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Can you request someone again if they decline your friend request on Facebook?

Can you request someone again if they decline your friend request on Facebook?

There are a few things to consider if someone declines your friend request on Facebook:

Sending Another Request

If someone declines your friend request, you can send another request, but it’s recommended to wait a while before doing so. Sending multiple requests in a short period of time may come across as spammy or desperate. Give it at least a few weeks or longer before trying again if you think the person declined by mistake.

When re-sending a request, it’s a good idea to include a personalized note reminding the person who you are and why you’d like to connect on Facebook. For example: “Hi [name], it’s [your name]. We met at [event] last month. I’d love to stay connected on Facebook.” This gives context for your connection and shows you put thought into the request.

Possible Reasons for Declining

There are a few common reasons someone may decline a Facebook friend request:

  • They don’t remember who you are
  • They want to keep their friend list limited
  • They’re concerned about privacy and being contacted by people they don’t know well
  • Your request got lost in a lot of other notifications and they declined by accident
  • They don’t check Facebook very often and missed the request

If you share a mutual connection, you may want to ask that person to make an introduction or explain who you are to increase your chances of getting accepted on a second request.

Is There a Limit?

Facebook does not limit the number of times you can send a friend request to someone. However, constantly sending requests comes across as irritating and pushy. It’s best not to request someone more than 2-3 times total to avoid harassment.

If someone declines or ignores multiple requests, it’s usually a sign they don’t want to connect and you should respect their decision. Continuing to send requests could get you flagged for spam-like behavior.

Can They Block You?

Yes, someone can block you on Facebook to prevent you from viewing their profile or sending future friend requests. If you are blocked, you will not be notified. You will simply be unable to find or contact the person on Facebook.

Signs you may be blocked include:

  • You cannot view the person’s Facebook profile
  • Your messages to them will not go through
  • You can no longer find them in searches on Facebook

Excessive friend requests is one reason someone might block you, so best not to overdo it if your requests keep getting declined or ignored.

Should You Contact Them Outside Facebook?

It’s not recommended to try contacting someone on other platforms if they’ve declined your Facebook request. Respect their decision and don’t come across as a stalker by seeking them out elsewhere.

An exception is if you have an existing relationship through work, school, or mutual friends. In that case, you may want to politely ask them in person why your request was declined. But avoid pestering them about it.

When Is It OK to Re-Request?

Some appropriate times to try sending a Facebook request again include:

  • After at least 1-2 months have passed
  • If you recently became coworkers or classmates
  • After having an in-person conversation where they seemed open to connecting
  • If you both attended the same event or joined the same group

Make sure your request includes a reminder of who you are and your connection. Avoid repeatedly sending the exact same generic request.

Should You Give Up Requesting Eventually?

If someone declines your Facebook request multiple times, it’s best to take the hint and stop requesting. Continuing to send requests will likely irritate them and could prompt blocking. It comes across as desperate and not respecting boundaries.

Everyone has the right to accept or decline requests on a platform like Facebook. Don’t take it personally if someone does not want to connect after a few tries. Move on and connect with other people instead.

Can You Appeal a Declined Request?

There is no formal appeal process for a declined Facebook friend request. The only recourse is to try sending another request after some time has passed, along with an explanatory message.

However, repeatedly sending requests after getting declined multiple times will likely be perceived negatively. It’s best to accept the person’s decision and look for other Facebook connections.

Should You Message Them About It?

Generally, it’s not recommended to message someone on Facebook asking why they declined your friend request. This can come across as aggressive and often puts the person in an awkward position.

An exception is if you have an established relationship outside of Facebook. Then a polite inquiry may be okay. Say something like “I noticed you declined my Facebook request. I hope I didn’t do anything to offend you. I’d love to stay connected on there if you’re open to it.”

But avoid pestering them if they don’t respond or still decline after your message. Accept that they likely have their reasons and don’t want to connect on Facebook at this time.

Can You Still View Their Public Content?

Even if someone declines your friend request, you can still view their public posts and information. Facebook profiles have different privacy settings, so you may be able to see:

  • Public photos and videos
  • Status updates if set to “Public”
  • Shared links
  • Profile information like workplace and education
  • Mutual friends list

However, you likely won’t see most of their personal content without being connected. And you can’t directly contact them unless they accept your request.

Should You Delete the Declined Request?

When someone declines your friend request, the request disappears from your end. There is nothing to delete. On their end, they have the option to remove it from their activity log if desired.

If you want to try sending another request in the future, it will be a brand new one. Facebook’s system doesn’t store declined requests on your profile or “remember” them.

Can You Ask a Mutual Friend to Introduce You?

If you and the person declining your request have mutual Facebook friends, it may be worth asking one of them for an introduction. A connection from someone they know has a higher chance of getting accepted.

Reach out privately to the mutual friend, explain who you are and your connection, and ask if they’d be willing to introduce you or connect you directly on Facebook. This provides good context for your request.

However, avoid putting the mutual friend in an awkward spot. Make it easy for them to politely decline if they’re not comfortable making an introduction for any reason.


Being declined for a Facebook friend request can be disappointing, but persistently re-requesting someone will likely not change their mind. It’s best to wait a substantial amount of time before trying again, and include a note reminding them of your connection.

If the person declines your request multiple times, take the hint and move on. There are usually other ways to connect with people online and offline. Avoid contacting them excessively about it, which will likely only push them further away.

With patience and respect for others’ preferences, you can gradually expand your Facebook network authentically over time.