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Can you report a video for copyright?

Can you report a video for copyright?

Yes, you can report a video if you believe it infringes on your copyright. Most major video platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and TikTok have processes in place for copyright holders to submit takedown requests. Here’s a quick overview of how to report copyright infringement on some top video sites:

Reporting Copyright Infringement on YouTube

YouTube has a copyright complaint process that lets copyright holders request the removal of infringing videos. To submit a copyright takedown notice to YouTube:

  1. Go to the YouTube Copyright Report Form.
  2. Enter the URL of the infringing video.
  3. Enter your full legal name and title.
  4. Select the option “I am the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”
  5. Check the boxes confirming you have a good faith belief the video is infringing and the information you provide is accurate.
  6. Enter your contact info like email and phone number.
  7. Type a description of the copyrighted work you claim is infringed.
  8. Enter the registration number for the work if applicable.
  9. electronically sign and submit the form.

Once submitted, YouTube will review your request and remove the video if it determines the video violates copyright. The person who uploaded the video can submit a counter notification disputing your claim if they believe their video qualifies as fair use.

Reporting Copyright on Facebook

To report a Facebook video for copyright infringement:

  1. Go to the infringing video post and click the three dots in the upper right corner.
  2. Select “Report post” or “Give feedback on this post.”
  3. Choose “I think it infringes my copyright” as the reason for reporting.
  4. Enter the URL of the original copyrighted work.
  5. Confirm you have the rights to the original work and agree to Facebook’s terms.
  6. Submit the report.

Facebook will review your complaint and remove the video if it violates your copyright. The person who posted it can dispute your report if they believe it’s fair use.

Reporting Copyright Infringement on TikTok

TikTok allows copyright holders to easily report infringing videos right within the app. To submit a takedown on TikTok:

  1. Open the infringing video in the TikTok app.
  2. Tap the “Share” icon.
  3. Select “Report.”
  4. Choose “Copyright issue” as the report category.
  5. Enter your contact info and details about the copyright violation.
  6. Submit the report.

TikTok will review your request and remove the video if it’s infringing. The user can appeal the takedown if they believe it qualifies as fair use.

What constitutes copyright infringement?

For a video to be considered copyright infringement, it must use copyrighted material without permission from the rights holder. This includes reuploading clips from movies, TV shows, or music videos. Examples of copyright infringement on video sites include:

  • Uploading a copy of a full movie or TV episode
  • Using a song as background music without permission
  • Reuploading a music video
  • Copying large portions of someone else’s video

Videos that make fair use of copyrighted material for purposes like criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, or parody may not constitute infringement. Fair use is determined on a case-by-case basis.

What happens when you report a video for copyright infringement?

When you properly submit a takedown notice, the video platform will review your request to determine if it violates copyright law. If they find the video is infringing, it will be removed promptly, usually within a few business days. The uploader will be notified the video was taken down due to a copyright claim.

In some cases, the uploader may submit a counter notification arguing their video is protected by fair use. Video sites have processes in place for resolving these disputes. For example, on YouTube the video can be reinstated after 10-14 business days if the uploader submits a valid counter notification and you don’t take legal action. Facebook and TikTok have similar counter notice procedures.

What happens if you knowingly make a false copyright claim?

It’s important to only report videos if you have a good faith belief they are infringing your copyright. Deliberately making misrepresentations in a takedown notice can result in legal penalties:

  • You may be liable for any damages incurred by the video uploader, such as lost ad revenue.
  • You could face fines and other penalties for abusing the DMCA takedown process.
  • Your access to the video platform’s copyright tools may be restricted.
  • You could face criminal charges for perjury.

So only submit takedown requests when you are confident the video is infringing your rights.

Are there any limitations on reporting copyright infringement?

A few limitations apply when reporting alleged copyright violations:

  • You must own or represent the owner of the copyright being infringed. For example, you can’t file a takedown notice on behalf of Disney unless you work for them.
  • There are strict time limits – you must submit notices promptly after discovering infringement.
  • The video site must have proper notice and repeat infringer policies per the DMCA safe harbor.
  • You may need to consider fair use before filing a takedown.

Also keep in mind that reporting videos is generally only a temporary solution, as infringing content often reappears. For a more permanent fix, you may need to take legal action against repeat offenders.

Can you report a video if you don’t own the copyright?

In most cases, no. DMCA takedown notices can only be filed by the actual copyright holder or an authorized representative acting on their behalf. For example:

  • If you appear in a video, you cannot have it taken down for copyright unless you own the rights to the video itself.
  • If someone uses your name, logo, or likeness without consent, that is a trademark issue – not copyright.
  • You cannot report content you simply don’t like or find offensive; it must actually infringe your exclusive rights.

There are some exceptions where you may be able to report copyright content without owning it. For example, YouTube allows “trusted flaggers” to identify infringing videos. But in most cases, only rights holders can send takedown notices.

Should you report reuploads of your own videos?

