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Can you see Messenger calls on phone bill?

Can you see Messenger calls on phone bill?

Quick Answer

You typically will not see Messenger calls on your phone bill unless long distance charges are incurred. Messenger calls use data or Wi-Fi, so they are not billed as regular cellular voice calls. However, Messenger calls made overseas could result in long distance charges depending on your phone plan.

Detailed Answer

Facebook Messenger allows users to make free voice and video calls to other Messenger users. These calls utilize either your phone’s data connection or a Wi-Fi network, rather than the cellular voice network. As a result, Messenger calls do not count against cellular plan voice minutes and are not itemized on your phone bill like regular calls.

There are a couple exceptions where Messenger calls may show up on your phone bill:

International Calls

If you make Messenger calls to a user located overseas, long distance charges could apply depending on your cellular plan. Some carriers charge extra fees for international calls, even over data. So an international Messenger call may result in additional charges on your bill even though it is using data.

Billing Errors

In rare cases, a billing error may cause Messenger calls to be mistakenly counted as regular voice calls. If you notice any charges for Messenger usage on your bill, contact your carrier to have them removed.

No Itemization for Data Usage

In most cases, your phone bill will not provide an itemized breakdown of data usage from specific apps and services like Messenger. Instead, it will just show your total cellular data usage for the month. So there is no way to see how much data Messenger used based on the phone bill alone.

Using Wi-Fi vs Cellular Data

Messenger calls made over Wi-Fi will never show up on your phone bill at all. Only Messenger calls made over your phone’s cellular data connection have the potential to incur charges if international. So making Messenger calls over Wi-Fi is the best way to avoid any possibility of fees.

Monitoring Data Usage

If you need to monitor your Messenger data usage, you’ll need to use tools within your phone instead of relying on the carrier bill. On an iPhone, you can view Messenger’s cellular data usage in the Settings app under Cellular. On Android, you can use the Data Usage section of Settings.

Minimizing Data Usage for Messenger Calls

To minimize data usage for Messenger calls follow these tips:

  • Use Wi-Fi whenever possible to avoid cellular data entirely
  • Set Messenger to low quality video by default
  • Disable HD video calling in Messenger settings
  • Limit call duration to keep data usage down
  • Disable auto-download of videos and images over cellular connections

Voice vs Video Calls

Video calls on Messenger will use significantly more data than voice-only calls. So stick to voice whenever possible if you are concerned about data usage.

Call Type Data Used Per Minute
Voice Call 0.5 – 2 MB
Video Call 10 – 20 MB

As you can see from the table, video calls use over 10X more data per minute compared to voice calls.

Using Wi-Fi for Messenger Calls

Making Messenger calls over Wi-Fi does not use any of your cellular plan data allowance. It will use data from your home or office internet connection instead.

To ensure Messenger uses Wi-Fi:

  • Connect your phone to a Wi-Fi network before making a call
  • In Messenger settings, enable Wi-Fi calling
  • Disable “Use cellular data” in Messenger settings

As long as you have a decent Wi-Fi signal, voice and video quality will be very good using Wi-Fi. The call quality typically will be better than a cellular connection.

Using Cellular Data for Messenger Calls

If Wi-Fi is not available, Messenger will use your phone’s cellular data connection for calls. This will deduct from your monthly data allowance.

Cellular data is still sufficient for Messenger calls, but quality may not be as good as Wi-Fi depending on coverage. Video calls in particular will consume a lot of data.

To manage cellular data usage:

  • Set video call quality to “Low” in settings
  • Disable HD calling over cellular
  • Limit call duration if you have limited data

International Messenger Calls

When making Messenger calls overseas to another country, additional long distance charges may apply. However, this depends entirely on your cellular plan.

Some plans include international calling and data, while others charge extra fees. Contact your carrier to understand what additional costs may be incurred for international Messenger usage.

To avoid surprises:

  • Review your plan details for international coverage
  • Use Wi-Fi for international calls when possible
  • Turn off cellular data roaming if traveling overseas

Reporting Errors on Your Phone Bill

If you notice any charges for Messenger calls on your phone bill, it is likely a billing error. Since Messenger uses data and not cellular voice minutes, it should not incur any usage fees.

To report billing errors:

  • Contact your carrier’s customer service
  • Request detailed call logs from the carrier
  • Identify the erroneous Messenger charges
  • Request the charges be removed due to billing system error

Be prepared to provide call dates, durations, phone numbers called, and amount charged erroneously. Most carriers will remove incorrect charges if you can clearly demonstrate they are invalid.

Monitoring Messenger Usage

Your cellular carrier bill will not provide any breakdown of how much data Messenger used. However, you can monitor Messenger’s cellular data usage within your phone’s settings.

On an iPhone, go to Settings > Cellular > Scroll to Messenger. You’ll see cellular data used.

On Android, go to Settings > Network & Internet > Data Usage. Click on Messenger to view data usage.

These tools let you see the cellular data Messenger has consumed separate from your overall usage. Monitor it periodically if you are concerned about Messenger’s data footprint.


In summary, Messenger calls will not directly show up on your phone bill. They may only incur charges in cases of:

  • International calls generating long distance fees
  • Rare billing errors mistakenly counting Messenger calls as voice

To avoid any possibility of Messenger call charges, use Wi-Fi whenever available. Also review your cellular plan details to understand what, if any, international fees may apply. By sticking to Wi-Fi and monitoring your data usage, you can make Messenger calls without surprises on your phone bill.