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Can you report a Facebook seller for not responding?

Can you report a Facebook seller for not responding?

Yes, you can report a Facebook seller for not responding to you on Facebook Marketplace. Facebook Marketplace relies on communication between buyers and sellers, so sellers are expected to respond to inquiries and questions from interested buyers in a timely manner. If a seller is not responsive, you can report them to Facebook for review. Facebook may send the seller a warning, temporarily restrict their ability to sell on Marketplace, or remove them entirely for repeatedly not responding to buyers.

Why Should You Report Non-Responsive Sellers?

There are a few key reasons why reporting non-responsive sellers on Facebook Marketplace is recommended:

It Improves the Customer Experience

Reporting sellers who don’t respond helps ensure other buyers don’t have the same poor experience trying to contact the seller. This improves the overall customer experience on Facebook Marketplace.

It Holds Sellers Accountable

Reporting puts sellers on notice that they are expected to respond timely to buyer inquiries. This holds them accountable to providing good customer service.

It Keeps Facebook Marketplace Reliable

Facebook wants Marketplace to be a reliable platform where buyers and sellers can connect with confidence. Reporting unresponsive sellers helps Facebook identify and take action against those not upholding their community standards. This helps keep the marketplace healthy.

You Might Get a Response

In some cases, reporting the seller will prompt them to finally respond to you. Facebook may send them a warning that they need to improve their seller rating by communicating with interested buyers.

How to Report a Non-Responsive Facebook Seller

Reporting a seller who won’t respond on Facebook Marketplace only takes a few steps:

1. Visit the Seller’s Profile

Go to the Facebook profile page of the seller who has not responded to your inquiries. This is usually found by clicking on their name or profile picture from the marketplace listing.

2. Click on the Three Dots Icon

On their profile, click on the three dots “…” icon next to the Message button.

3. Select ‘Report’

From the dropdown menu, choose the option to ‘Report’ the user.

4. Choose ‘Prohibited Sales’

In the Report flow, select ‘Prohibited Sales’ as the reason for reporting.

5. Explain Why You’re Reporting in the Details

In the text box, explain that you are reporting the seller because they have repeatedly failed to respond to your attempts to ask questions and communicate about an item for sale. Provide relevant details like how many times you tried to contact them and over what time period.

6. Submit the Report

Review the report summary and click ‘Submit’ to officially submit the report to Facebook for review.

What Happens After Reporting a Seller on Facebook

Here’s an overview of what to expect after reporting an unresponsive Facebook Marketplace seller:

Facebook Reviews the Report

Facebook content moderators will review the report and supporting details you provided. They will determine if it violates their commerce policies.

The Seller May Receive a Warning

If it’s confirmed the seller is not responding to buyer inquiries, Facebook will likely issue them a policy warning instructing them to improve their response rate.

Restrictions May Be Imposed on the Seller

For repeat violations, Facebook may impose temporary selling restrictions, like removing the ability to list new items for a period of time.

The Seller Could be Removed

In severe cases of non-response or repeated policy violations, Facebook may permanently ban the seller from Marketplace. However, outright removals are rare.

You’ll Get a Notification About the Outcome

Facebook will notify you after reviewing your report, typically within 1-2 weeks. They may not provide specifics about any actions taken against the seller.

Tips for Communicating with Sellers on Facebook

To have the best experience connecting with sellers on Facebook Marketplace, keep these tips in mind:

Ask Relevant Questions

Stick to questions directly related to the item, sale terms, pickup/delivery logistics, etc. Don’t overshare personal details.

Be Patient

Give the seller 24-48 hours to respond before following up. Assume good intent if they need more time.

Avoid Harassment

Never make threats, use offensive language, or contact the seller excessively. This may get you reported.

Use Business Profiles

Sellers with Facebook business profiles tend to be more responsive than personal profiles.

Call If Needed

Politely ask if the seller would prefer to communicate by phone if they are unresponsive to Facebook messages.

When to Report Unresponsive Sellers

As a general rule, report sellers if:

– They haven’t responded within 48 hours to your initial inquiry

– They have not responded after 4-5 follow-up messages over 5+ days

– They have read but not replied to your Facebook messages

– They have listed many items recently but have not responded to any of your messages

Use your best judgment based on the specifics of the situation. The key is showing the seller has a pattern of not responding.

When Not to Report

Avoid reporting sellers when:

– It’s only been 24 hours or less since your first message

– You have flooded them with excessive messages

– They were initially responsive but stopped responding for a valid reason they provided, like an family emergency or extended outage

– You have no evidence they received and read your inquiries

– They declined to respond due to inappropriate messages from you

Pros of Reporting Unresponsive Sellers

Here are some of the main pros if you decide to report a seller who won’t respond:

Holds Sellers Accountable

Reporting them creates a record with Facebook and puts the seller on notice that they need to improve their communication practices.

Creates Awareness for Facebook

Your report helps Facebook identify problem areas in Marketplace and improve the overall customer experience.

Prevents Other Issues

Unresponsive sellers are more likely to exhibit other prohibited behaviors like selling counterfeit or illegal items. Reporting them early can prevent bigger issues down the line.

May Prompt a Response

In some cases, the seller responds to your inquiry shortly after receiving a warning from Facebook resulting from your report.

Cons of Reporting Sellers

Some potential cons associated with reporting unresponsive sellers include:

Delayed Sale

The reporting process can prolong the time it takes for you to connect with the seller and potentially complete the purchase.

No Guarantee of Action

Facebook may decide no action is needed against the seller, especially for first-time reports of non-response. The problem could continue.

Seller May Retaliate

In rare cases, a seller may try to retaliate if they know you reported them, like by leaving negative comments about you publicly.

Extra Time Required

There’s modest time involved in submitting a detailed report to Facebook and communicating with moderators after filing.


Facebook Marketplace relies on open communication. When sellers fail to respond to legitimate buyer inquiries, it damages the user experience. Reporting uncommunicative sellers holds them accountable to Facebook’s policies and improves the integrity of the marketplace. However, customers should report responsibly when there is a clear pattern of non-response and avoidance from the seller across multiple days or messages. With a professional approach focused on addressing the ongoing communication issues, reporting can benefit both buyers and sellers on Facebook Marketplace.