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Can you restrict Facebook comments?

Can you restrict Facebook comments?

Yes, Facebook provides several options for restricting or moderating comments on your posts and Page. As a Page admin, you have full control over the commenting experience on your Facebook Page.

Why restrict Facebook comments?

There are several reasons why you may want to restrict or moderate comments on your Facebook Page:

  • To filter out spam comments
  • To block offensive, abusive or inappropriate comments
  • To keep comments on-topic and relevant to your posts
  • To prevent comment wars or heated debates
  • To limit comments from certain users or demographics

Moderating comments takes time and effort but can improve the commenting experience for your audience. It helps keep things civil and focused on the topics you want to discuss.

How to restrict comments on a Facebook Page

1. Adjust comment settings

The easiest way to restrict comments is through your Page’s default comment settings:

  • Disable commenting entirely – Turn commenting off for your whole Page.
  • Limit commenting to Page admins – Only admins can comment.
  • Limit by recent followers – Only followers who recently interacted with your Page can comment.
  • Limit by page admins and page moderators – Only admins and assigned moderators can comment.

These options instantly apply comment restrictions across your Page with a single setting.

2. Moderate comments

When comment moderation is enabled, comments require your approval before they are publicly visible. This allows you to filter comments one-by-one:

  • Enable comment moderation in your Page settings.
  • When someone comments, you’ll get a notification to review it.
  • You can approve, delete, or hide the comment.
  • Repeat for each new comment.

Moderating each comment takes more effort than global restrictions but gives you granular control.

3. Block specific words

You can block comments containing specific words or phrases:

  • Go to your Page settings and enable the profanity filter.
  • Enter words or phrases you want to block.
  • Comments containing those words will automatically be hidden.

This helps restrict offensive, abusive, or spammy comments without having to manually moderate everything.

4. Ban specific users

If certain users consistently leave inappropriate comments, you can ban them:

  • Click the options menu next to a comment and select “Ban User”.
  • Enter the length of time to ban them.
  • That user can no longer comment on any of your Page’s posts.

Banning repeatedly problematic commenters can reduce moderation duties in the long run.

5. Adjust comment ranking

Facebook allows you to adjust how comments are ranked and displayed:

  • Prioritize comments from friends and Page followers.
  • Demote comments that may be offensive or irrelevant.
  • Pin constructive comments to the top.

Optimizing comment ranking ensures higher quality comments get better visibility.

Restrict comments for specific posts

All the options above restrict comments page-wide. You can also limit comments on individual posts:

  • When creating a post, adjust the commenting options.
  • Turn off commenting or limit to a subset of people.
  • These settings override your default page settings.

Disabling comments on controversial posts or subjects prone to heated debate reduces moderation needs.

Using Facebook comment plugins

If you embed Facebook comments on your website using Facebook’s comment plugin, you can restrict those as well:

  • Moderate embedded comments from your Facebook Page settings.
  • Block words and ban users like on Facebook.
  • Adjust comment ranking algorithms.
  • Changes apply across Facebook and your website.

Consistent moderation ensures quality discussions wherever you allow comments.

Considerations when restricting comments

Before limiting comments, keep a few things in mind:

  • Total comment bans reduce engagement and feedback.
  • Over-moderating stifles constructive discussions.
  • Finding the right balance takes trial and error.
  • Clearly communicate commenting guidelines with your audience.
  • Automated filters aren’t foolproof and may block harmless comments.

With thoughtfully managed restrictions, you can foster active but civil conversation.


Facebook provides powerful tools to take control of your Page’s commenting experience. Global settings allow broad restrictions, while granular options target specific content or users. Balance enabling discussion with filtering out unwanted interactions. Consistent, transparent moderation helps build an engaged audience that respects your commenting policies.