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Can you see people’s comments on stories?

Can you see people’s comments on stories?

When using social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, users have the ability to post photos, videos, and other content in the form of “stories” that are visible to their followers for 24 hours. A common question that arises is whether you can see the comments other people have left on someone else’s stories. The short answer is maybe, but with some limitations.

In this article, we’ll break down how commenting on stories works on major platforms, what controls users have over who can see story comments, and some best practices around commenting responsibly.

Commenting on Instagram Stories

Instagram allows users to comment on stories by tapping the comment icon at the bottom of a story. This opens up a text field where you can type a comment.

When you comment on someone’s Instagram story, the account holder will be notified and can see and reply to your comment in the viewer list for that story. Other users who view the story will not see your specific comment in the story itself – they would have to go to the viewer list to see all comments.

So comments on Instagram stories are semi-private. The account holder can see all comments, but other viewers can’t see them unless they specifically go looking for them.

Instagram does give users some control over story commenting:

Comment Controls – Instagram allows users to filter comments on their stories by everyone, people you follow, and your followers. This means you can limit story commenting to only people you know if you want a more private experience.

Restrict Accounts – If there are specific accounts that are repeatedly leaving unwanted comments, you can restrict them so they are unable to comment on your story in the future.

Report Comments – If anyone leaves rude or abusive comments on your stories, you can report the comments to Instagram to have them reviewed and potentially removed.

So while Instagram stories are designed to be an ephemeral sharing experience, users do have tools to curate the types of comments they are comfortable with.

Facebook Stories

Facebook introduced their own stories feature within the Facebook app in 2017. Commenting on Facebook stories works similarly to Instagram:

– Comments on Facebook stories are only visible to the account holder, not to other viewers of the story.

– Users can limit story commenting to friends or specific groups if they want more control.

– Comments can be reported if they violate Facebook’s community standards.

The main difference is that Facebook users may be commenting with their full names and identifiable profiles, rather than anonymous Instagram handles. This may make some users more cautious and conservative about what they comment on Facebook stories.

Snapchat Stories

Snapchat takes a different approach to story commenting. There is no public commenting feature for Snapchat stories – the only messaging is via private/direct snap messages.

This creates a more private, 1-to-1 communication environment for Snapchat. Users don’t have to worry about managing public comments on their stories from their broader audience.

Best Practices for Commenting on Stories

When commenting on someone else’s social media stories, keep these best practices in mind:

Be Positive – Stories are intended to be lighthearted sharing of everyday moments. Keep comments focused on positive reactions and vibes.

Keep it Clean – Don’t use stories as a place for negative or controversial comments. Vulgar language and excessive opinions tend to derail the intended purpose.

Don’t Overshare – Be cautious about revealing too many personal details or making comments that are inappropriate for the broader audience. Stories often reach beyond close friends.

Respect Privacy – Don’t comment on private details or ask invasive questions unless you have an established personal relationship with the account holder.

Use Restraint – Flooding someone’s story with a ton of comments can become overwhelming. Stick to a few concise comments rather than overrunning the story.

Don’t Spread False Info – Verify facts before repeating or commenting about details from a story that could be inaccurate or misconstrued.

Following basic courtesy and respect will ensure your story comments are adding value for the account holder and other viewers. If in doubt, it’s best to err on the side of fewer comments rather than over-commenting.

Can You Delete Comments on Your Own Story?

If you end up posting a story and getting comments you want to remove, you do have options:


– Tap into story settings and restrict future comments from that user

– Delete the story – this will remove all associated comments

– Report abusive comments for review


– Delete or hide unwanted comments

– Delete the story

– Restrict users from commenting on your future stories


– Messages in Snapchat disappear after being viewed, so you can’t delete them after the fact

– Block users if you no longer want to receive messages from them

So while commenting happens quickly, you are not necessarily stuck forever with unwanted story comments. Use built-in settings to filter out or remove problem comments.


Commenting on social stories is a fun way to interact and share reactions in the moment. But approach commenting with some common sense – be positive, respect privacy, and don’t overwhelm people with comments. Users have controls to filter out comments if needed, but it’s best to focus on adding value for the account holder rather than carelessly posting whatever comes to mind. Be selective in when and what you comment on stories.

Platform Who Can See Comments Commenter Identity
Instagram Only the account holder Anonymous usernames
Facebook Only the account holder Full names and profiles
Snapchat Only recipients of direct snaps Anonymous usernames

Examples of Positive Story Comments

– “Great photo! Looks like an awesome vacation spot.”

– “This video is so cool! Thanks for sharing the cool moment with us.”

– “That’s awesome news, so happy for you!”

– “Too cute! I love seeing these family moments.”

– “This made me smile today, appreciate you sharing.”

– “Laughing out loud at this! You captured the moment perfectly.”

– “Looks so delicious, enjoy!”

– “Thanks for sharing your experience with us, it’s really interesting to see behind the scenes.”

– “You’re so talented! Way to go on hitting that milestone.”

Examples of Questionable Story Comments to Avoid

– “Where did you get that? I want one too.” (could come across as demanding)

– “I could never pull off that look.” (veers negative)

– “Wait, are you dating that person you’re with!? You never said anything!” (too invasive if you don’t know the person well)

– “You look so fat/old/ugly here.” (insulting/offensive)

– “This is boring, you should post different content.” (criticizing their creative choices)

– “I can’t believe you’d support that immoral cause!” (judging their beliefs)

– “Your baby is so annoying, I had to mute your stories.” (disrespectful)

– “Let me know if you want to sell that item when you’re done with it.” (presumptuous)

– “Oops, overshared on that one!” (calling out their privacy)