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Can you still tag a memorialized account on Facebook?

Can you still tag a memorialized account on Facebook?

When a Facebook user passes away, their account can be memorialized. This means the account is frozen in time to commemorate the person’s life. Friends and family can still view posts the person shared, and leave posts in remembrance. But one question that comes up is whether you can still tag a memorialized account in posts and photos. Here is a quick answer, followed by a more in-depth look at memorialized accounts on Facebook.

Quick Answer

Yes, you can still tag a memorialized Facebook account in posts and photos. The tags will still show up and link to the memorialized profile. However, since the account is frozen, the memorialized account will not be notified of the tags or be able to respond.

What is a Memorialized Account?

Memorializing an account on Facebook essentially freezes the profile in time after the user passes away. It prevents anyone from logging into the account in the future but still allows friends and family to view posts the person shared.

When an account is memorialized:

  • The word “Remembering” is shown next to the person’s name.
  • The profile pic is removed or changes to a special memorialized image.
  • Friends can still share memories on the memorialized Timeline.
  • Content the person shared remains visible.
  • No one can log into the memorialized account.

Memorializing protects the deceased person’s privacy. It also gives friends and family an ongoing place to post memories and condolences.

The process for memorializing an account requires submitting proof to Facebook that the person has passed away, such as an obituary.

Who Can Memorialize an Account?

These people are able to submit a request to have an account memorialized:

  • Immediate family members.
  • Other verified family members.
  • Executors of the estate.
  • Anyone with legal documentation showing they are an authorized representative of the deceased person.

Once an account is memorialized, it cannot be changed back to a normal account. The memorialized profile remains online unless someone with authority requests its removal.

Can You Still Tag a Memorialized Account?

Yes, you can still tag a memorialized Facebook account in posts and photos. For example:

  • Sharing a memory and tagging the memorialized account in the post.
  • Tagging the memorialized account in a photo you post.
  • Mentioning the memorialized account in a post.

When you tag a memorialized account, it will function just like a normal tag. The name will appear as a link pointing to the memorialized profile.

However, since the account is frozen, here is what does NOT happen:

  • The memorialized account will not be notified of the tag.
  • The tag will not show up on the memorialized profile’s Timeline.
  • The memorialized account cannot respond or interact with the tag.

So in summary, yes you can still tag the account and the name will be clickable. But the memorialized account will not receive or interact with the tag in any way.

Where Tags of Memorialized Accounts Appear

When you tag a memorialized Facebook account, here is where it shows up:

  • On your own Timeline, in the post where you tagged them.
  • In notifications sent to mutual friends who are tagged in the same post.
  • In memories that show up for your mutual friends.
  • In Hashtags pages, if you included a hashtag.
  • In search results on Facebook.

The tags will be visible in these places to anyone who can normally see your posts.

Tagging Helps Keep Memories Alive

Being able to tag memorialized accounts allows you to keep honoring your loved one’s memory. Even though they won’t see or interact with the tags, it helps keep their memory alive on Facebook.

Your tags may also show up in memories for mutual friends. So it gives others a chance to reminisce and share memories too.

Overall, tagging memorialized accounts is a way to help remember someone special after they pass away. It keeps their memory going on social media.

Other Ways to Honor Someone’s Memory on Facebook

In addition to tagging memorialized accounts in posts, here are some other ways to honor them on Facebook:

Profile Frames

Facebook allows you to add special virtual frames to your own profile pic to commemorate someone who passed away. There are phrases like “Remembering” and “In Loving Memory” to choose from.

Adding one of these frames is a show of support and respect. It also raises awareness that someone has passed for any mutual friends.

Legacy Contact

Memorialized accounts that appoint a legacy contact give that person some control. They can do things like:

  • Post a final message on behalf of the memorialized account.
  • Respond to new friend requests.
  • Update profile pic and cover photo.

So if you are the designated legacy contact, you can keep the memorialized profile updated in ways the deceased would approve of.

Sharing Memories

One of the most meaningful ways to honor someone is by sharing your favorite memories involving them. When you tag the memorialized account in these posts, it keeps their memory alive.

Memories with photos or videos are especially powerful. But feel free to share any special moments or memories you cherished with the deceased.

Timeline Condolences

Friends and extended family can post condolences, stories, photos, and videos on the memorialized Timeline. This gives everyone a place to collectively grieve, remember, and pay respects.

