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Can you retrieve a deleted conversation on Facebook Messenger?

Can you retrieve a deleted conversation on Facebook Messenger?

Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular messaging apps, with over 1 billion monthly active users. It allows users to send messages, photos, videos, voice messages, and more to friends and connections on Facebook.

Sometimes users may accidentally delete a Messenger conversation that they wanted to keep. Or, a conversation may have been deleted by the other person in the chat. This can lead to the common question – is it possible to retrieve a deleted Messenger conversation?

Can You Recover a Deleted Messenger Chat?

The short answer is: no, you cannot recover a deleted Facebook Messenger conversation once it has been removed from your message threads. Facebook does not have a built-in feature or setting that lets you restore deleted Messenger chats.

When a Messenger conversation is deleted by you or someone else, it is permanently removed from the app. The chat disappears from your inbox and is no longer accessible.

So if you notice too late that an important conversation has been deleted, there is unfortunately no way to find it again within Messenger itself.

Why Deleted Messenger Conversations Can’t Be Retrieved

There are a few reasons why Facebook Messenger does not allow retrieving deleted chats:

  • Messenger is designed for real-time messaging. Unlike email, there is no archive or inbox that stores all your old conversations.
  • Deleting a chat permanently erases its contents from Facebook’s servers. The data is not stored anywhere it can be recovered from.
  • Allowing users to access deleted chats could violate privacy expectations.
  • Retrieving deleted conversations at scale would require significant data storage resources.

Essentially, when a Messenger conversation is removed, the content is gone for good. Facebook has prioritized keeping the app lightweight and fast over data retention.

Is There Any Way to Recover a Deleted Messenger Chat?

Since Facebook Messenger itself does not allow retrieving deleted conversations, your only option is to try recovering the messages from outside of the app. Here are a few methods that may work in some cases:

Check Your Email Inbox

If you have chat history with the other person set to email, portions of your Messenger conversations are sent to your inbox. You may find snippets or entire messages from deleted chats in your email.

Look in Your Facebook Data

You can download all your information from Facebook using the “Download Your Information” tool. This includes your Messenger data, although it may not have a full archive of deleted chats.

Try Messenger Recovery Software

Some third-party apps claim they can recover deleted Messenger conversations from your device or backups. However, results vary and you will likely have to root/jailbreak your phone.

Ask the Other Person

If your chat was with another user, check if they still have access to the messages through their account. They may be able to send you screenshots if you need them.

Unfortunately, none of these methods are guaranteed to recover a deleted Messenger conversation. But they are worth a shot in some cases.

How to Prevent Losing Messenger Chats

Since deleted Messenger conversations are nearly impossible to retrieve, your best bet is making sure you do not lose important chats in the first place. Here are some tips:

  • Be careful when deleting conversations. Double check which chat you are removing.
  • Frequently back up your Messenger chats – take screenshots or forward to email.
  • Use Messenger’s archive feature to store conversations you may need later, rather than deleting.
  • Turn on chat history in your email notifications to create message archives.
  • Store important media or files from Messenger chats elsewhere, like Google Photos.
  • If you rely on a conversation, suggest another medium like email to ensure an archive.

What Happens When You Delete a Messenger Conversation

To understand why deleted Messenger chats can’t be recovered, it helps to know exactly what happens when you remove a conversation:

  • The conversation immediately disappears from your message threads.
  • All messages, photos, videos, and files exchanged in the chat are erased.
  • The data is deleted from Facebook’s servers and cannot be retrieved.
  • Your Messenger data remains unchanged on your own device.
  • The other user loses access to the conversation from their account too.
  • No record of the chat is stored in your account or archives.

In essence, the chat is completely wiped both from your view and Facebook’s systems. The only way to access it again is if the data still resides on your device or outside accounts.

Other Messenger Data You Can’t Recover

In addition to deleted conversations, there are a few other types of Messenger data that are impossible to retrieve once removed:

  • Deleted messages – If you delete a specific message within a chat, it’s gone for good.
  • Revoked messages – Messages retracted using Messenger’s “unsend” feature are permanently deleted.
  • Removed users – You can’t access conversations with users you’ve blocked or removed.
  • Cleared call/video logs – Your call history data disappears when you clear it.

So be very careful when deleting or retracting any Messenger messages, as there is no going back.

Should Messenger Allow Deleted Chat Recovery?

Some users argue Facebook should implement a feature to restore deleted Messenger conversations from backups. This could help people recover lost memories or important information.

However, many experts don’t believe Messenger should store remnants of deleted chats. Here’s why:

  • It would violate user privacy expectations around deleting data.
  • Users may abuse the feature to access conversations the other party has deleted.
  • It would take huge amounts of storage to maintain archives of billions of chats.
  • It goes against Messenger’s lightweight, real-time messaging approach.

Overall, the consensus is that permanent deletion is the right move for Messenger. But users should be very cautious when removing conversations.

What to Do If You Accidentally Deleted a Messenger Chat

Accidentally deleting a Messenger conversation you wanted to keep can be frustrating. Here are some tips on what to do next if it happens to you:

  1. First, check your email inbox, Facebook data, and any third-party backup solutions to see if you can recover anything from the chat.
  2. If the conversation was important, message the other user right away and ask them to send you any portions they still have access to.
  3. In the future, make sure you frequently backup or archive key Messenger chats to prevent permanent data loss.
  4. Consider suggesting an alternative communication method like email or SMS to the user for sensitive information.
  5. Learn from the mistake and be much more careful about deleting Messenger conversations going forward.

While the chat may be gone forever, you can take steps to salvage what you can from it and adjust your practices to avoid deleting important conversations again down the road.


Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to retrieve a Facebook Messenger conversation once it has been deleted. The contents are permanently erased from Facebook’s servers and the app itself.

Your only hope lies in recovering snippets of the chat from outside sources like email history or your device storage. But there is no built-in Messenger feature to restore deleted conversations.

To avoid losing important chats, be extremely careful when removing messages. Frequently back up your conversations and use Messenger’s archive feature instead of deleting where possible.

While it can be frustrating to lose a memorable or critical chat, remember Messenger is designed for instant, real-time communication, not as an archive. Don’t store any vital information solely within Messenger conversations that you may need to refer back to later.