If someone reuploads your original video content without permission, you should absolutely report it via a takedown notice. As the copyright holder of your own videos, you have exclusive rights to distribute and reproduce that content. Someone reuploading your videos is blatant copyright infringement.

Make sure to register your videos and other content with the U.S. Copyright Office first to establish your ownership. Also watermark your videos and add verbal or written notices identifying you as the copyright holder. This will make it easier to prove the copies are infringing.

Issuing DMCA takedown notices is typically the most efficient way to get reuploads of your content removed. But you may also need to take legal action if the same users keep reposting your videos.

How can you prevent copyright infringement of your videos?

Here are some proactive tips to help prevent copyright violations of your videos:

  • Register your content with the U.S. Copyright Office to establish ownership.
  • Clearly watermark your videos and provide copyright notices verbally or in text.
  • File takedown notices promptly when you find copies reposted without permission.
  • Use digital fingerprinting services to identify duplicates across platforms.
  • File lawsuits against obstinate repeat infringers to seek damages.
  • Keep comprehensive records documenting cases of infringement.

While it’s impossible to prevent all cases of infringement, taking steps to assert your rights and promptly enforce them can help limit unauthorized use of your videos.

Can you report YouTube channels for copyright infringement?

Yes, you can report entire YouTube channels if they are serially uploading copyright-infringing content. YouTube’s copyright strike policy allows rights holders to request channel termination in cases of severe, repeated infringement.

To report a channel for pervasive copyright abuse:

  1. Gather detailed evidence documenting multiple instances of infringement by that channel.
  2. Submit DMCA takedown notices for all infringing videos.
  3. After issuing multiple valid copyright strikes, you can request channel termination via YouTube’s copyright complaint form.
  4. Explain in detail how the channel continually uploads infringing content in violation of your rights.
  5. YouTube will review your request and terminate the channel if abuse is evident.

Repeated copyright strikes that result in channel termination cannot be undone through counter notifications. So only request channel removals in clear cases of systemic infringement.

Can you dispute a copyright claim against your video?

If your own original video is blocked or taken down due to a copyright notification, you may be able to dispute the claim by submitting a counter notification. The process works like this:

  1. Carefully review the takedown notice – make sure your video is not actually infringing copyright.
  2. Submit a counter notification via the video platform’s process explaining how your video is lawful.
  3. The claimant has 10-14 days to take legal action against you or your video is restored.
  4. Provide your contact info so the claimant can reach you.
  5. Wait for the video site to process your counter notice and reinstate the video if the claimant does not respond.

Only submit counter notifications if you are positive your video does not infringe copyright. Also be prepared for the possibility of legal action if the claimant disputes your counter notice.

What are the penalties for copyright infringement?

Uploading or sharing content that infringes copyright can lead to serious legal and financial consequences:

  • Statutory damages between $750 – $30,000 per infringed work
  • Up to $150,000 in damages for willful infringement
  • Court orders mandating the infringer cease uploading violating content
  • Potential criminal charges for large-scale pirates leading to jail time

Video platforms like YouTube may penalize infringing users by terminating accounts and preventing reuploads. Repeat offenders also risk lawsuits from major studios and record labels seeking significant damages.

The bottom line is that copyright law provides substantial penalties for unauthorized use of creative works – so it’s smart to avoid infringing activity that could lead to legal consequences.

How can you lawfully use copyrighted material in your videos?

There are some lawful ways to include copyrighted content in your videos without permission, including:

  • Fair Use – Using small portions of work for purposes like commentary, criticism, education, etc.
  • Creative Commons – Using content released under flexible CC licenses.
  • Public Domain – Using works that are no longer under copyright.
  • Library of Congress – Permitted uses of footage from their archive.
  • Purchasing Licenses – Obtaining licenses from rights holders to use their content.

However, these uses have limitations. While fair use is a defense against infringement, it is complex. Creative Commons and public domain content must be used according to specific rules. Licensing also requires reaching deals with each rights holder individually. It’s recommended you speak with an attorney about lawful use of copyrighted material in videos.

Can you report videos on Instagram for copyright infringement?

Yes, Instagram has tools for reporting videos that infringe your copyrights:

  1. Go to the infringing video post and tap the three dots icon in the corner.
  2. Select “Report” and choose “Intellectual property violation” as the issue.
  3. Pick “Copyright” as the type of intellectual property being infringed.
  4. Enter your contact information and details about the copyright violation.
  5. Tap “Send Report.”

Instagram reviews the report and removes videos that violate exclusive copyrights. The uploader can appeal removals by submitting a counter notification arguing fair use.

It’s important to have registered your copyrighted work and be prepared to provide documentation proving your ownership. Instagram may not process the takedown otherwise.


Reporting videos for copyright infringement can be an effective way for rights holders to enforce their exclusive rights on video platforms. However, the processes must be used judiciously and only for clear cases of infringement. Submitting accurate information is critical, as false claims can lead to legal liability. While takedowns provide a short-term fix, preventing unauthorized use of creative work often requires comprehensive copyright protection strategies. With proper respect for fair use principles and copyright law, both creators and platforms can thrive.