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Can you run Facebook ads to a landing page?

Can you run Facebook ads to a landing page?

Running Facebook ads to drive traffic to a landing page is a very common and effective marketing strategy. Landing pages allow you to capture leads and convert visitors into customers more efficiently than sending them directly to your website homepage. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about running Facebook ads to landing pages.

What is a landing page?

A landing page, also known as a lead capture page, is a standalone web page that allows you to convert visitors into leads by collecting their contact information. Unlike a website homepage, landing pages are focused on a single goal or conversion, such as getting an email address, a download, or a purchase.

Here are some key features of effective landing pages:

  • Headline and subheadline that clearly convey the offer or conversion goal
  • Simple, uncluttered design to avoid distractions
  • Relevant images, videos, or graphics
  • Clear call-to-action button or form to capture leads
  • Minimal navigation links

Because landing pages are so focused on conversions, they are very well-suited for use with Facebook ads. The ads can drive targeted traffic to a tailored landing page designed to prompt the desired visitor action.

Why run Facebook ads to a landing page?

Here are some of the key benefits of running Facebook ads to landing pages rather than your website homepage:

  • Higher conversion rates: Landing pages remove distractions and focus solely on getting conversions. This leads to higher opt-in, download, and sales rates from your Facebook traffic.
  • Better targeting: You can create different landing pages tailored to specific audiences, locations, or ad campaigns. This allows you to deliver a more targeted message.
  • Lower cost per conversion: Since landing pages convert better, you can acquire customers at a lower advertising cost. Each conversion requires less traffic.
  • Improved tracking: It’s easier to track conversions and ROI from landing pages compared to all the pages on a website.
  • More flexibility: You can test different offers, headlines, designs, etc. by linking Facebook ads to different landing pages.

Best practices for Facebook ads to landing pages

Follow these best practices when running Facebook ad campaigns to landing pages:

  1. Create a dedicated landing page. Don’t send the traffic to your homepage or general website. Build a separate landing page specifically for the ad campaign and offer.
  2. Make sure the landing page matches the ad. The landing page headline, visuals, and copy should align with the messaging and creative from your Facebook ad for a cohesive user experience.
  3. Keep your landing page simple. Only include elements that will advance the conversion goal. Avoid unnecessary navigation links or distractions.
  4. Optimize your landing page for conversions. Use buttons, lightboxes, sticky forms and other tactics to prompt the desired action from visitors.
  5. Test different landing page elements. Try different headlines, images, offers, or designs. See what converts best for your target audience.
  6. Make your call-to-action clear. Use clear CTA buttons or forms so visitors immediately know what action you want them to take.

Following these best practices will help you maximize conversions from your Facebook ad traffic.

How to create a Facebook ad landing page

Here is the process for creating a landing page for your Facebook ads:

  1. Choose a landing page tool. Some options to create landing pages include Instapage, Leadpages, Unbounce, Convertri and more.
  2. Pick a template. Many landing page builders have templates to start from. Or you can build one from scratch.
  3. Design the page. Come up with a compelling headline and visuals. Keep text minimal. Highlight your unique value proposition.
  4. Add forms and CTAs. Include buttons, forms, or other CTAs to prompt conversions. Connect forms to your CRM or email marketing system.
  5. Refine the layout. Preview on mobile devices. Set up a logical page flow. Make sure CTAs are visible without scrolling.
  6. Publish and connect your domain. Use a tool like Bitly to create a custom, memorable link. Connect your own domain for a professional look.

Focus your landing page on quickly conveying a compelling offer and making conversion easy. Keep testing and refining your pages for maximum results.

How to promote your landing page

Here are some tips for driving traffic to your landing pages through Facebook ads:

  • Set up a conversion tracking pixel on your landing page so you can optimize for conversions
  • Create ad sets targeted to different audiences and locations
  • Test different creative, offers, and headlines
  • Use eye-catching images and video in your Facebook ads
  • Highlight the value proposition and benefits
  • Use lead generation or conversion objective when optimizing for landing page actions

Always analyze performance data and identify which ad creative, audiences, and offers drive the highest conversion rates. Then double down on the high performers to scale up your results.

Top tips for optimizing your landing page

Here are some additional tips for optimizing your Facebook ad landing pages for better performance:

  • Reduce friction in your forms by only asking for essential info
  • Use heat maps to identify page elements that drive conversions
  • Make your landing page fast loading by optimizing images and code
  • Include social proof elements like testimonials or customer reviews
  • Make sure your CTA buttons stand out with high contrast colors
  • Reduce distractions and clutter to keep visitors focused on converting
  • Highlight the value proposition and urgency with scarcity or discounts

Keep a relentless focus on optimization. Use A/B testing to improve page elements over time. Examine your conversion funnel to identify and resolve major drop-off points.


Running Facebook ads to landing pages is an extremely effective strategy to get conversions and ROI from your ad spend. Dedicated landing pages allow you to laser-focus your message and offer to prompt immediate actions from visitors.

To succeed, closely align your landing page with your Facebook ad messaging. Make continual improvements through testing and optimization. Use landing page builders and templates to quickly create high-converting pages.

With these best practices, you can utilize landing pages to significantly boost your Facebook advertising results and acquire more customers at a lower cost.