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Can you see when you last changed your password on Facebook?

Can you see when you last changed your password on Facebook?

Facebook allows users to see when they last changed their password through the “Security and Login” settings page. This can be useful for monitoring unauthorized access and ensuring you change your password regularly for security.

How to View Your Facebook Password Change History

Here are the steps to see when you last changed your Facebook password:

  1. Log into your Facebook account
  2. Click on the arrow in the top right corner
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the dropdown menu
  4. Click on “Settings” in the left sidebar
  5. Click on “Security and Login” under the “Security” section
  6. Under “Change Password,” you will see “Last Changed” followed by the date you last changed your password

So by navigating to the “Security and Login” settings, you can quickly view when your Facebook password was last changed.

Why Check Your Facebook Password Change History

Here are some key reasons why you may want to check when you last changed your Facebook password:

  • Monitor unauthorized access – If you see a change you don’t remember making, your account may have been accessed without your knowledge.
  • Ensure regular changes – Experts recommend changing your passwords every 90 days for best security practices.
  • Jog your memory – If you have trouble remembering the last time you changed your password, this setting lets you easily verify.
  • Update other accounts – If your Facebook password is used for other accounts, you may want to update those as well.
  • Avoid lockouts – Facebook will lock you out after a number of failed logins, so you can use this to avoid potential issues.

Checking your password change history takes just a few seconds, so it’s worth doing periodically to monitor unauthorized changes and remind yourself to change it when needed.

How Often Should You Change Your Facebook Password?

When it comes to changing your Facebook password, most experts recommend updating it every 60-90 days as a best practice. Here are some guidelines on Facebook password changes:

  • Every 90 days – Change it at least every 90 days to limit unauthorized access if your password is compromised.
  • If reused – If you use the same password across accounts, change it more frequently.
  • After suspicious activity – If you notice suspicious posts or logins, immediately change your password.
  • Password manager changes – Letting a password manager handle changes can allow more frequent updates.
  • Strong and unique – Use a strong, unique password to allow less frequent changes.

While Facebook does not force periodic password changes, taking proactive measures to change it frequently improves security.

How to Change Your Facebook Password

When you are ready to change your Facebook password, here are the steps to do it:

  1. Click on the arrow in the top right corner
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy”
  3. Click on “Settings”
  4. Click “Security and Login”
  5. Click “Edit” next to “Change Password”
  6. Enter your current password
  7. Type your new password and confirm it
  8. Click “Save Changes”

Your Facebook password will then be updated. Be sure to use a strong, unique password that you don’t use across accounts.

Tips for Creating a Strong Facebook Password

When changing your Facebook password, follow these tips to create a strong one:

  • Long password – Use 14+ characters if allowed
  • Mix of types – Use upper/lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols
  • Avoid personal info – Don’t use your name, email, or other personal info
  • Don’t reuse – Don’t use the same password you use elsewhere
  • Consider passphrases – String random words together
  • Store securely – Use a password manager app to store unique passwords

Taking steps to use long, complex passwords makes them much harder for cybercriminals to crack.

Signs Your Facebook Account Has Been Hacked

If you notice any of the following signs, your Facebook may have been compromised:

  • Unexpected password change – The “Last Changed” date changes unexpectedly
  • Strange posts or messages – Odd posts or messages sent from your account
  • Unknown logins – Login notifications from unknown locations or devices
  • Unfamiliar friends – Friend requests sent to people you don’t know
  • New administrator – Someone added as an admin to your Facebook page
  • Locked out – You are suddenly locked out of your account

If you notice any of these issues, immediately change your password and check your account settings for anything unusual. Enable two-factor authentication for additional protection.

What to Do if You Think Your Facebook Has Been Hacked

If you suspect your Facebook account has been compromised, take the following steps:

  1. Log out of all devices – Log out remotely to reset all active sessions
  2. Change your password – Update to a new, strong password you don’t reuse anywhere
  3. Remove unauthorized administrators – If someone else was added as an admin, remove them
  4. Check security and login settings – Look for anything suspicious like new devices logged in
  5. Scan computers for malware – Hackers can use malware to steal passwords and data
  6. Enable two-factor authentication – Add an extra layer of security when logging in
  7. Report compromised account – Use Facebook’s tools to report your account was hacked

Taking quick action when your account is compromised can help secure it and minimize any damage. Be sure to monitor your account closely over the next few weeks for further suspicious activity.