The Timeline essentially becomes a shared memorial for the deceased where anyone can contribute. tagging the memorialized account in condolence posts is a nice way to do it.

Support Groups

If the memorialized account is someone who impacted many people, consider creating a Facebook Group. This gives people a dedicated space to provide grief support and share memories.

The group provides a community for those grieving to connect. You can tag the memorialized account as you share with each other.

Things to Keep in Mind When Tagging Memorialized Profiles

Tagging memorialized accounts is a nice gesture. But here are a few things to keep in mind:

Tag with Care

Use discretion when tagging memorialized profiles. Avoid anything that could be perceived as insensitive or inappropriate.

And only tag when it makes sense contextually. Random tags may come across strange since the account can’t interact.

Avoid Suspicious Activity

Repeatedly tagging the same memorialized account randomly could appear suspicious to Facebook. Use good judgment and don’t tag excessively.

Moderately tagging on relevant posts is thoughtful. But constant tags on unrelated posts comes across as odd.

Consider Close Friends and Family

Keep in mind that close loved ones of the deceased may have a hard time coping with constant reminders. Use empathy and give space if needed.

While tagging can help keep memories alive, it may also prolong grief for some. Tag respectfully with this in mind.

How Long Do Memorialized Accounts Remain on Facebook?

Once an account is memorialized, it normally remains online indefinitely unless someone requests its removal. So memorialized accounts can be viewable and taggable for many years.

However, Facebook does have a policy in place for memorialized accounts that have been inactive for an extended time.

No Activity for 2 Years

If a memorialized account shows no activity from anyone for a period of 2 years, Facebook may remove or restrict visibility. This policy helps keep Facebook a community for active engagement.

But friends can still request restoration of a memorialized profile deleted this way. Simply reach out to Facebook if you want the memorialized account restored due to inactivity.

Deleting a Memorialized Account

Since memorialized accounts are meant to stay online, deletion is not typical. But Facebook does allow next of kin or legacy contacts to request deletion in certain cases.

Reasons someone may request full deletion include:

  • The deceased specifically stated they did not want an online memorial.
  • There are concerns over privacy or misuse of data.
  • Harassment or other extreme circumstances.

Keep in mind that deletion is permanent. The memorialized profile and all its posts will be gone. Many opt to simply restrict visibility or tagging ability if concerns arise before considering deletion.

Who Can Delete a Memorialized Account?

These people are able to submit a request to have a memorialized account permanently deleted:

  • A verified immediate family member.
  • The designated legacy contact.
  • Someone authorized to manage the deceased person’s affairs.

Evidence proving authority to make decisions on the deceased’s behalf must be provided.

For immediate family, documentation like a death certificate is required. For legacy contacts or authorized representatives, the appropriate permissions must be shown.

Frequently Asked Questions

Some common questions that come up when tagging memorialized Facebook accounts:

Does a tag notify the legacy contact?

No. Tagging a memorialized account does not send a special notification to the assigned legacy contact. The tag will just be visible to them if they follow you or happen to come across the post.

Can you tag in a private message?

No. Tagging only works on public posts, not private messages. When you start typing a name in a private chat, memorialized accounts do not populate as options to tag.

Do hashtags with the person’s name still work?

Yes. Using a hashtag with the memorialized account’s name or username will still function normally. It becomes clickable and links to a page showing all posts using that hashtag.

Can you @mention memorialized accounts?

Yes. The @mention featuring the memorialized account’s name or username will show up in your post. However, as with tagging, the account will not actually receive or interact with the mention.

Is there a limit to how many times you can tag?

No, Facebook does not limit how frequently you can tag a memorialized profile. Just keep in mind that overly excessive tagging for no clear reason could be seen as suspicious to Facebook’s systems.


Memorialized accounts allow families to honor their loved ones with an ongoing virtual memorial on Facebook. Part of this process includes the ability to tag the memorialized profile in relevant posts and photos.

While the tags do not technically notify or interact with the memorialized account, they keep the person’s memory alive. Tagging can help you and mutual friends reminisce and pay respects.

However, use discretion when tagging to avoid insensitive or excessive use. Try to honor what the deceased would appreciate. With care and respect, tagging memorialized accounts can provide comfort and closure.