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Can you see other people’s friends on Facebook?

Can you see other people’s friends on Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.85 billion monthly active users as of October 2022. On Facebook, users create profiles, share content, and connect with friends, family, and other contacts.

One of the core features of Facebook is the ability to see who someone is friends with on the platform. However, Facebook does have privacy settings that allow users to control who can view their friends list. So whether or not you can see who someone is friends with depends on their privacy settings.

Can you view all of someone’s friends?

In the past, it was possible on Facebook to view a full list of all of someone’s friends if their privacy settings allowed it. Their friends list was public and accessible.

However, in 2009, Facebook rolled out new privacy controls that enabled users to customize their friends list visibility. Under these updated settings, users had the ability to limit who could see their full friends list.

The default setting was that only the user’s friends could view their full friends list. Acquaintances, or non-friends, could not see the full list.

Therefore, since 2009, you generally cannot view all of someone’s Facebook friends unless they have their friend list set to be fully public (which is rare now due to improved privacy controls).

Who can see your Facebook friends list now?

Currently, there are a few different friends list viewing options and privacy settings on Facebook:

– Public: Anyone can see your full list of friends. This option is not recommended for privacy reasons.

– Friends: Only your confirmed friends on Facebook can view your full friends list. This is the default setting.

– Specific friends: You can customize your settings to only allow certain friends to see your friends list. All other friends will only see your limited profile.

– Only Me: No one else but you can access your Facebook friends list. This is the most private option.

So in summary, the only people who can see your full Facebook friends list are your confirmed friends on the platform, if your settings allow it. The exception would be if you keep your friend list public, which most users avoid due to privacy concerns.

How to view someone’s friends list on Facebook

If someone does have their friends list visibility set to public or friends, here is how you can view their list of friends on Facebook:

1. Go to their profile page

2. Click on the “Friends” button below their cover photo

3. This will display a list of all their confirmed friends on Facebook

4. You can browse the list and search for specific friends

5. For friends with privacy restrictions, you may see limited profiles instead of full profiles

So in order to see someone’s Facebook friends, your own account must be friends with theirs and their privacy settings must allow friends to view their friends list. If either of those conditions are not met, you will not be able to access their friends list.

Can you see how many Facebook friends someone has?

Even if you can’t view the full friends list, you are able to see the total number of Facebook friends someone has:

1. Navigate to their profile page

2. The total friend count will be displayed below their cover photo

So regardless of someone’s privacy settings, you can still view the total number of friends they have added on Facebook. But you won’t be able to access the full list unless their settings allow it.

Can someone see when you view their Facebook profile?

A common question is whether someone receives a notification when you view their Facebook profile. The answer is no. Facebook does not notify users of profile views.

When you view someone’s profile, it does not alert them or appear in their notifications in any way. The only exception is if you interact directly with one of their posts through liking, commenting, sharing, etc.

But merely viewing their profile or cover photos is completely private on your end. You can browse Facebook profiles without users ever knowing.

How to tell if someone blocked you on Facebook

If you are unable to view someone’s Facebook profile at all, it could be because they blocked you. Here are some signs that you may be blocked:

– When you search for their profile, it says “content unavailable”
– You cannot find their profile through mutual friends’ lists
– You cannot message or add them as a friend

If you believe you have been blocked, you can try logging out and searching for their profile again. If it appears normally when logged out, that confirms you have been blocked.

Unfortunately there is no way to know for certain if someone has blocked you on Facebook. The platform does not notify users if they have been blocked. But the signs above can help confirm a suspected block.


In summary, here are the key points on viewing Facebook friends lists:

– By default, only confirmed friends can view your full friends list on Facebook due to privacy settings
– You can see someone’s friends list if their settings allow it and you are connected as friends
– Friends lists visibility can be restricted for certain friends or set to private
– You can always see someone’s total Facebook friends count on their profile
– Profile views are private – users are not notified when you view their profile
– If a profile is completely unavailable, it could mean you have been blocked

Facebook’s privacy settings give users control over who can see personal information like their friends list. While you can’t access every detail about someone’s profile or connections, you can still interact within the boundaries they set. Being aware of how visibility and blocking works on Facebook can help you understand what information is available to you.