Can You Tell if Someone is Logged Into Your Facebook?

There are a few ways to see if someone else is logged into your Facebook account:

  • View active sessions – In settings under “Security and Login” you can see active sessions and log them out
  • Check login notifications – Facebook will notify you of logins from unrecognized devices
  • See login locations – The “Where You’re Logged In” map shows recent login locations
  • Third-party apps – Apps like “Who Deleted Me” can notify you when users are removed
  • Recent activity – Check your feed and messages for any activity not done by you

Monitoring these features makes it possible to identify unauthorized access to your account. Be sure to promptly change your password if you discover suspicious activity.

How Does Facebook Notify You of Unauthorized Logins?

Facebook has several ways to notify you about suspicious or unauthorized logins to your account:

  • Login alerts – You will get login attempt notifications by email or Facebook alert
  • Unfamiliar location – Facebook may prompt you to confirm a login from a new location
  • Security checkpoint – You may have to confirm your identity or re-enter your password
  • Email notifications – The associated email will get notifications of password changes
  • Backup codes – You can view codes used to access your account if you get locked out

Be sure to monitor these notifications and review devices logged into your account frequently. Take immediate action if you see any unrecognized access attempts.

Facebook Login Alert Examples

Here are some examples of Facebook login alerts you may receive:

  • Email alert: “Your Facebook password was changed from a new location. If you did not change it, please secure your account.”
  • Mobile notification: “Someone logged into your Facebook account from a new device in London. If this wasn’t you, your account may be compromised.”
  • Security alert: “We detected a login to your Facebook account from a suspicious device. Please review recently used devices on your account.”

These alerts allow you to take quick action if an unauthorized login is detected. Always report unfamiliar access attempts immediately.

How to Recover a Hacked Facebook Account

If your Facebook account has been hacked, use these steps to recover it:

  1. Report hacked account – Use Facebook’s tools to report your account was compromised
  2. Provide proof of identity – Send Facebook a copy of your photo ID to prove account ownership
  3. Complete Facebook recovery – Answer security questions to restore access
  4. Remove the hacker – Eliminate any profile changes or new friends added by the hacker
  5. Reset your password – Log in and change your password to something completely new
  6. Turn on two-factor authentication – Add an extra security layer when logging in to your account
  7. Review security settings – Make sure everything looks normal under your security and login settings

Persistence and patience are key, as recovering a hacked Facebook account can potentially take weeks. Continue following up with Facebook support until everything is restored.

Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Account?

It is possible to recover a deleted Facebook account, but only for a limited time. Here is an overview of recovering a deleted Facebook account:

  • First 30 days – You can fully restore your account by logging in within 30 days of deletion.
  • After 30 days – Account can be recovered but content may be lost after the first 30 days.
  • 14+ days after request – You can request to restore your account if it’s been at least 14 days since deletion.
  • Proof of ID – You will need to provide proof of identity such as a photo ID.
  • No guarantee – There is no guarantee Facebook can recover your account after 30 days.

So in summary, the sooner you act after deleting your Facebook account, the better chance you have of fully restoring it without any data loss.

Security Tips to Protect Your Facebook Account

Use the following security tips to help protect your Facebook account:

  • Strong password – Create a long, unique password and change it frequently.
  • Two-factor authentication – Add an extra login step for increased security.
  • Review devices – Occasionally check devices logged into your account and log out any unfamiliar ones.
  • Limited public info – Be cautious sharing your address, phone number or birthday publicly on your profile.
  • Friend requests – Only accept requests from people you know to prevent stalkers or scammers.
  • Facebook alerts – Turn on notifications so Facebook will alert you to suspicious logins.
  • Shared computers – Always log out of Facebook after using a public or shared computer.
  • Malware protection – Install reputable antivirus software to detect any password-stealing malware.

Making your Facebook account security a priority can help prevent it from being hacked or accessed by unauthorized users.


Checking your Facebook password change history is an easy way to monitor your account security and ensure you are changing your password regularly. If you see any unauthorized changes or logins, take swift action by enhancing your settings and reporting hacked account activity to Facebook. Use strong, unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication to proactively protect your account from being compromised by malicious actors.