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Can you see who watches your Facebook Live?

Can you see who watches your Facebook Live?

Going live on Facebook is an excellent way to engage with your audience in real time. When broadcasting live, one common question is – can you see who is watching your Facebook Live video?

The short answer is yes, hosts of Facebook Live videos can see some information about who is watching their broadcast. However, the level of detail available depends on the privacy settings of the viewers.

Viewers List

As the host of a Facebook Live, you can access a list of the people currently watching your video stream. This viewer list shows you the names, profile pictures and any comments from your live viewers.

To see the list, simply tap or click on the viewers indicator while broadcasting live. This will open up a sidebar that shows your current viewers.

Having this viewer list enables you to give shoutouts to your audience during the live video. It also lets you see how many people are actively watching at any given moment.

Limitations of the Viewer List

While hosts can see a list of current viewers, there are some limitations to the information available:

  • You can only see the names and profiles of viewers who have their privacy setting set to “public.” Viewers who have stricter privacy settings will just show up as “Facebook User.”
  • The viewer list does not update instantly. There is a delay before new viewers are added to the list.
  • You cannot see exactly when a viewer joined or left the live broadcast.
  • If a viewer is logged out of Facebook or watching your live video on another platform like a Facebook Page, you will not see their identity.

So while the viewer list gives you some insight into who is watching, it does not show the full picture.

Other Analytics Insights

In addition to the live viewer list, Facebook provides hosts with other analytics and insights after a live broadcast:

Reach and Views

You can see the total number of unique viewers who watched your live video while it was broadcasting. This reach number shows you how many people you were able to connect with in real time.

Facebook also shows the views of the archived video after you finish broadcasting. This indicates how many people watched the recorded version after your live stream ended.


The analytics provide demographic information about who engaged with your live video such as age, gender, location and language.

This gives you insights into who your content resonated with so you can refine your approach for future broadcasts.


You have access to all of the comments from during your live broadcast, along with detailed information about the commenters.

Studying the comments allows you to identify your most engaged viewers and determine what content prompts reactions from your audience.


You can also see how many times your live video was shared while broadcasting and after it ended. A high number of shares suggests you created compelling content worth spreading.

Improving Live Videos

While hosts cannot access the full analytics until after the live broadcast, there are some techniques you can leverage in real time:

  • Ask viewers to comment where they are watching from to get a sense of who is engaged.
  • Request viewers tap the “Like” button if they are getting value from your broadcast.
  • Poll your audience to get instant feedback on what they find interesting.

Experimenting with these types of live interactions will provide insights you can use to enhance future broadcasts.

Third-Party Analytics Tools

There are also third-party applications that integrate with Facebook Live to provide more detailed real-time analytics. Some examples include:

  • Streamyard – Provides live view counts, chat metrics, and overlay graphics.
  • SocialBee – Tracks precise viewer numbers with demographic info like age and gender.
  • Fanbooster – Analyzes comments and viewer numbers to optimize engagement.

Research different analytics integrations to find one that aligns with your live video goals and budget.

Maintaining Audience Privacy

While hosts have tools to identify engaged viewers, it is important to maintain audience privacy and comfort. Some best practices include:

  • Only calling out viewer names who have commented publicly.
  • Not asking for private information like email addresses or phone numbers.
  • Not requiring viewers to turn on cameras or mics unless they volunteer.

Viewers will be more willing to engage when you respect their privacy and comfort level while broadcasting live.


Facebook Live creators can access some analytics on who is watching their broadcasts in real time. The native viewer list provides names and profiles of public viewers, but has limitations.

More robust analytics are available after the live stream ends, providing demographic information and engagement metrics. Third-party integrations offer enhanced real-time tracking capabilities.

While hosts can identify their audience, it is important to maintain viewer privacy and comfort. With the proper tools and respectful practices, you can optimize your live videos for maximum reach and engagement.