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Can you still message someone you have unfriended?

Can you still message someone you have unfriended?

Unfriending someone on social media platforms like Facebook is a common occurrence these days. People unfriend others for a variety of reasons – some do it to take a break from certain people or drama, some do it because they just don’t interact much anymore, and some do it because of a major disagreement or fallout. But one question that often comes up is – if you unfriend someone, can you still message them?

What happens when you unfriend someone?

When you unfriend or unfollow someone on Facebook, it severs the direct connection between you and that person. You will no longer see their posts, photos, or updates in your News Feed. Likewise, they will no longer see anything you post either. Your names will be removed from each other’s friends lists. Essentially, unfriending makes it so you and that person are no longer connected on Facebook in any way.

You stop seeing each other’s posts

Once you unfriend someone, their posts and photos will instantly disappear from your News Feed, and your posts and photos will disappear from theirs. It’s as if you are no longer Facebook friends at all.

Your names are removed as friends

Unfriending someone mutually removes your names from each other’s friends lists. You will no longer appear on their list of Facebook friends, and vice versa.

No notifications about each other’s activities

When you are Facebook friends with someone, you can get notifications about their activities – when they post, comment, get tagged in a photo, add new friends, change their relationship status, etc. But once you unfriend, you will stop getting any notifications about that person’s Facebook activity.

Can you message someone you’ve unfriended?

Even if you unfriend someone on Facebook, you can still send them a message – but it comes with a few caveats. Here is what happens when you try to message someone you have unfriended:

You can still message them

The act of unfriending does not completely block messaging capabilities. If you want to send them a message, you still can.

Your message goes to their “Message Requests” folder

However, your message will not go directly to their main inbox like a normal message would. Instead, it will be sent to the “Message Requests” folder, which holds messages from non-friends.

They have to accept it before it’s visible

For the unfriended person to actually see your message, they will have to actively go to their Message Requests folder and accept the message request first. Only then will your message be moved to their main inbox.

You can only message once

If the person does not accept your message request, you will not be able to send them additional messages. Facebook only allows one message request per unfriended person.

They can ignore it or delete it

And of course, there is nothing requiring the unfriended person to ever look at or accept the message request. They can simply ignore it and let it sit in the Message Requests folder, or delete it outright.

Why your messages go to Message Requests after unfriending

Facebook created the Message Requests feature and routing system as a way to limit unwanted messages from strangers and non-friends. Here’s a closer look at why unfriended messages get sent this way:

Prevents harassment from unfriended people

Without Message Requests, unfriending someone would do nothing to actually stop them from contacting you. Directing messages from unfriends to Message Requests makes it so the recipient has to actively accept them first before seeing them.

Gives more control over unsolicited messages

Message Requests puts recipients back in control of who can message them. Unwanted messages from unfriended people do not end up in the main inbox. Users have to intentionally approve Message Requests to engage.

Encourages reconsidering unfriended connections

In a way, Message Requests creates a buffer zone where both parties can reconsider reaching out. Rather than truly blocking messages, it gives an intermediary option.

When can you message an unfriended person?

There are some special cases and exceptions where you can message someone normally even after unfriending them:

In the same Facebook group

If you and the unfriended person are both still members of the same Facebook group, you can exchange messages within the group normally.

Pages you both follow

You can also message each other on the page of any Facebook Page you both actively follow and interact with.

Using Messenger without Facebook

If you remain connected on Messenger but not Facebook, you can still message as normal through the Messenger app.

Other ways to reach an unfriended person

If you really need to get in touch with someone you’ve unfriended on Facebook, you have a few other options beyond normal messaging and Message Requests:

Send them a friend request

You can send the person a new friend request and reconnect your Facebook profiles. If they accept, you can message freely again.

Use a mutual Facebook friend

Ask a mutual friend who is still connected to the person on Facebook to pass along a message on your behalf.

Message them on another platform

Try reaching out to them through text, email, or another social media site like Instagram where you may still be connected.

Use secondary accounts

Some use spare Facebook accounts not connected to the person to send them a message that way.

