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Can you search a contact on Facebook?

Can you search a contact on Facebook?

Yes, you can search for a contact on Facebook in a few different ways. The quickest and easiest way is to use the search bar at the top of your Facebook page. Simply type the name of the person you want to find into the search bar and press enter. Facebook will display results related to that name, including matching Facebook profiles.

Another option is to use the “Find Friends” tool on Facebook. This allows you to search for friends by name, email address, phone number, or school or workplace. To use the Find Friends tool, click on the “Friends” icon in the left sidebar and select “Find Friends” from the dropdown menu. Enter the details you have for the person you want to find and Facebook will search for matching profiles.

Searching by Name

When using the main Facebook search bar to look for a contact, make sure to type their full name if you know it. This will provide the most accurate results. Facebook search works best when you enter the first and last name of the person you want to find.

If you only know part of the person’s name, you can still try searching with just that. For example, searching for “John” will bring up all Facebook users with the first name John. However, the results may be very broad and include many people sharing that first name.

If your search brings up multiple matches, you can click through to the profiles and look for any other identifying details you may know, like current city, workplace, school names, or profile photo to determine if you’ve found the right person.

Searching by Email or Phone Number

If you have the email address or phone number for the contact you want to find, using the Find Friends tool can help locate their Facebook profile. Start from your Facebook homepage and click “Friends” in the left sidebar.

In the dropdown menu, choose “Find Friends” and then select “Email” or “Phone” to search by either option. Enter the full email address or phone number and click Search.

Facebook will look for any profiles associated with that contact information. If a match is found, you’ll see the name and profile photo of the matching Facebook account. You can then send a friend request or message the person if you want to connect.

Searching Friends of Friends

Another search trick is looking through your own friends list to see if someone you know is also connected to the person you want to find. Click on “Friends” and browse through your full friends list.

Click on any mutual friends one at a time and scroll through their friends list to see if your contact is present. This works best when you have overlapping social circles with the person you’re searching for.

If you spot them in one of your friends’ lists, you can then visit their profile directly and send a friend request or message.

Broadening Your Search

If your initial searches don’t work, try broadening the scope little by little for a wider net. Some options include:

  • Searching for just the person’s first or last name
  • Searching for their name and university or city if you know where they live
  • Checking name spellings or alternate versions of their name
  • Browsing all friends of your mutual connections

Taking these steps increases your chances of being able to locate the Facebook profile for the contact you want to find.

Using Filters to Narrow Results

When you search on Facebook and get many results, you can use filters to narrow down the options to find the right person. On the results page after performing a search, click on the “Filters” button to select the following categories:

  • Current City: Choose the city where you know the person lives.
  • Workplace: Select their employer if you know where they work.
  • Relationship Status: Pick single, married, etc. if known.
  • Gender: Choose male or female.

Applying the filters that match your contact will shrink the list of profiles down and make it easier to spot the person you’re looking for.

Sending a Friend Request or Message

Once you’ve located the correct Facebook profile for your contact, you can interact with them right from their profile page. To send a friend request, simply click the “Add Friend” button on their page. This will notify them that you want to connect.

You can also send them a message. Click the “Message” button on their profile, type your message in the text box that pops up, and hit enter to send it.

This will go to their Facebook Messenger inbox so they can reply back. Sending that first message is a great way to get in touch and let them know you found them on Facebook.

Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some tips for troubleshooting your Facebook search if you can’t find the right person:

  • Double check name spellings – small differences can throw off results
  • Try alternate or shortened versions of their name
  • Search their name and location city instead of just name
  • Make sure you’re searching for current details – workplace or city may have changed
  • Check if they have a common name that makes searching difficult
  • Consider if they may not actually have a Facebook profile yet

With persistence and the right search techniques, you should ultimately be able to find the profile for the Facebook contact you’re looking for.


Facebook provides powerful search features to help you locate friends, family, acquaintances, and new contacts. The best options for searching contacts include using the main search bar, Find Friends tool, browsing friends lists, and applying filters to narrow your results. With the right name, location, school, job, or other details, you can usually track down the profile of the specific person you want to connect with.