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Can you see ads you clicked on Facebook?

Can you see ads you clicked on Facebook?

Facebook serves billions of ads to users every day through its advertising platform. As one of the largest digital advertising companies in the world, Facebook collects vast amounts of data about its users to target ads and analyze their effectiveness.

One common question many Facebook users have is whether they can see which ads they have clicked on or interacted with in the past. The short answer is yes, Facebook does give users some ability to view their ad interaction history, although with certain limitations.

Viewing Ad Interactions in Your Facebook Ad Preferences

The primary way to see ads you’ve clicked on or otherwise interacted with on Facebook is through your “Ad Preferences” page. This page shows you many (but not all) of the ads you’ve clicked, along with limited information about why you were shown those particular ads.

To access your Ad Preferences:

  1. Click on the dropdown arrow in the top right corner of Facebook.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click on “Settings.”
  3. Click on “Ads” in the left sidebar.
  4. Under “Ads,” click on “Ad Preferences.”

On the Ad Preferences page, you’ll see sections for “Advertisers you’ve interacted with” and “Your information.” In the first section, you can view some of the specific ads you’ve clicked or otherwise engaged with recently.

The “Why am I seeing this ad?” link next to each ad will show you some of the interests and other profile information that caused that ad to be served to you. This gives you some visibility into how Facebook targets ads.

Limitations of the Ad Preferences Page

While the Ad Preferences page provides useful insight into your ad interactions, there are some limitations:

  • Only a limited recent history of ad interactions is shown – not your full history over years of Facebook use.
  • The interests and targeting information revealed is minimal and generalized.
  • Facebook controls what ad interactions it displays to you in Ad Preferences. The full scope of data Facebook collects about you for ad targeting purposes is not shown.

So while this page is a helpful start, it does not provide complete transparency into your Facebook ad profile and targeting.

Downloading Your Facebook Data

A more comprehensive way to see your history of ad clicks and interactions is to download your Facebook data. Facebook allows you to download the data it has collected about you, providing it to you in a ZIP file.

This ZIP file contains your full ad click history under the “Ads” folder, with detailed breakdowns of your interactions with specific ads, advertisers and websites.

To download your Facebook data:

  1. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings.
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left sidebar.
  3. Click “Download Your Information” and select the data types you want to download, including “Ads.”
  4. Enter your password and click “Request Download.” The ZIP file will be emailed to you when ready, which may take a few minutes up to a few hours.

Examining the “Ads” data in your downloaded archive will provide you with the most complete view possible of ads you’ve clicked and interacted with.

Information in the Ads Data

The Ads data includes several subfolders that may contain info about your ad clicks, such as:

  • Ad Topics – Topics and interests used to target you with ads
  • Advertisers You’ve Interacted With – Details on advertisers whose ads you’ve clicked or interacted with
  • Advertisers With Your Contact Info – Information on advertisers you may have provided your contact info to
  • Your Ad Interests – Interests and categories inferred about you for ad targeting

Analyzing these subfolders can give you a fuller picture of how your Facebook activity translates into ad targeting data.

Limitations of Downloaded Data

While downloading your data provides more details than the Ad Preferences page, there are still some limitations:

  • Facebook’s ad targeting systems are very complex, and the full details are not contained in your download.
  • Data Facebook infers about you for ad purposes, like your perceived political leanings, are not included.
  • Facebook may omit or obfuscate some advertiser data for privacy reasons.

But this download does give you the most complete view you can access of your Facebook ad profile and activity.

Using Your Browser’s Ad Settings

Modern web browsers also provide visibility into ads you’ve interacted with, along with tools to control ad targeting. This data encompasses ads across the web, not just Facebook.

Google Chrome

In Google Chrome:

  1. Click the three dot menu > Settings > Privacy & security.
  2. Under “Privacy and security,” click “Ads.”
  3. You’ll see “Your current ad settings,” listings advertisers who have targeted you recently.
  4. You can click “View” on each advertiser to see more details on their targeting.

Mozilla Firefox

In Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Click the three line menu > Options.
  2. Click “Privacy & Security” in the left sidebar.
  3. Go to the “Cookies and Site Data” section and click “Manage Data.”
  4. In the “Advertisers” section, you’ll see companies targeting ads to you.

Microsoft Edge

In Microsoft Edge:

  1. Click the three dot menu > Settings > Privacy, search and services.
  2. Click “Services” and go to “Ad profile.”
  3. Under “Your advertising ID,” click “View the companies that have access to your advertising ID.”
  4. You’ll see a list of advertisers that use your ID to target ads.

Browser ad settings don’t specifically detail Facebook ad clicks but provide insight into ad targeting across sites.

Using Ad Preference Managers

You can also view Facebook ad interactions through consumer ad preference managers like

  1. Go to and click “Consumer Choice Tool.”
  2. Enter your email address and select “Facebook” as the data source.
  3. You’ll then see interests and demographics Facebook uses to target you with ads.

This provides an independent overview of how Facebook targets you based on your ad clicks and usage. But again the information is limited compared to downloading your full data from Facebook.


In summary, there are several ways to see ads you’ve clicked or engaged with on Facebook, with limitations to each:

  • The Facebook Ad Preferences page provides a sampling of your recent ad interactions.
  • Downloading your full Facebook data gives more detail on advertisers and targeting.
  • Browser ad settings show ad targeting beyond just Facebook.
  • Ad preference managers like provide another window into Facebook’s targeting.

While no option delivers full transparency, combining these methods gives a broader view of how your Facebook activity shapes the ads you see. The platform’s powerful ad targeting system means the ads you see are highly personalized based on extensive profiling of your interests, habits and demographics.

Being aware of these processes can help you better understand how and why ads are targeted to you. And browser tools provide some ability to limit ad tracking and targeting if you choose. Overall, the ability exists to see ads you’ve clicked on Facebook – but true transparency remains elusive due to the complexity and depth of Facebook’s ad systems.