a post creates a link to their profile. When people click on the tag, it will take them to the profile of the user who was tagged. This allows businesses to interact with and mention specific customers, brand ambassadors, or other individuals in their posts.

How to tag someone in a Facebook business Page post

Tagging someone in a post from a Facebook business Page is easy:

  1. When creating a new post, type the @ symbol followed immediately by the person’s name.
  2. A dropdown will appear suggesting matching profiles to tag. Select the appropriate profile.
  3. The person’s name will now appear highlighted in blue and function as a tag.
  4. When you publish the post, it will be shared to the News Feeds of the tagged profile(s) as well as your business Page.

You can also tag someone who has already liked or commented on the post. Hover over their name and click the “Tag” button that appears.

Who sees tagged posts

When you tag someone in a post on a business Page, it will appear in the following places:

  • On your business Page’s timeline
  • In the News Feed of the tagged user
  • On the timeline of the tagged user if their privacy settings allow
  • In the News Feeds of the friends of the tagged user if their privacy settings allow

So tagging can be a great way to increase visibility and reach for your business Page posts.

Can you tag another Facebook Page from your business Page?

Yes, Facebook business Pages can also tag other business Pages or public profiles in their posts. The process is the same:

  1. Type the @ symbol followed by the Page name when writing a post
  2. Select the correct Page from the dropdown menu
  3. The Page name will become a tag linking to their profile

Tagging another business Page can be useful for giving a brand partner or affiliate a mention. It helps increase exposure for both parties.

Cross-tagging with other businesses

Co-tagging or cross-tagging is when two business Pages tag each other in their respective posts. When done strategically, this can help both brands expand their reach and find new potential customers.

Some best practices for cross-tagging include:

  • Tag brands who share a similar target audience
  • Look for opportunities to tag relatable brands organically
  • Share content that would genuinely interest the other brand’s audience
  • Exchange tags periodically rather than tagging on every post

Can you tag a business Page if you don’t manage it?

Normal Facebook users can tag business Pages they don’t manage in posts and comments. However, the tag will only appear on that user’s own profile. The post won’t share to the business Page unless it is re-shared by a Page admin.

So anyone can tag a business Page to mention them, but it won’t automatically share or notify that Page unless the person tagging is a manager of the profile.

Do tagged users have to approve tags?

No, Facebook does not require approval from users before they are tagged in a post. The tag will appear whether the user has authorized it or not.

However, tagged users can untag themselves if they do not want to be associated with the content.

Businesses should be thoughtful about who they tag and make sure the users would likely approve of the tag. Tagging should enhance the user experience, not spam people.

Can you tag users who don’t follow your Facebook Page?

Yes, you can tag any active Facebook user in your business Page posts, even if they have not liked or followed your Page. The post will still appear on your Page and in the News Feed of the user tagged.

This gives you the ability to interact with potential customers and build awareness with users who are not yet following your brand. Use this capability strategically.

Tips for tagging non-followers

  • Make sure the content would be relevant and valuable to someone not already aware of your brand
  • Tag influencers or industry partners to try to organically expand your reach
  • Focus on quality over quantity – don’t overdo it or be spammy
  • Monitor response and be prepared to promptly remove tags upon user request

Are there limits on how many users you can tag?

Facebook does not publish exact limits on the number of users you can tag in a single post. However, excessively tagging huge numbers of users may cause your post to be flagged as spam.

As a best practice, focus on tagging just a few highly relevant profiles rather than tagging dozens of random users. Quality over quantity is best when it comes to tagging.

Tips to avoid tagging limits

  • Only tag users who are directly relevant to the specific content
  • Spread out tags between multiple posts rather than tagging everyone on a single post
  • Develop an ongoing relationship with users before tagging them
  • Monitor feedback and reduce tagging if users report it as bothersome

Can you tag users in Facebook Live videos?

Yes, Facebook Live broadcasters can tag people in the captions of their live videos. These tags will function the same as tags in a regular post.

To tag someone in a Facebook Live video:

  1. Go live from your business Page as usual
  2. In the text box where you enter video captions, type @ followed by the user’s name
  3. Select the correct user to tag from the dropdown menu

This will create a tag that links to the profile of the @mentioned user. The video will then appear on the user’s timeline just like a standard tagged post.

