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Can you see when someone logs into your Facebook account?

Can you see when someone logs into your Facebook account?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2 billion active users worldwide. Given how much personal information people store on their Facebook accounts, account security is a major concern for many users.

One common question people have is whether you can see when someone else logs into your Facebook account without your permission. The short answer is yes, Facebook does have features that allow you to see recent login activity on your account. In this article, we’ll explain how you can view login notifications and see a history of logins to your Facebook account.

Getting Login Notifications

The easiest way to see when someone logs into your Facebook account is by turning on login notifications. Facebook can send you notifications by email or SMS text message whenever someone logs into your account from a new device or browser.

Here are the steps to turn on Facebook login notifications:

  1. Open Facebook and click on the down arrow in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings” from the menu.
  3. On the Settings page, click “Security and login” in the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Where you’re logged in,” turn on the setting for “Get alerts about unrecognized logins.”
  5. Select whether you want alerts via email, text, Facebook notification, or some combination.
  6. Click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

Once this setting is enabled, Facebook will notify you any time an unrecognized device or browser logs into your account. You’ll get information on the location, device, and time so you can identify any suspicious activity.

Viewing Your Login History

In addition to real-time notifications, you can also view a history of all recent logins to your Facebook account. This allows you to audit login activity and watch for any unknown or suspicious access.

To see your Facebook login history:

  1. Go to the Security and Login settings.
  2. Click “Where you’re logged in.”
  3. Here you will see a list of all the places your account has been accessed recently, including app logins.
  4. Clicking “See More” will show you logins from the past 30 days.

This history displays the location, browser/device, and date/time for each login. If you see any activity from a place you don’t recognize, you may want to change your password or take other account security steps.

Using Login Approvals

For additional account security, you can require login approval any time an unrecognized browser tries to access your Facebook account. This forces the user to get a special security code via text or authenticator app before they can successfully log in.

To set up login approvals:

  1. Go to Security and Login settings.
  2. Under “Use two-factor authentication,” click “Edit.”
  3. Select the option to “Require Code” when unrecognized browsers access your account.
  4. Choose to get login codes via text or authentication app.
  5. Click “Confirm” to save the setting.

With login approvals, even if someone has your Facebook password they will not be able to access your account from a new device without also getting access to your phone or authentication app.


Facebook provides users with tools to see when their accounts are accessed as well as protect against unauthorized logins. By turning on login notifications and regularly checking your login history, you can monitor activity on your account and watch for any suspicious access.

Requiring login approvals provides an additional layer of security by forcing an extra verification any time an unrecognized browser tries to login. Along with using a strong password and enabling two-factor authentication everywhere possible, these Facebook tools can help you securely protect your account from unauthorized access.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I see a history of logins to my Facebook account?

You can view a login history by going to the Security and Login settings in Facebook, then selecting “Where you’re logged in.” This will show you a list of recent logins from the past 30 days, including the location, browser/device, and date/time of access.

Do I get notified if someone logs into my Facebook account from a new device?

Yes, Facebook can send you notifications whenever your account is accessed from a new device or browser. Just go to your Security and Login settings and turn on “Get alerts about unrecognized logins” to enable notifications by email, text, or Facebook alert.

Can I require a special login code to access my Facebook account?

Yes, Facebook supports requiring a security code via text or authentication app any time an unrecognized browser tries to login. This is called login approvals and adds an extra layer of account security beyond just a password.

What’s the best way to keep my Facebook account secure?

The top ways to secure your Facebook account are:

  • Use a strong, unique password
  • Enable two-factor authentication
  • Check login notifications and history
  • Require login approvals from unrecognized devices
  • Be cautious of suspicious links/login requests
  • Avoid accessing Facebook on public networks

Taking these steps makes it much harder for someone else to access your account without authorization.

How far back can I see login history for my Facebook account?

The login history goes back 30 days. It shows you every login to your Facebook account over the past month, including the location, device, browser, and timestamp of each access. Anything older than 30 days won’t be visible in the login history.

What should I do if I see an unrecognized login in my Facebook history?

If you notice any logins from devices, locations or browsers you don’t recognize, you should take steps to secure your account:

  • Change your Facebook password immediately
  • Check for any suspicious posts or messages from your account
  • Enable login approvals if you haven’t already
  • Scan your devices for malware just in case
  • Consider turning on Facebook’s “Find My Account” feature

Unrecognized activity could indicate your account was compromised, so it’s important to lock things down and watch for any other suspicious behavior.

How Facebook Login Security Works

Understanding how Facebook keeps track of device logins and detects suspicious activity can help you better monitor and secure your own account. Here’s an overview of how their login security works:

Device Mapping

When you login to Facebook from a new device for the first time, Facebook takes note of some unique attributes like the device ID, operating system version, browser version, and more. This creates a “device signature” that is then linked to your account.

The next time you login from that same device, Facebook recognizes it and allows seamless access. But if an unknown device tries to login, you’ll get an alert and may have to provide extra verification.

Location Tracking

Facebook also keeps track of the geographic location of each login to your account based on your device’s IP address. When you login, they check that the location makes sense based on your recent activity. A big change in location can trigger a security alert.

Suspicious Activity Detection

An automated system looks for patterns that suggest a login could be unauthorized or a hacked account. Things like an unusual location, unknown device, or switching locations very quickly will flag the login as suspicious.

Facebook may respond by sending a login notification, requiring extra verification via code, or locking down the account until the issue is resolved.

Protecting Other Online Accounts

In addition to securing your Facebook login, it’s also important to protect your other online accounts from unauthorized access by following similar practices:

Use Unique Passwords

Never reuse the same password between accounts. Use long, complex, unique passwords for every account to prevent them from being compromised together.

Enable Two-Factor Authentication

Add an extra verification step like a code or biometrics to your important logins. This prevents access with just a stolen password.

Check Notification Settings

Many online services let you get notifications about unrecognized logins. Turn these on to monitor suspicious activity.

Frequently Change Passwords

Update your passwords every few months to limit the damage if any credentials do get stolen in a breach.

Monitor Account Activity

Regularly review your account history and security settings to check for unknown logins, posts, or any other suspicious behavior.

Avoid Clicking Suspicious Links

Look out for phishing emails or texts asking you to login and verify account details. These malicious links can steal your login credentials.

Practicing good account security habits across all your online accounts can help prevent the vast majority of unauthorized logins, keeping your information safe from compromise.


Knowing if and when someone else accesses your Facebook account is crucial for keeping control of it. Facebook provides useful login notifications and activity history to monitor your account security.

By turning on alerts about unrecognized logins, regularly reviewing your login history, and enabling login approvals, you can feel confident that only you are accessing your Facebook profile. Combine these tools with strong passwords and two-factor authentication for comprehensive protection of your account.

Watching for unauthorized or unusual access attempts also gives you the chance to respond quickly. If you do see suspicious activity, you can change your password, check for malware, and take other steps to re-secure your account right away.

With more than a billion Facebook users around the globe, account security is essential. Fortunately the platform gives you visibility and control to know exactly when your account is accessed and by whom.