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Can you share a Facebook post to another group?

Can you share a Facebook post to another group?

Yes, it is possible to share a Facebook post to another group on Facebook. There are a couple of different ways to do this depending on if you are the original poster of the content or if you are just wanting to reshare someone else’s post.

Sharing your own post to another group

If you have made a post on your own Facebook page or in a group that you are a member of, you can easily share that post to another group that you are also a member of. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to your original post – this can be on your timeline/page or in a group.
  2. Click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner of the post.
  3. Select “Share” from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the Share window, click “Share in a group” if you want to share to a group. If you want to share to an individual friend, click “Share on a friend’s timeline.”
  5. Type the name of the group or friend you want to share the post with and select it when it pops up.
  6. Add a comment if you would like to say something along with the shared post.
  7. Click “Share” to share the post.

That’s it! The post will now be shared to the additional group or friend that you selected. They will see that you were the one that shared it when they view the post.

Sharing someone else’s post into a group

You can also share posts made by others into groups that you are a member of. Here is how:

  1. Go to the original post made by someone else either on their timeline or in a group.
  2. Click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner.
  3. Select “Share” from the dropdown menu.
  4. Click “Share in a group.”
  5. Type the name of the group you want to share the post to and select it.
  6. Add a comment if you want to say something along with the shared post.
  7. Click “Share” to share the post to the group.

The post will now be visible in the group that you shared it to. The original poster’s name will still be attached to it.

Things to keep in mind when sharing posts to groups

  • Make sure you are actually a member of the group you want to share the post to. You cannot share posts into groups that you haven’t joined.
  • If the group has restrictions on who can post and share, you may not be able to share certain posts there.
  • Any comments on the shared post will be visible to the original poster.
  • If the original post is deleted, the shared version will also be deleted.
  • The original poster can disable resharing capabilities on their posts if they do not want them shared.
  • You cannot share posts into closed or private groups – only to groups you are a member of.

Why share posts to other groups?

There are a few main reasons you may want to share a post to additional groups beyond the original one it was posted in:

  • To expose the post to a new audience that may find it interesting or relevant.
  • To spread information and content to more people.
  • To expand the reach of a post that is important to you in some way.
  • To start a conversation with a different group of people about the topic.
  • To get more feedback, opinions, and engagement on a post.

Sharing posts across multiple groups can help content spread further and facilitate interesting discussions between diverse sets of people. However, it should be done thoughtfully and not simply to spam groups with irrelevant content.

Tips for sharing posts effectively

Here are some tips for making sure your shared posts are well received:

  • Only share posts that are relevant and valuable to the new group. Make sure it will actually interest their members.
  • Provide context in your share text to explain why you think the group will appreciate the post.
  • Share thoughtfully and selectively – don’t overdo it. Few groups want low value posts shared excessively.
  • Engage with any comments and discussions that happen on your shared post.
  • Respect the original poster by sharing their content in full with their information intact.
  • Credit the original poster and/or source of any content you are sharing.
  • Ask permission first if sharing very personal posts from friends.
  • Follow any rules or guidelines for sharing that the group has set.

Potential issues

While sharing posts across groups can have benefits, there are some potential downsides to be aware of as well:

  • The original poster may not want their content shared more widely.
  • You may unintentionally share misinformation by posting something inaccurate or misleading.
  • Groups may see excessive unrelated sharing as spam.
  • Sharing very personal posts out of context could violate someone’s privacy.
  • Bringing content from one group into a very different group could spark controversy or negative reactions.
  • Shared posts with different audiences commenting could lead to confusing conversations.

That’s why it’s very important to be thoughtful in what you share and the way you share it. Always keep the original group, poster, and new audience in mind.

What can’t be shared between groups?

There are a few types of content that cannot be shared from one Facebook group into another:

  • Private or closed groups – posts can only be shared within the group and not to people who aren’t members.
  • Posts from pages rather than individual user profiles.
  • Fundraisers or donation drives.
  • Posts made in Facebook’s Marketplace section.
  • Events pages and invites.
  • Facebook offers or promotions.
  • Posts that the original poster has disabled sharing on.
  • Posts that an admin of the new group would deem inappropriate or irrelevant.

In most cases you are only sharing one user’s public post from one group into another public group you are both a member of. Any content types that fall outside of that scenario cannot be shared between groups.

Problems or errors sharing posts

Here are some common problems people encounter when trying to share Facebook posts between groups and how to resolve them:

Problem Solution
Can’t find a group to share to. Make sure you have joined the group with the account you are sharing from and search for the exact group name.
Post disappears after sharing. The original post may have been deleted or the sharing capability disabled. Nothing you can do.
No share option on post. The post may be set to not allow sharing. Or if from a page you can’t share to groups.
Share button greyed out. You likely aren’t a member of the group. Join first before sharing.
New group not seeing shared post. Make sure you are posting as yourself, not as the group or page. Check group visibility and sharing settings.
Can’t share marketplace or event content. These post types can’t be shared to groups. Create a new text post with a link instead.

If you continue having trouble, check the group settings, your account permissions, and the original post visibility. Issues sharing are usually due to restrictions set by Facebook or the original poster.


Sharing posts between Facebook groups can be a great way to spread interesting content, spark conversations, and engage new audiences. However, it should be done thoughtfully and selectively. Always check that the content is relevant, the groups allow sharing, and that you have permission if required. With the proper etiquette, sharing posts to other groups can have many benefits for all involved parties.