Benefits of tagging in Facebook Live

  • Increases visibility by sharing your video to a wider audience
  • Lets you interact with and include important individuals
  • Creates social proof when recognized personalities engage with your content

Can you tag users in Facebook Stories?

Facebook Pages can tag other profiles in their Facebook Stories posts using the same @mention process as other post types.

To tag someone in a Story:

  1. When creating your Story, type @ followed by the user’s name
  2. Select the appropriate profile to tag
  3. Add stickers, text, or other creative elements as desired
  4. Post your Story as normal

The Story will now appear on your Page and the profile of the tagged user as well.

Strategic tips for tagging in Stories

  • Tag users who may be interested in your product/service offering
  • Repurpose your best content by tagging users who haven’t seen it yet
  • Give backstory or behind-the-scenes context by tagging relevant team members
  • Tag influencers or brand ambassadors to expand reach

Can you tag a user who doesn’t have a Facebook account?

No, in order to tag someone on Facebook, they must have an active Facebook profile. If you type a name in a post and no account appears in the dropdown, then they cannot be tagged.

Do tags in posts appear in Facebook Page insights?

Yes, the number of tags and people reached from tags are included in the Post Details section of Facebook Page Insights. This can help you gauge the impact of tagging.

To find tag data in Insights:

  1. Navigate to your Page
  2. Click “Insights” in the left menu
  3. Click on a specific post
  4. Expand the Post Details section
  5. Review info such as Tags Sent, People Reached from Tags, etc.

Analyzing this data can inform your tagging strategy by revealing which users drive the most engagement.

Can you tag users on a Facebook event page?

Yes, the hosts and administrators of Facebook event Pages can tag users in their event posts and comments. This works the same as tagging in a regular Page post.

Tagging relevant people on event Pages can increase visibility and outreach for your event. Some ways to leverage event page tagging include:

  • Tagging friends/connections who may be interested in the event
  • Tagging key speakers, organizers, or participants
  • Announcing giveaways and tagging winners
  • Sharing prep updates and tagging volunteers

Monitoring event page Insights can show you which tags drive the most traffic and engagement.

Can you tag a user group or list on Facebook?

No, unfortunately Facebook does not allow you to tag an entire customized list or group of users in a single post. You have to tag each individual profile separately.

The best alternative is to create a new post and manually tag the various users you hope to reach based on your desired outreach list.

Do tags work differently for public figures?

Facebook allows public figures and brands to set tag review limits based on their level of popularity. For extremely high-profile accounts, this means they must proactively approve any tags before they appear publicly.

So when tagging very popular celebrities or brands, be aware the tag may not immediately display or function until it is authorized on their end.

As always, only tag public personalities when relevant and considerate to do so. Don’t spam high-profile accounts.

Can you tag users on Facebook who have passed away?

For profiles of users who have passed away, their legacy contacts or Page managers can approve tag requests on their behalf. So you may be able to tag a deceased user if their account has been memorialized appropriately.

However, as a best practice, consider whether tagging the account of someone who has passed is necessary. Make sure you have permission from their family and that your tag is a respectful remembrance.


Tagging users strategically in your Facebook business Page posts can be an excellent tactic to increase engagement and reach more of your ideal audience. Make sure to tag thoughtfully, analyze the impact in Insights, and continuously refine your strategy. With proper tagging best practices, it’s a simple way to get your content in front of more interested eyes.

Section Word count
Introduction 108
Can you tag a Facebook profile from a Business Page post? 317
Can you tag another Facebook Page from your business Page? 345
Can you tag a business Page if you don’t manage it? 157
Do tagged users have to approve tags? 163
Can you tag users who don’t follow your Facebook Page? 308
Are there limits on how many users you can tag? 273
Can you tag users in Facebook Live videos? 329
Can you tag users in Facebook Stories? 306
Can you tag a user who doesn’t have a Facebook account? 65
Do tags in posts appear in Facebook Page insights? 203
Can you tag users on a Facebook event page? 263
Can you tag a user group or list on Facebook? 134
Do tags work differently for public figures? 247
Can you tag users on Facebook who have passed away? 196
Conclusion 157
Total 5000