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Can you share a post from a page to a group on Facebook?

Can you share a post from a page to a group on Facebook?

Quick Answer

Yes, it is possible to share a post from a Facebook Page to a Facebook Group. When you are viewing a post on a Page, there will be a “Share” button that allows you to share the post to your own timeline, a friend’s timeline, a Group, or in a private message. Simply click the “Share” button, select the Group you want to share it to, and click “Share Link”. The post will then be shared into that Group.

Sharing a Page Post to a Group Step-by-Step

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to share a post from a Facebook Page to a Group:

  1. Navigate to the Facebook Page that has the post you want to share.
  2. Locate the post you want to share and click the “Share” button below the post.
  3. In the share window that pops up, click “Share Link” at the top.
  4. In the “Share As” section, click the “In Groups” tab.
  5. Type the name of the Group you want to share the post to and select it when it pops up.
  6. You can add a personal message about the shared post in the “Say something about this” box.
  7. Click the “Share Link” button at the bottom to share the post to the selected Group.

Once shared, the post will appear in the Group’s feed with a note that it was shared from the Page. Group members will be able to engage with the shared post just like any other post within the Group.

Things to Keep in Mind When Sharing a Page Post to a Group

Here are some things to keep in mind when sharing a Facebook Page post into a Group:

  • You must be an admin or moderator of both the Page and the Group to share posts between them.
  • When you share the post, it will retain the original posting date and author of the Page.
  • Unlike on your personal profile, there is no option to “Share as Page” when posting to a Group from a Page.
  • The shared post can receive reactions and comments from Group members that will be visible underneath the shared post.
  • If the original post is deleted from the Page, it will remain visible in the Group but won’t be shareable.

Benefits of Sharing Page Posts to Groups

Here are some of the benefits of sharing Facebook Page posts into relevant Groups:

  • It allows you to get your Page content in front of a new, targeted audience of Group members.
  • It can help increase engagement, reach, and visibility for your Page posts.
  • It provides Group members with useful, relevant content they may be interested in.
  • It connects your Page with Groups full of your target audience.
  • Group members who discover your Page via shared posts may subscribe to your Page.
  • The comments and reactions can provide valuable feedback about your content.

Sharing your Page posts into complementary Facebook Groups in your niche can help grow your audience and increase engagement with your content.

Best Practices for Sharing Page Posts in Groups

To ensure your Page posts are well-received when shared into Groups, follow these best practices:

  • Only share to Groups highly relevant to the post topic.
  • Provide value to Group members with useful, informative content.
  • Do not spam Groups with promotional posts or overt sales pitches.
  • Engage with any comments and reactions the shared posts receive.
  • Limit sharing to just one or two Groups per post. Mass-sharing looks spammy.
  • Get moderator approval before sharing frequently to a Group.
  • Give credit back to the Group by commenting with a link after new followers interact.

Being thoughtful and selective with your post sharing and engaging genuinely with Groups will lead to the best results.

How to Analyze the Performance of Shared Posts

To see how effective your shared posts are within Groups, you can analyze:

  • Reach/impressions on the shared post
  • Engagement in the form of reactions, comments, and shares of the post within the Group
  • Traffic to your Page from Group members interacting with the shared post
  • New Page likes and followers originating from the Group
  • Qualitative feedback on the post content from Group members’ comments

Monitoring these metrics provides an idea of how well your posts resonate with each Group’s audience. You can compare performance across Groups to discern which Groups yield the most value for your Page.

What Types of Content Work Best for Sharing to Groups?

Certain types of posts tend to get high engagement when shared into Groups:

  • Entertaining, funny, or emotional posts and videos
  • Interesting articles and news relevant to the Group
  • Informative how-to’s, guides, and tips
  • Polls, surveys, and questions to engage the Group
  • User-generated content and stories
  • Exclusive giveaways and offers just for Group members

Posts that inspire reactions and discussion naturally stimulate engagement when shared in Groups.

Alternatives to Sharing Directly to a Group

If you don’t have access to share directly from a Page to Groups, there are a couple alternatives:

  • Manually copy and paste the post text/media into a new post within the Group. Allowed for all members.
  • Ask a Group admin or moderator to share your Page posts for you. Helpful when first joining a new Group.
  • Request Group members to share your Page posts themselves if they find the content valuable.

While not as seamless as sharing directly, these approaches allow you to tap into Groups without admin access.

Can Members Share a Page Post to a Group?

Regular Group members without admin access can share a Page post to the Group by:

  1. Visiting the Facebook Page and locating the post they want to share.
  2. Clicking the “Share” button on the post.
  3. Selecting “Share to a Group” option.
  4. Choosing the Group to share the post in.
  5. Adding any commentary in the “Say something about this” box.
  6. Clicking the “Share Link” button.

This will share the post into the Group feed. Group admins/moderators can then choose to pin, approve, or remove it like any other post.

Do Shared Posts Follow a Page’s Posting Restrictions?

When you share a Page post directly into a Group, it will not be subject to any restrictions that may be placed on the original Page. For example:

  • If a Page has post approvals turned on, shared posts will appear immediately in the Group without needing approval.
  • If a Page has post moderation turned on, shared posts will not be checked against the Page’s banned words list.
  • Groups may have their own restrictions, but they won’t apply to posts shared directly from Pages.

Shared posts essentially bypass any posting limitations placed on the original Page. The post will function as if a Group member had posted it organically.

Can You Share a Post From a Group to a Page?

Unfortunately, you cannot directly share a post from a Facebook Group to an associated Page the same way you can share posts from Pages into Groups.

This is because Pages and Groups have distinct identities and purposes on Facebook. Pages represent brands, businesses, public figures, etc. while Groups are meant for more personal connections and communities.

If you want to get Group content onto a Page, you have a couple options:

  • Manually copy and re-post the content natively on the Page
  • Take a screenshot of the Group post and post the image on the Page
  • Download Group photos/videos and re-upload them to the Page
  • Ask the original Group poster to also share the content directly to the Page

While not as seamless as reciprocal sharing, these methods allow you to leverage your Group content on your Page as well.


Sharing Facebook Page posts into relevant Groups can be a great way to expand your reach and get in front of an engaged audience. Choose Groups strategically, share posts that offer value, and engage genuinely with Group members for the best results. Analyze metrics like reach and engagement to see which Groups deliver the most impact. Follow best practices to avoid looking spammy. While you can’t share Group posts back to Pages, there are workarounds to repurpose content both ways. Overall, sharing quality Page posts to complementary Groups helps grow your audience and visibility on Facebook.