Tips for messaging unfriended people

If you need to get in touch with someone after unfriending, here are some tips to improve your chances of response:

Keep it polite and respectful

Your message is more likely to be accepted if it’s sincere and thoughtful, not confrontational or aggressive.

Acknowledge you unfriended them

Be upfront that you unfriended them previously and briefly explain why if needed.

Focus on resolving the issue

Emphasize that your goal is to make amends or clear the air – not restart drama.

Suggest another communication method

Propose following up in a different way, like over the phone or in person.

Don’t make demands

Avoid language that pressures them to respond – keep it relaxed.

Follow up if needed

Check back in a week or so if you don’t hear back, but avoid pestering them.

Pros of messaging after unfriending

Reaching out to an unfriended connection can have benefits if done thoughtfully. Some potential pros include:


It allows the opportunity to mend broken ties, clear up misunderstandings, and potentially become Facebook friends again.


Even if the relationship can’t be fully restored, messaging can provide closure after a fallout.


Sending a sincere apology message lets you take accountability for your part in what went wrong.


You can explain the reasons behind unfriending from your perspective.


Extending an olive branch maintains some level of manners and humanity after an unfriending.

Cons of messaging after unfriending

However, there are also potential downsides to consider when messaging someone post-unfriend, such as:

Seems desperate

Messaging an unfriend can come across as needy or clingy.

Mixed signals

You unfriended them for a reason – contacting them anyway sends confusing signals about your intentions.


Messaging often reopens old wounds and leads to airing grievances back and forth.


Pestering someone who doesn’t want to hear from you seems disrespectful.

Breaks No Contact

After an especially toxic relationship, No Contact is healthiest – messaging undoes that boundary.

False hope

They may not respond at all or reconciliation could fail, leaving you feeling worse.

When is it appropriate to message an unfriend?

Given the complexities, when is it actually appropriate to message someone after unfriending them?

You have a legitimate reason

Not just an impulsive whim, but an important or timely issue that warrants it.

Sufficient time has passed

Enough time has gone by for hot emotions to dissipate so the message comes from a calm place.

The relationship was generally positive

Mostly fond feelings toward the person remain despite the unfriending incident.

You take responsibility

You take ownership for your role in the breakdown and unfriending.

You respect any response

Whether you receive a positive or negative reply, or none at all, you handle it with maturity.

Alternatives to messaging unfriends

Rather than messaging someone who has unfriended you (or vice versa), in many cases it may be better to explore these alternatives:

Reflect on what happened

Take time to process your emotions and think about what factors led to the unfriending.

Discuss with neutral parties

Vent to and get perspective from unbiased friends or family members.

Focus on other relationships

Direct energy toward nurturing positive connections with people who uplift you.

Practice self-care

Do healthy activities that help you relieve stress and feel empowered.

Forgive and move on

Work on letting go of resentment and pain from the experience to fully move forward.

Can you message an unfollower on Instagram?

The same general concept applies on Instagram as well. If someone unfollows you on Instagram, you can still send them a message, with a few caveats:

Your message goes to Message Requests

Just like Facebook, any message you send to someone who doesn’t follow you on Instagram will go to their Message Requests folder rather than the main inbox.

They must approve it to see it

In order for them to actually view the message, they will have to open Message Requests and actively accept your message request.

DM limits apply

Instagram limits the number of message requests you can send within a certain time period, so you can’t bombard them.

Easier to ignore

It can be easier to disregard Instagram message requests since many people don’t check that folder regularly.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key points to remember about messaging someone who has unfriended or unfollowed you:

  • You can still message unfriends on Facebook and unfollowers on Instagram, but your messages will go to their Message Requests folders rather than their inboxes.
  • They have to actively accept your Message Request for them to actually see your message.
  • Think carefully before reaching out to unfriended people – it can reopen old wounds or seem clingy.
  • Focus the message on reconciliation and taking responsibility. Avoid pressure or drama.
  • In many cases, it’s healthier not to message unfriends and to move on instead.

The Bottom Line

Unfriending or unfollowing someone on social media does not completely prevent you from messaging them – but it does create barriers. Any message will go to a pending state rather than their main inbox. And ultimately, there is no guarantee the person will even see or accept the message. Proceed thoughtfully, with reasonable expectations.