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Can you still create an offer on Facebook?

Can you still create an offer on Facebook?

Facebook offers provide a way for businesses to promote products, services, and events directly within the Facebook platform. Offers allow you to showcase deals, discounts, promotions, and more to your target audience. While Facebook has made some changes to offers over the years, businesses can still create offers on Facebook in 2023.

What are Facebook Offers?

Facebook offers are a type of advertisement that promotes special deals and incentives. When you create an offer on Facebook, you can choose to promote it to your existing followers or boost it to reach new potential customers. Offers appear in the dedicated Offers section of your Facebook Page and in the News Feeds of your target audience. Some key things to know about Facebook offers:

  • Highlight Special Deals: Promote percent-off sales, dollar-off deals, free gifts with purchase, BOGOs, free shipping, contests, sweepstakes, and more.
  • Drive Conversions: Encourage people to visit your website, redeem in-store, sign up for a service, register for an event, or take another desired action.
  • Flexible Format: You can showcase offers directly within your Facebook Page or via ads that direct people to your website or Facebook Event.
  • Reporting: Track clicks, impressions, reach, engagement, and more to understand your offer’s performance.

Do Offers Still Exist on Facebook?

Yes, the ability to create offers and promotions is still available to businesses advertising on Facebook as of October 2023. Here are some key facts about the current state of Facebook offers:

  • Still in Use: Millions of businesses actively leverage Facebook offers to connect with customers.
  • Evolving Platform: Facebook is continually making updates to improve ads, analytics, formats, and more.
  • Valuable for Awareness: Offers help raise awareness about sales, events, giveaways, and other time-sensitive promotions.
  • Flexible Targeting: Detailed targeting options allow you to hone in on your ideal audience.

While Facebook has streamlined ad formats over time, the core functionality to highlight special offers remains. Advertisers may need to adapt to changes, but Facebook offers are still a viable promotional tactic.

Types of Facebook Offers

There are a few main types of offers you can create on Facebook to connect with your audience:

Discount Offers

Promote percent-off deals, dollars-off savings, BOGOs, free gifts, and other special savings. For example, advertise a 25% off sale or $10 off a $50 purchase.

Free Shipping Offers

Highlight free shipping with no minimum purchase for a limited time. This can help incentivize buyers.


Generate buzz by offering free products, services, or other perks. For instance, give away a free e-book, consultation, or entry into a larger contest.


Encourage shares, likes, and comments by promoting prize drawings, contests to win rewards, sweepstakes, and other fun engagement tactics.

Subscription Offers

Offer a free trial or discounted rate for subscription services. For example, advertise 50% off someone’s first month of a subscription.

Ticketed Event Promotion

Sell tickets to conferences, concerts, galas, and other events. You can promote early bird pricing, presale ticket access, and more.

Benefits of Promoting Offers on Facebook

Here are some of the top benefits businesses can gain from creating and promoting offers on Facebook:

  • Increased Brand Exposure: Offers attract people’s attention and help expose your brand to new audiences.
  • Cost-Effective: Offers reach interested audiences without needing excessive budgets for ads.
  • Trackable Results: View offer claim metrics, post engagement, and more to monitor impact.
  • Encourage Action: Prompt people to visit your website, make a purchase, attend an event, etc.
  • Flexible Targeting: Target offers based on location, interests, behaviors, and other characteristics.
  • Promotional Variety: Highlight diverse deals and incentives to attract customers.

Overall, Facebook offers provide a versatile, measurable way to get your promotions in front of the right people and drive them to take action.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Facebook Offer in 2023

Here is an overview of how to create an offer on Facebook currently:

  1. Visit Ads Manager and click “+Create” to make a new ad.
  2. Select the “Offer” objective when choosing your campaign goal.
  3. Name your offer campaign and set the campaign duration.
  4. Enter your offer details including the discount, product, timing, etc.
  5. Upload eye-catching images or videos showcasing the offer.
  6. Set up your offer headline, description, expiration date, terms, and URL.
  7. Choose your target audience based on location, interests, behaviors, and more.
  8. Establish a budget and payment method for running ads.
  9. Review your offer campaign and launch it live!
  10. Monitor performance and optimize based on results.

You can directly promote an offer campaign to people who already like your Page or boost the offer to reach new audiences. The offer will then be discoverable in the dedicated Offers section of your Page.

Tips for Creating Effective Facebook Offers

Follow these tips to help create compelling offers that convert:

  • Highlight tangible value and real savings in your offer headline.
  • Use eyecatching graphics, bold fonts, and benefit-focused copy.
  • Ensure your terms and expiration dates are clear.
  • Link to a specific landing page to direct traffic.
  • Target your offer based on interests, behaviors, and demographics.
  • Promote offers during peak buying cycles and holidays.
  • Test different offers and creative to see what resonates best.
  • Retarget people who engaged with but didn’t redeem offers.

Facebook’s Offer Policies

When creating offers, be sure to follow Facebook’s current Pages, Groups and Events Policies. Here are some key policies to keep in mind:

  • Offers must clearly represent the associated value/benefit.
  • Avoid language that implies scarcity or urgency without merit.
  • Real incentives must be provided (no misleading offers).
  • Adequately disclose any material terms and conditions.
  • Comply with Facebook’s guidelines for contests, sweepstakes, and giveaways.

Review all Facebook offer policies closely and ensure your offers are compliant. Violating the policies could result in Facebook rejecting or disabling your offer.

Are Facebook Offers Right for Your Business?

Here are a few key questions to consider when determining if promoting offers on Facebook is a good tactic for your business:

  • Do you have special deals, promotions, or incentives to highlight?
  • Do you have an audience on Facebook aligned with your customer base?
  • Can you create compelling offer copy and visuals?
  • Do you have a process for tracking offer claims and redemptions?
  • Will the offer encourage conversions and sales?
  • Does the offer align with your overall marketing strategy?

If you answered yes to most of these questions, Facebook offers could be a valuable avenue to explore. The ability to reach interested people, spark action, and drive website traffic and sales make offer ads worth considering.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do Facebook offer ads cost?

Facebook offer ads cost about the same as other Facebook ad formats. You set your own budget when creating the offer campaign in Ads Manager. Costs depend on factors like audience size, competition, engagement, and placement. Offer ads are a cost-effective way to reach interested people open to deals.

Can I create an offer without paying for ads?

Yes, you can post an offer directly on your Facebook Page without boosting it as an ad. However, unpaid offers only reach people who currently like your Page. Boosting the offer as an ad allows you to reach new audiences and drive more traffic.

Do Facebook offer ads still work in 2023?

Yes, many businesses continue to find success with Facebook offer format ads. The platform may be changing over time, but offer ads can still effectively promote deals and events to targeted audiences. Adapting your offer strategy based on new best practices can help maintain strong results.

What types of businesses use Facebook offers?

All types of businesses leverage Facebook offers, across industries like retail, ecommerce, restaurants, travel, education, services, events, nonprofits, and more. If you have special promotions to highlight, Facebook offers present an opportunity.


Facebook offers remain a viable advertising method for businesses in 2023. Companies can showcase special deals, drive traffic, raise awareness, and track engagement. While Facebook’s ad offerings evolve, the core ability to promote discounts, giveaways, events, and promotions persists. Following Facebook’s offer policies and optimizing based on performance can help fuel success. Consider testing Facebook offers to engage your target audience with timely, relevant promotions.