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Can you see who donated to a Facebook fundraiser?

Can you see who donated to a Facebook fundraiser?

Facebook has become a popular platform for individuals and organizations to create online fundraisers. With just a few clicks, you can set up a fundraiser for a cause you care about and share it with your network on Facebook. This makes it easy to quickly spread the word and collect donations.

A common question that comes up with Facebook fundraisers is whether you can see who made donations. There are a few factors that determine the visibility of donor information.

Default Donor Privacy Settings

The default setting for Facebook fundraisers is that donor information is visible only to fundraiser organizers and creators. When someone donates to your Facebook fundraiser, their name, donation amount, and any comment they leave will be visible to you as the fundraiser organizer. However, their information will not be public to anyone else by default.

This allows donors to remain anonymous to the broader public if they wish. The intention behind this default setting is to prevent donors from receiving unwanted communication or solicitations as a result of their donation. It helps limit the sharing of personal information to what the donor proactively consents to.

Donor Ability to Show Support Publicly

While donor information is limited to fundraiser organizers by default, donors have the option to display their support publicly when making a contribution. On the donation page, donors can choose to make their name and donation amount visible on the fundraiser page for all to see.

If a donor opts to show their support publicly, their name and contribution amount will then appear on the main fundraiser page. They can still choose to remain anonymous publicly but show their support to organizers only. This gives donors flexibility in how public they want their gift to be.

Visibility in Fundraiser Manager

As the fundraiser organizer, you can view a complete list of donors and donations through the Fundraiser Manager tool. This will include all donors regardless of their privacy settings. So even if a donor chooses to remain anonymous publicly, you will still see their information as the fundraiser creator.

The Fundraiser Manager provides details on each donation, including the donor name, amount, date, and any comment left. This gives you visibility into all contributions and donors for tracking and thanking purposes.

Access Levels for Co-Organizers

If there are multiple co-organizers who help manage a fundraiser, their access to donor information may vary depending on their role. There are three co-organizer roles:

  • Fundraiser creator – Has full access to all donor details.
  • Fundraiser manager – Can see all donor information except comments left.
  • Fundraiser contributor – Limited visibility into donor names only.

So the level of access to donor details decreases for co-organizers the further they are from the original fundraiser creator role. The creator maintains full transparency, while contributors may only see limited information.

Obtaining Donor Consent

If you want to publicly recognize donors or access their information beyond what’s visible by default, you need consent. This means reaching out to donors individually and asking if they are willing to share details publicly or with you directly.

You can include an option for donors to opt into public recognition when they make their gift. Or follow up with them after the fact to ask. Without explicit consent to share more of their information, however, you need to maintain donor privacy.

Other Potential Sources of Donor Insight

In addition to the default fundraiser donation pages, you may be able to supplement your information on donors through other methods. Some options include:

  • Thanking donors publicly yourself – This allows anyone you tag or mention to be associated with the fundraiser visibly.
  • Online donor rolls or leaderboards – If you use a separate donation page that shows donors.
  • Matching gifts documentation – Forms indicating an employer match may contain donor details.
  • External fundraising reports – You may receive additional insight like demographics or influence from third parties.

However, you need to use caution when obtaining donor information from outside the direct Facebook fundraiser itself. Only do so in a way that respects donor consent and privacy.

What You Should Avoid

To maintain ethical standards and donor trust, avoid the following:

  • Sharing donor details without consent
  • Using donor information for purposes beyond the fundraiser itself
  • Transferring donor data to third parties like advertisers or political groups
  • Making donations contingent on giving up privacy rights
  • Disclosing specifics that could compromise donor anonymity like locations and employers

Key Takeaways

Here are some key points to keep in mind on donor visibility for Facebook fundraisers:

  • Donor information is only fully visible to fundraiser organizers and creators by default.
  • Donors can choose what level of detail to share publicly when donating.
  • Fundraiser organizers can see a complete donor list through Fundraiser Manager.
  • Co-organizers may have limited visibility based on their roles.
  • Consent is required to disclose donor data beyond default settings.
  • Handle all donor information ethically and respectfully.

Examples of Donor Visibility Settings

Here are some examples to illustrate how donor visibility works:

Fully Anonymous Donation

  • Donor name shows as “Anonymous” publicly on fundraiser page.
  • Organizers see donor details in Fundraiser Manager but info is not shared.

Partially Public Donation

  • Donor name shows on public fundraiser page.
  • Donation amount remains private and only visible to organizers.

Fully Public Donation

  • Donor name and amount are displayed publicly on fundraiser page.
  • Comment left also publicly visible if donor consents.

Custom Consent

  • Donor info remains anonymous publicly.
  • Donor gives custom consent on what to share with organizers.

These examples demonstrate how donors can mix and match visibility settings based on their preferences.

In Summary

Facebook provides donors flexibility but errs on the side of privacy by default. As a fundraiser organizer, make sure you:

  • Only access details you are authorized to see in Fundraiser Manager.
  • Obtain consent before sharing donor information more broadly.
  • Allow donors to remain anonymous if they wish.
  • Use donor details for fundraiser purposes only.

By respecting donor visibility preferences, you can build trust and goodwill with supporters of your cause.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can fundraiser organizers see my address if I donate?

No, fundraiser organizers do not have access to donors’ private address information through Facebook fundraisers. The donor details visible to organizers are limited to name, donation amount, date, and any comment left.

Where can I see who has donated to a fundraiser?

Public donor names and amounts will be displayed on the main fundraiser page if donors consent to showing their support. The fundraiser organizer can also view a full list of donors and details through the Fundraiser Manager tool.

Can I donate anonymously to someone’s fundraiser?

Yes, you can choose to donate anonymously to a Facebook fundraiser when contributing. Your name will display as “Anonymous” and keep your gift private from the broader public.

How do I make my donation public?

When donating, look for the option to “Show your support publicly” and toggle it on. This will allow your name and amount to display publicly on the fundraiser page.

What if I donated anonymously but changed my mind?

Contact the fundraiser organizer and ask them to update your donor display preferences. They should be able to make your gift public if you provide consent.

Can fundraiser organizers download a list of donors?

Yes, fundraiser organizers can download a donor contribution report through Fundraiser Manager. This contains private information only visible to organizers, not public donors.

Donor Name Donation Amount Date Comment
Jane Doe $50 9/12/22 Wishing you the best of luck!
Anonymous $100 9/15/22

This covers the basics around donor visibility and privacy for Facebook fundraisers. The platform aims to balance transparency for organizers while respecting contributor preferences.