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Can you send reminders on Facebook events?

Can you send reminders on Facebook events?

Yes, it is possible to send reminders for Facebook events. Facebook has a built-in feature that allows event creators to send reminder messages to guests who have been invited to the event.

How Do Facebook Event Reminders Work?

When creating an event on Facebook, the event creator has the option to enable reminders. They can choose to send reminders to guests before the event takes place. There are a few steps involved in setting up reminders:

  1. When creating the event, the host needs to click on the “Reminders” section on the event page.
  2. They can then choose when they want reminders to go out – 1 day before, 2 days before, 1 week before, etc.
  3. The event creator can customize the reminder message that gets sent to guests.
  4. Once reminders are enabled, Facebook will automatically send the reminder message to all confirmed guests before the event.

So in summary, the event host just needs to toggle the reminder option on when first creating the event, customize the message, and choose when reminders are sent out. Facebook handles the rest.

Where Do Facebook Event Reminders Appear?

When an event reminder is sent from Facebook, guests will receive the notification in a few places:

  • As a notification within the Facebook app or on desktop
  • As a notification on their mobile device if they have notifications enabled
  • Within their Facebook events tab
  • In their email inbox if they have email notifications enabled

So the reminder will be hard to miss! It pops up on Facebook itself and also gets pushed to someone’s external email or phone if they want extra notifications beyond Facebook.

Do Guests Have to Confirm Attendance to Get Reminders?

No, guests do not have to confirm they are attending in order to receive a reminder from the event host. By default, all invited guests will receive a reminder about the event.

However, event creators do have the option to only send reminders to guests who have marked themselves as “Going” or “Interested.” So it is possible to limit reminders to only confirmed attendees if the event organizer prefers.

Can You Send Facebook Event Reminders to People Who Haven’t Responded?

Yes, if the host has the reminder setting on “All Guests”, both non-responders and confirmed guests will all receive the automated reminder from Facebook before the event.

Alternatively, the host can click on the names of people who have not responded yet and send them a personal reminder message separately from the main automated one.

Do You Have to Be Friends to Get Facebook Event Reminders?

No, you do not need to be Facebook friends with someone to receive their event reminder. The event creator can invite people using their email address or phone number even if they are not friends on Facebook. As long as they have a confirmed way to contact you, you will get the reminder.

Can You Opt Out of Event Reminders?

Yes, if you no longer wish to receive event reminders, there are a couple ways to opt out:

  • On the event page itself, click “Unfollow this event” to stop notifications.
  • Go to your Facebook notifications settings page and turn off notifications for event reminders.
  • Or modify your overall account settings to disable notifications from people who are not friends.

So you can definitely stop reminders if you don’t want them!

Do Event Reminders Work for Facebook Groups?

Unfortunately no – Facebook’s automated event reminder feature only works for Events, not for Group events. Group admins have to manually send reminders by posting within the group itself or messaging members individually.

Hopefully Group event reminders will be supported eventually, but for now it only applies to the official Facebook Events feature.

Can You Send Recurring Reminders?

Facebook does not currently have an option to send recurring automated reminders. The reminders can only be sent at certain intervals before the event takes place (1 week before, 1 day before, etc).

If the event organizer wanted to have recurring reminders leading up to the event (such as every Monday), they would need to manually make separate Facebook posts within the event each week or message guests individually.

Do Event Reminders Work on Messenger?

Unfortunately event reminders cannot be sent directly through Messenger. The reminders are sent as notifications from the Facebook app itself.

However, event creators could use Messenger to send additional manual reminders by messaging guests who have confirmed they are attending the event.

Can You Customize Reminders for Different Guests?

No, the Facebook event reminders are general messages that go out to all guests. There is no way to customize or tailor the reminder message to specific people.

The event organizer would need to message certain guests separately if they wanted to send an individualized reminder to them.

Do Event Reminders Show Up in News Feed?

Event reminders may show up in a person’s News Feed, but it is not guaranteed. If the person interacts frequently with the event host in News Feed, the reminder may be more likely to appear.

In general though, event reminders are treated as notifications rather than News Feed posts. They are designed to alert guests outside of News Feed via push notifications and in-app alerts.

Can You Send Reminders About Cancelled or Postponed Events?

If an event gets cancelled or postponed, the creator can manually send a message to all guests informing them of the change. However, the automated Facebook reminder system will not work.

Once an event is marked as cancelled or postponed, the option to send reminders gets disabled. The host would need to manually reach out either through a post, mass message, or editing the event details.

Do Facebook Event Reminders Ever Get Blocked or Filtered?

In most cases, event reminders will successfully get delivered to all confirmed guests. However, in some cases, the reminders may get caught in spam filters or blocked entirely:

  • If the recipient has the event creator blocked or limited, they will not receive reminders
  • Email providers like Gmail may automatically filter the reminders into spam or promotions tabs
  • Guests with restrictive notification settings may not see the reminders

So while event reminders are highly reliable, things like recipient blocks/filters can prevent proper delivery in some cases.

Can Pages Send Event Reminders?

Yes, Facebook Pages that create events have the same reminder capabilities as individual user profiles. Any Page that hosts an Event can enable reminders.

This is useful for bands, restaurants, venues, stores, or organizations that use Pages to promote their events. Automated reminders help ensure people don’t forget to attend.

Do Event Reminders Work in Facebook Groups?

Unfortunately, Facebook’s automated event reminder feature does not work for events created within Groups. Only official Facebook Events support reminders.

Group admins have to manually send reminders by posting announcements within the group itself. There is no built-in way to automatically remind Group members about events.

Hopefully this functionality gets added in the future, as many group events could benefit from reminders leading up to the event date.

Can I Send Reminders About Online Events?

Yes, online events created through Facebook Events can utilize the reminder system just like in-person events. Whether the event is online or offline, the reminders work the same way.

This can be very helpful to remind people to join your Facebook Live, Zoom meeting, webinar, or other virtual event ahead of time.

Do Event Reminders Work on Facebook Lite?

The Facebook Lite mobile app has limited functionality compared to the main Facebook app. Event reminders are one of the features that are unavailable in Facebook Lite.

If you want to receive event reminders, you’ll need to use the full Facebook app on your mobile device or access Facebook from a desktop browser.

The functionality may be added to Facebook Lite eventually, but as of now reminders are only accessible through the main Facebook platforms.

Can I Turn Off Event Reminders Permanently?

If you want to disable Facebook event reminders permanently, you have a couple options:

  • Go to your Facebook Notifications settings and turn off Event Reminders.
  • Or restrict notifications to only people in your Friends list.

Doing either of these will prevent you from receiving event reminders from anyone, since the reminders come through as notifications.

There is no way to disable reminders on a per-event basis – it’s all or nothing. So you need to restrict notifications system-wide if you never want them.


Facebook’s event reminder system provides a handy way for hosts to automatically notify guests about upcoming events. By turning on reminders, event creators can prompt their guests to remember to attend and engage.

Reminders go out through Facebook itself, email, texts and push notifications based on each person’s settings. Guests don’t have to confirm attendance in order to receive them.

While simple, the reminders can drastically increase event participation rates. And they require minimal effort since Facebook handles sending them out based on the host’s chosen criteria.