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Can you report hate speech on Facebook?

Can you report hate speech on Facebook?

Facebook has clear policies against hate speech and content that attacks people based on their race, ethnicity, national origin, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or other protected characteristics. If you see posts, photos, pages, groups, profiles, or messages that you believe violate Facebook’s hate speech policies, you can and should report them to Facebook.

What is considered hate speech on Facebook?

Facebook defines hate speech as “a direct attack against people on the basis of what we call protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease.” Some examples of hate speech that would violate Facebook’s policies include:

  • Calling for violence against a protected group, e.g. “All [racial slur] people deserve to die.”
  • Dehumanizing speech, e.g. comparing people to animals or suggesting a protected group is sub-human.
  • Statements of inferiority, e.g. saying a protected group is less intelligent or more criminal-prone.
  • Expressions of contempt or disgust, e.g. that members of a religion are disgusting or dirty.
  • Support or praise for groups that promote hate, e.g. “I support the goals of the [hate group].”
  • Denying the occurrence of violent events, e.g. denying the Holocaust happened.

While criticism of immigration policies or religions is allowed, hate speech crosses the line when the critique targets or vilifies an entire protected group. Facebook provides more details and examples in its Community Standards section on hate speech.

How do I report hate speech on Facebook?

To report hate speech you see on Facebook:

  1. Click the three dots next to a post or in the upper right corner of a photo, page or group to open a menu.
  2. Select “Find Support or Report Post” (or “Give Feedback on Photo” etc).
  3. Choose “Hate Speech” as the issue.
  4. Select the specific hate speech policy the content violates.
  5. Add any additional context that could help reviewers understand why the content is hate speech.
  6. Click “Submit Report.”

You can also report a profile, message, or comment using similar steps. When you report hate speech, it goes to Facebook’s Community Operations team for review against their policies.

Does Facebook remove hate speech when it’s reported?

Facebook does have a policy of removing hate speech when it is reported and found to violate their Community Standards. However, they do not remove all reported content. Some reasons they may leave content up include:

  • After review, they find it does not violate their hate speech policies.
  • It is shared to condemn or raise awareness of hate speech.
  • Removing it would conflict with freedom of expression.
  • The content has news value as part of a current event.

If you disagree with Facebook’s decision on a specific piece of content you reported, you can submit an appeal.

How long does it take for Facebook to remove hate speech?

Facebook aims to review all reports of hate speech within 24 hours. However, depending on the volume of reports, it may take up to 72 hours for them to complete the review. If they find the content violates their policies after review, they will remove it as soon as possible.

Does Facebook ban users who share hate speech?

Facebook may temporarily or permanently disable accounts belonging to users who repeatedly share hate speech. The consequences depend on the severity of the violation and the person’s history on Facebook. Possible actions Facebook may take include:

  • Removing specific posts that violate policies
  • Requiring the user to complete an education course on the Community Standards
  • Restricting the user’s ability to post, comment or interact for a set period
  • Disabling the account for a set period (days or weeks)
  • Permanently disabling the account

What happens if you repeatedly report content that doesn’t violate Facebook’s policies?

If you submit many reports that turn out not to violate Facebook’s hate speech or other policies, they may determine your reporting behavior is abusive. Possible consequences of abusive reporting include:

  • Having limits placed on your ability to submit reports
  • Requiring you to provide additional information/context for reports
  • Disabling the ability to report any content for a period of time

However, submitting some bad faith reports will not immediately lead to account restrictions. Facebook aims to educate users and give them chances to improve before taking enforcement action.

What steps does Facebook take to prevent hate speech?

In addition to relying on user reports, Facebook uses technology and policies to try preventing hate speech from spreading on their platforms. Some of their prevention efforts include:

  • Automated detection tools that use machine learning to identify violating content
  • Algorithms that downrank potentially violating content so fewer people see it
  • Banning extremist groups and movements linked to violence
  • Policies prohibiting posts that coordinate harm against people
  • Rules against repeatedly posting graphic or shocking content to harass others
  • Removing content that praises hate-motivated violence or hate groups

Can you report hate speech on Instagram?

Yes, Instagram is owned by Facebook so has the same hate speech policies. To report hate speech on Instagram:

  1. Tap the three dots above the post, story, reel or comment.
  2. Select “Report” and choose “It’s hate speech or symbol” as the issue.
  3. Select the detailed option that best matches the hate speech.
  4. Add any extra context that can help in reviewing.
  5. Tap “Report” to submit it to Instagram.

You can report accounts, hashtags or profiles containing hate speech in a similar way. Instagram aims to review reports within 24 hours.

Can you report hate speech on WhatsApp?

Since WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, they are unable to monitor content or remove violating messages the way Facebook and Instagram can. However, you can report full WhatsApp groups or accounts that promote hate or violence:

  1. Open the group or account profile.
  2. Tap the three dots icon in the upper right.
  3. Select “Report” > “Report account.”
  4. Choose “Promotes violence or harm” as the reason.
  5. Tap “Submit” to send the report to WhatsApp.

WhatsApp reviews these reports and may ban groups or accounts that violate their policies against dangerous individuals and organizations.


Facebook allows and encourages users to report any hate speech they encounter on Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. While they may not remove all reported content, reporting hate speech helps Facebook improve their efforts to keep their platforms respectful and inclusive for all. Through user reports and proactive detection, Facebook removes millions of posts and accounts for hate speech every quarter. By understanding the policies and using the reporting tools available, you can do your part to reduce the spread and impact of hate.