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Can you search old Facebook posts by date?

Can you search old Facebook posts by date?

Yes, it is possible to search for old Facebook posts by date. Facebook’s search function allows you to filter posts by date and time, making it easy to find specific posts from the past. There are a few different ways to search by date on Facebook.

Using the search bar

The easiest way to search for Facebook posts by date is to use the main search bar at the top of your Facebook page. Simply type in your search keywords, then click on the “Posts” filter on the left side of the results. A calendar will pop up allowing you to select a date or date range to filter the search results.

For example, if you want to find posts you made about your vacation to Hawaii in July 2018, you would type “Hawaii” into the search bar, click on “Posts”, then select July 1, 2018 through July 31, 2018 in the calendar filter. This will show all posts containing “Hawaii” that you posted during the month of July 2018.

Using the filter toolbar

Facebook also has a filter toolbar located above your news feed that allows you to search by date. Click on the filter icon, then select “Date” to bring up a calendar tool. Choose your desired date range and any keywords, then click “Search” to populate results.

This works similarly to the search bar method, but may provide more flexibility in filtering by specific dates or date ranges. You can search by exact dates, months, years, or large multi-year date ranges if desired.

Within your own timeline

You can also search your own personal timeline for posts by date. Go to your profile page and click on the “Posts” tab to bring up your timeline. In the left sidebar, click the “Date” filter to select a specific date range to view. Your timeline will update to only show posts from that date range.

This method is helpful if you want to limit your search to your own posts only. You can browse your timeline by year or month and easily find posts from specific events or time periods.

Using graph search (deprecated)

Facebook previously had a feature called graph search that allowed complex date searches like “Photos of me from July 2014.” However, graph search was officially deprecated in 2020 and is no longer available.

Searching within groups

To search for posts within specific groups on Facebook, navigate to the group and use the search bar at the top of the page. Make sure to select “Posts” from the left sidebar, then use the date selector calendar to choose your date range. This will show all posts from that group within the given dates.

Finding old posts you’re tagged in

To find old posts that you’re tagged in from certain dates, go to your profile, click “Photos”, then select “Photos of You.” Use the date filter in the left sidebar to select the desired date range. This will show all photos you’re tagged in from those dates.

You can also search generally from the main search bar for “Photos of me” and use the date filter to pinpoint old tagged photos.

Searching Messenger

If you want to find old conversations in Facebook Messenger by date, go into your Messenger app and tap your photo icon in the top left. This will bring up the account info screen. From here, tap “Search” and you can search all of your messages by name, date, or keyword.

Use the calendar selector to choose a date range to view conversations from that time period. You can also search for specific words or phrases mentioned during certain dates.

Helpful tips

Here are some helpful tips for searching Facebook by date:

  • Use broad date ranges at first to get the most results, then narrow it down gradually.
  • Try different search methods like the main search bar, filter toolbar, or searching within groups/timelines.
  • Sort results from newest to oldest or vice versa to browse posts chronologically.
  • Save or bookmark important searches to easily access them again later.
  • If you can’t find a post, broaden your search terms or date range.
  • Make your search as specific as possible with keywords, names, dates, etc. to get the best results.

Why finding old posts is difficult

There are a few key reasons why searching for old Facebook posts can sometimes be tricky:

  • Facebook’s algorithms – Facebook’s news feed algorithm controls what posts you see and in what order, making old content harder to surface.
  • Buried or deleted posts – Older posts can get buried under years of new content or may have been deleted entirely.
  • Graph search removal – The graph search feature made date searches easier but was removed in 2020.
  • Keyword reliance – Posts may not always have descriptive words that would come up in a keyword search.
  • Misremembered dates – It can be hard to remember exact dates, making it difficult to narrow down search parameters.
  • Timeline display limits – Facebook timelines typically only display the most recent posts.

While challenging at times, using broad date ranges and the right search tools can help you overcome these obstacles and find what you’re looking for.


Searching old Facebook posts by date is definitely possible using the built-in search filters and tools. The search bar, filter toolbar, and searching within specific timelines offer ways to search by year, month, or even down to the exact date. While Facebook’s algorithms and removal of graph search have made finding old posts more difficult, using wide date ranges, keywords, and persistent searching can help you locate your memories.