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Can you run a Facebook ad without comments?

Can you run a Facebook ad without comments?

Yes, it is possible to run Facebook ads without having the comments section enabled. When setting up a Facebook ad, page owners have the option to turn comments on or off for the ad post.

Here are some quick answers to common questions about running Facebook ads without comments:

Why would you want to turn comments off on a Facebook ad?

There are a few reasons why a page owner may want to disable comments on their Facebook ads:

– To avoid negative or inappropriate comments that could damage their brand image

– To keep the ad focused on their main message without distraction

– To simplify ad management by not having to monitor and moderate comments

– To comply with legal or regulatory restrictions around user-generated content

How do you turn off comments on a Facebook ad?

When creating a Facebook ad in Ads Manager, there is an option under “Comments and Reactions” to toggle comments on or off. By default, comments are enabled. To disable:

1. Click on the comments dropdown menu
2. Select “No comments from anyone”
3. Save the ad

Comments will now be disabled when the ad is live.

Can you turn comments back on later?

Yes, if you change your mind, you can always go back and re-enable comments on an ad later. Just edit the ad, go to the comments settings, and change it from “No comments from anyone” to “Comments enabled.” The change will apply immediately.

Will turning off comments hurt your ad performance?

Disabling comments doesn’t appear to have a significant impact on ad delivery and metrics. The main purpose of Facebook ad comments is for users to interact with the page owner. Without enabled comments, users can still like, share or click on the ad itself.

Some studies have found that disabling comments can slightly improve ad click-through rates in some cases. The rationale is that it focuses attention on the ad creative and call-to-action without distractions from comments.

Can you moderate comments on Facebook ads?

Yes, page owners can moderate comments on their Facebook ads if comments are enabled. When initially setting up the ad, page owners can choose:

– Comments enabled (default setting)
– Comments from friends of page owner only
– Comments from specific groups or pages only
– No comments from anyone

They can also use comment moderation filters to automatically hide inappropriate comments and respondent tags to be notified when a response is needed. Comments can be hidden or deleted retroactively as needed.

Step-by-Step Guide to Running a Facebook Ad Without Comments

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to setting up a Facebook ad with comments disabled:

Step 1: Create your ad

First, create your ad in Facebook Ads Manager as you normally would. Select your objective, audience, placements and budget. Design the ad creative and write compelling copy.

Step 2: Go to Ad Settings

In Ads Manager, click on the three dots next to your ad and select “Edit.” This opens the Ad Settings.

Step 3: Locate Comment Settings

In Ad Settings, scroll down and click on “Comments and Reactions.” This is where you can configure comment options.

Step 4: Select Comment Setting

Under comment settings, change the dropdown menu from “Comments Enabled” to “No Comments from Anyone.”

Step 5: Save and Launch

Scroll to the bottom and click “Save.” Now you can launch your ad without comments enabled.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices when running Facebook ads with comments disabled:

Preview on Facebook

Always preview how your ad will look on Facebook before launching to confirm comments are disabled.

Inform your team

Let your social media team or community managers know comments are off so they don’t expect to see user feedback.

Moderate if enabled

If you do keep comments on, remember to actively moderate and respond to user comments.

Monitor metrics

Keep an eye on your ad metrics to see if disabling comments helps or hurts performance.

Re-enable if needed

Don’t be afraid to turn comments back on if you find it improves engagement and conversions for your campaign.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let’s look at some potential advantages and disadvantages of running Facebook ads without comments:

Potential Advantages

– Avoid negative or distracting comments
– Present cleaner ad experience
– Reduce community management workload
– Stay focused on primary ad objective
– Comply with legal or regulatory policies
– Slight performance boost in some cases

Potential Disadvantages

– Lose user feedback and insights
– Miss conversation opportunities
– Reduce overall engagement
– Isolate ad from wider experience
– Damage brand transparency

Top Examples

Here are some top examples of brands running Facebook ad campaigns with comments disabled:


Walmart frequently runs video and collection ads without comments enabled. This likely helps them avoid unmoderated negative feedback.

Red Bull

Red Bull often promotes high-intensity sports and events using video ads without comments. This keeps the focus on the excitement of the content.


Nike uses inspirational ads featuring athletes to showcase new products. Disabling comments creates a more cinematic, uninterrupted experience.


Google advertises services like Google Fi wireless using ads with comments off. They likely want to avoid support Q&A and keep attention on core messaging.


Netflix turns off comments for movie and show teasers to maintain an immersive viewing experience and avoid spoilers or debates.


Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about running Facebook ads without comments:

Is turning off comments bad for engagement?

It can reduce overall engagement, but may boost clicks and conversions in some cases. Test performance with comments on vs. off.

Can you limit comments to friends only?

Yes, you can restrict comments to friends of the advertiser or other groups. This still allows some feedback.

What happens if you comment on an ad with comments disabled?

Your comment will not be visible. You’ll get a notice saying “Comments on this ad are limited.”

Can page owners still reply to comments on the ad post?

No, if comments are disabled on the ad post itself, page owners cannot reply either.

Is comment moderation required if enabled?

Actively moderating and responding to comments is best practice whenever they are enabled.


Disabling comments on Facebook ads is an option for advertisers who want to avoid distractions, focus their messaging, and streamline moderation. While it may reduce engagement in some cases, it does not appear to substantially hurt delivery and metrics. Brands should test ad performance with and without comments when deciding what works best for their campaigns and objectives. With the right strategy, running Facebook ads without comments can be an effective approach.