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Can you set up automatic replies on Facebook Messenger?

Can you set up automatic replies on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger allows users to communicate with each other in real time through text, audio, and video chat. With over 1 billion monthly active users, Messenger is one of the most widely used messaging platforms in the world.

One useful Messenger feature for busy users is the ability to set up automatic reply messages when you are away from Messenger or unable to respond right away. Auto-replies can let your friends and contacts know you’ve received their message but will respond later.

What are automatic replies?

Automatic replies, also known as away messages or out of office messages, are preset text responses that are sent automatically when you receive a new message on Messenger. They notify the sender that you are currently unavailable or unable to respond immediately.

Automatic replies can be used to:

  • Let contacts know you’ve received their message but will respond later
  • Inform contacts of your availability or schedule
  • Provide an alternate contact method if urgent
  • Send quick auto-responses to common questions

With auto-reply activated, whenever someone sends you a new message on Messenger, your preset auto-reply message will be immediately sent back to them. This saves you time from having to manually respond to every message received.

How to set up automatic replies on Facebook Messenger

Setting up auto-replies on Messenger only takes a few quick steps:

  1. Open the Facebook Messenger app on your mobile device or access Messenger through the Facebook website.
  2. Tap on your profile photo in the top left corner.
  3. Select “Turn On Active Status” from the menu.
  4. Toggle the switch for “Auto-Reply” to the on position.
  5. Type your custom auto-reply message in the text box.
  6. Set the dates and times you want auto-reply to be active.
  7. Tap “Done” to save your auto-reply settings.

And that’s it! Automatic replies will now be sent during your set active times. You can customize them further by setting specific auto-replies for certain contacts.

Customizing auto-replies

Messenger allows you to set up multiple auto-replies to be sent to different contacts. This allows personalizing replies based on who is messaging you. Custom contact auto-replies can be set up using these steps:

  1. Follow steps 1-5 above to create your first auto-reply.
  2. Tap “Custom Replies to Contacts.”
  3. Tap “Add Custom Reply.”
  4. Search for and select the contact you want to customize a reply for.
  5. Enter the custom auto-reply text for this contact.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 to add auto-replies for other contacts.

Each contact you’ve customized an auto-reply for will receive that message instead of your general auto-reply.

Auto-reply best practices

To make the most of Messenger’s auto-reply feature, keep these tips in mind:

  • Set a generic auto-reply for times you can’t message, like when sleeping or in a meeting.
  • Customize replies for frequently messaged contacts like close friends and family.
  • Include expected response times so contacts know when to expect a reply.
  • Keep replies friendly yet concise. Avoid overly formal language.
  • Double check for spelling and grammar errors before saving.
  • Periodically update auto-replies if your schedule or availability changes.

Auto-reply examples

Here are some examples of effective auto-reply messages to customize for various situations:

Situation Auto-reply Example
Sleeping “Hi, I’m asleep right now but will respond in the morning! Talk soon.”
Work meeting “I’m currently in a meeting but I’ll follow up on your message as soon as I’m free. Thanks!”
Vacation “Thanks for your message! I’m out of office on vacation until July 5 and will reply when I’m back.”
Doctor appointment “Hi, I’m at a doctor appointment right now but will get back to you ASAP.”
Specific contact “Hey Mom, I’m at work but will call you on my lunch break. Love you!”

Troubleshooting auto-replies

If you’re having issues setting up or using auto-replies on Messenger, here are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Make sure your app is updated to the latest version.
  • Check your internet connection and restart the Messenger app.
  • Toggle your Active Status off and back on again.
  • Double check your auto-reply date, time, and status settings.
  • Try deleting and recreating your auto-reply message.
  • Make sure you don’t have Do Not Disturb enabled, which blocks notifications.
  • Contact Facebook support if issues persist.

Limits and restrictions

Messenger does enforce some limits on auto-replies to prevent spam and abuse:

  • Auto-replies cannot be over 1000 characters.
  • You can only have up to 100 saved auto-replies at a time.
  • Auto-replies send instantly but only once per thread per 7 days.
  • Auto-replies work on a per-person basis in group chats.
  • Some accounts may be restricted from auto-replies if abuse is detected.


Automatic replies provide a useful way to manage conversations and expectations when you’re temporarily unavailable on Facebook Messenger. With just a few taps, you can set up auto-reply messages and customize them for key contacts.

To recap, follow these tips for auto-replies success:

  • Craft friendly, concise auto-reply text.
  • Set schedules for when you are most unavailable.
  • Personalize replies for close contacts.
  • Update auto-replies as your schedule changes.
  • Troubleshoot issues promptly when they arise.

With the ability to automate your away messages, Messenger makes it easier to balance your real-life responsibilities with staying connected digitally. Turn on auto-replies to take control of your messaging availability.