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Can you run a reel as a Facebook ad?

Can you run a reel as a Facebook ad?

Yes, it is possible to run a reel as a Facebook ad. Reels are short, entertaining video clips that users can create and share on Instagram. If you have an Instagram business account, you can promote your reels as ads on Facebook to reach a wider audience beyond just your Instagram followers.

Benefits of Running a Reel as a Facebook Ad

There are a few key benefits to running your reels as Facebook ads:

Reach a New Audience

Promoting your reel as an ad allows you to get your content in front of a new audience that may not be following you yet on Instagram. Facebook has billions of users, so running a reel ad can help expand your reach.

Low Cost per View

Facebook ad costs are based on an auction system, but generally the cost per view for video ads is very low, especially compared to YouTube. Reels tend to perform well as Facebook ads because of their short, entertaining format.

Drive Traffic to Instagram

Running a reel ad can help drive new followers and engagement back to your Instagram profile. The ad can include a clickable link or call-to-action button to encourage viewers to visit your Instagram page.

Retarget Website Visitors

If you connect your Facebook ad account to your website’s pixel, you can show your reel ads to people who have already visited your website. Retargeting to warm leads can help drive conversions.

Test Ad Creative

Running reels as ads allows you to test which video creative resonates best with your target audience. You can A/B test different reels and improve your content over time.

How to Run a Reel as a Facebook Ad

Here is a step-by-step guide to running a reel as a Facebook ad:

Step 1: Publish Reel on Instagram

First, create and publish your reel directly on Instagram. Make sure the content will appeal to your target audience. Include relevant #hashtags in the caption to help people find it.

Step 2: Download the Reel from Instagram

Once your reel is live on Instagram, download it to your device. You can save your own reels by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the reel and selecting “Save.”

Step 3: Create Facebook Ad

Go to Facebook Ads Manager and create a new ad campaign. Select the objective that matches your goals, name your campaign, set the budget and schedule, and enter your targeting details.

Step 4: Upload Reel

When prompted to select your media, upload the reel you downloaded from Instagram. The optimal resolution for Facebook video ads is 1920×1080.

Step 5: Customize Ad Text

Add your ad headline, text, links, etc. Make sure to include a strong call-to-action encouraging viewers to visit your Instagram profile or website.

Step 6: Place Order

Submit your order and your reel ad will start running on Facebook! Be sure to monitor and optimize the campaign over time for best results.

Best Practices

Here are some top tips for running successful reel ads on Facebook:

– Test different reel content to see what resonates best.

– Keep the first 3 seconds interesting to grab attention.

– Include relevant hashtags and captions to target interests.

– Use eye-catching thumbnails that represent the reel well.

– Leverage Facebook’s detailed targeting options.

– Retarget website visitors to drive conversions.

– Monitor campaign results and optimize for lower costs and higher engagement.

– Link to your Instagram profile and use a relevant, appealing call-to-action.


Running Instagram reels as ads on Facebook is an effective way to expand your reach and get your content in front of targeted new audiences. Reels that entertain and provide value can gain traction quickly as Facebook video ads. Just make sure to follow best practices for creating compelling reels and setting up optimized ad campaigns. Start small, test different options, and scale up the top performing reels for your business. With the massive Facebook audience, promoting reels as ads has huge potential to grow your brand visibility.

Pros Cons
Reach larger audiences beyond Instagram Need to create content optimized for both Instagram and Facebook
Low cost per view/engagement More time spent managing ads on two platforms
Drive traffic back to Instagram profile Facebook video specs different than Instagram reels
Retarget website visitors Learning curve to master Facebook ads platform
Test different creative and content Extra work downloading and uploading reels

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the ideal video specs for Facebook ads?

The recommended resolution for Facebook video ads is 1920×1080 pixels with an aspect ratio of 16:9. Video can be uploaded in MOV or MP4 format and should be less than 4GB in size and 240 minutes long.

Can I use the same reel creative on both Instagram and Facebook?

Generally it’s fine to re-use Instagram reels for Facebook ads. However, the platforms have slightly different aspect ratios – 1:1 for Instagram, 16:9 for Facebook. So reels may appear cropped or with minor formatting differences when run as Facebook ads.

How much do Facebook reel ads cost?

It depends on your targeting, bidding strategy, and competition. Most Facebook video ad campaigns end up around $0.10-$0.30 per video view. The more targeted your audience and relevant your content, the lower your cost per view will be.

What’s the ideal length for a Facebook reel ad?

Facebook allows video ads between 15 seconds and 240 minutes long. However, the best performing reel ads tend to be 15-30 seconds long. Reels capture attention with their short, engaging format that works well for Facebook too.

Can I convert an existing video into a reel for Facebook ads?

Absolutely. You can take older video content, edit it into a 15-30 second reel, and optimize it for both Instagram and Facebook ads. Repurposing evergreen content as a reel can save you time creating new material.

Should I always link to my Instagram profile in Facebook reel ads?

It’s generally a smart strategy to include a link or call-to-action driving viewers to check out your Instagram profile. However, you can also link to your website or other destination if you have other goals beyond growing Instagram followers. Test different CTAs to see what optimizes best.

How often should I create new reels to use as Facebook ads?

To keep your ad content fresh, it’s a good idea to continually add new reels to your Facebook ad rotation about once a week. See what content performs best and make more similar high-converting reels. But re-promote your evergreen top performing reels too.

Can I turn off comments on my Facebook reel ads?

Unfortunately Facebook does not allow the comments to be disabled on video ads. However, you can choose to hide comments on the original reel post on Instagram before running it as an ad on Facebook.

Should I always use the same Facebook ad account for Instagram reels?

It’s recommended to manage all your Facebook ad campaigns through the same Ads Manager account for optimal performance and reporting. Connect your Instagram profile to your existing Facebook ad account when first setting up Instagram reel ads.

How do I measure the results of my Facebook reel ads?

Facebook provides robust analytics on ad performance. Look at cost per view, reach, frequency, conversions, landing page views, link clicks, impressions, comments, shares and more. Compare results across your different reel ads.


– Reels can be run as video ads on Facebook to reach new audiences beyond Instagram.

– Benefits include increased reach, low cost per view, driving Instagram traffic, retargeting, and creative testing.

– To run a reel ad, publish on Instagram, download it, create Facebook ad, upload reel, customize text, place order.

– Follow best practices for compelling reels and optimized targeting for better results.

– Use Facebook’s analytics to measure and refine your reel ad campaigns over time.

Reels provide a major new opportunity to repurpose engaging short-form video content into Facebook ads. As the popularity of both platforms continues to grow, blurring the lines between them with cross-promoted reels makes strategic sense for marketers looking to expand their reach and visibility.