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Can you report a Facebook group for discrimination?

Can you report a Facebook group for discrimination?

Yes, you can report a Facebook group that you believe is promoting discrimination or hate speech. Facebook has policies against hate speech, bullying, harassment, and discrimination. If you come across a group that appears to violate these policies, you can file a report with Facebook so they can investigate the group further.

What are Facebook’s policies on hate speech and discrimination?

Facebook outlines their policies against hate speech and discrimination in their Community Standards. Some key points from these standards include:

  • Facebook removes content that directly attacks people based on protected characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or serious disease.
  • Facebook defines attack as violent or dehumanizing speech, harmful stereotypes, statements of inferiority, expressions of contempt, disgust or dismissal, cursing and calls for exclusion or segregation.
  • Facebook prohibits the use of harmful stereotypes that have historically been used to attack, intimidate, or exclude groups such as myths about Muslim men grooming children, Jewish people controlling the world, or Black people being more violent.
  • Facebook bans calls for exclusion and segregation based on protected characteristics, such as arguing that people of a certain race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, gender, gender identity or sexual orientation should be deprived of fundamental rights.
  • Facebook removes explicit hate speech, but also implicit hate speech like content depicting blackface or stigmatizing Muslims as terrorists.

In summary, Facebook does not allow groups that promote hate, discrimination, or exclusion against people based on characteristics like race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability status, or serious disease. Promoting any harmful stereotypes or calling for segregation based on these protected attributes violates Facebook’s Community Standards.

How do I report a Facebook group for discrimination?

If you come across a Facebook group that appears to violate these standards against discrimination and hate speech, you can report it to Facebook in a few steps:

  1. Go to the group’s page and click on the three dots in the upper right corner next to the “Join” button.
  2. Select “Report group” from the dropdown menu.
  3. Choose “Hate speech or symbols” as the reason for reporting.
  4. Facebook will ask you to select a specific reason like “Promotes hate based on race, ethnicity, national origin…” Choose the option that best reflects the discrimination taking place in the group.
  5. Add any additional details in the text box to provide context around why this group violates Facebook’s policies.
  6. Click submit to file the report.

You can also report specific posts, comments, photos or videos within the group for hate speech or symbols using the same process of clicking the three dots next to that piece of content and selecting “Report.”

What happens after I report a Facebook group?

Once you submit a report, Facebook will investigate the group and the content that has been flagged. Here is an overview of their process:

  • A reviewer will assess the report and content to determine if it violates Facebook’s Community Standards.
  • If it does violate the standards, the reviewer may delete the specific content, disable group features like comments or posting abilities, or remove the entire group.
  • Facebook prioritizes reviewing reports from users most affected by the content and accounts that have a history of violating policies receive harsher penalties.
  • If the report doesn’t lead to removal of the content, you will get a notice explaining why it did not violate policies.
  • Removed content can be appealed by the creators, and Facebook may restore content that was removed in error.
  • Facebook aims to review reports quickly but response times vary based on the volume of incoming reports.

So in summary, once you submit a report, Facebook will thoroughly review the group or content and take action according to their policies if they find violations present. Their policies aim to prevent discrimination while also respecting freedom of expression, so context matters in evaluating whether specific content crosses the line into unacceptable hate or bias.

What are some examples of Facebook groups that discriminate?

While Facebook aims to remove discriminatory groups and content, some unfortunately slip through the cracks initially. Here are some examples of discriminatory group types that users have reported:

  • Race or Ethnicity – Groups promoting white nationalism/supremacy, making claims certain races are inferior or sub-human, using racial slurs, or mocking cultural customs of ethnic minority groups.
  • Religion – Groups demonizing or making derogatory claims about entire religious groups, like suggesting Muslims are terrorists or Jews control global media.
  • Sexual Orientation – Groups promoting harmful gay conversion therapy, claiming LGBTQ people are immoral or unnatural, intentionally misgendering or mocking transgender people.
  • Gender – Groups suggesting women are intellectually inferior to men, that marital rape is justified, or promoting inequality between genders.
  • Disability – Groups mocking people with physical or mental disabilities, suggesting disabilities are a punishment for sin, or celebrating disability discrimination.

While just a few isolated offensive comments may not lead to group removal, Facebook aims to remove groups dedicated to promoting discrimination, hate and exclusion against protected groups. So when reporting, it helps to provide context on how the group violates standards systemically.

Are there any risks associated with reporting groups?

There are a couple potential risks to be aware of when reporting Facebook groups:

  • Reprisal – Group admins being reported may try to retaliate against or harass the person who reported them. Avoid disclosing your identity to the group if you are worried about reprisal.
  • Content Review – Reviewing and reporting hateful content can be disturbing and mentally taxing. Take measures to protect your mental health if engaging with this type of content for reporting purposes.
  • Accidental Blocking – Facebook’s automated systems may mistake you for a rule violator if you interact with prohibited groups and content, even just to report them. This could lead to account blocking.

So just take reasonable precautions – don’t announce that you are the one filing reports, avoid viewing disturbing content when possible, and keep your engagement limited to reporting purposes only. The benefits of reporting typically outweigh these risks.

What are signs of a discriminatory Facebook group?

Here are some common indicators that a Facebook group may be discriminatory and warrant reporting:

  • The group name or description includes racial slurs, derogatory terms or harmful stereotypes.
  • The group profile picture depicts offensive imagery like white hoods, Nazi symbols or anti-LGBTQ signs.
  • Group members post generalizations painting entire groups negatively like “All [racial group] are criminals.”
  • Admins allow posts or comments promoting hate, exclusion, or inferiority towards protected groups.
  • The stated group purpose is discriminatory even if tactfully worded, like “Preserving traditional gender roles” or “Celebrating white heritage.”
  • Group content disproportionately mocks, belittles or attacks specific groups based on identity characteristics.

Trust your judgment – if a group gives you the sense that is promoting discrimination, take a few minutes to report it to Facebook. Even if the group doesn’t outright use slurs or celebrate hate, more subtle discrimination can still cause significant harm.

What if my report doesn’t lead to group removal?

In some cases, Facebook may determine that a group you reported does not clearly violate their rules, and will not remove the group. If this happens, here are some additional steps you can take:

  • Carefully review Facebook’s Community Standards so you understand what content is prohibited.
  • Consider if you want to report specific offensive posts within the group, rather than the entire group, if some content is borderline.
  • Add more detailed context to your report to explain why the group is harmful, if the initial report was sparse.
  • Encourage others to also report the group to escalate the issue.
  • Block the group from your own feed if you no longer want to see its content.
  • Provide feedback to Facebook on how their policies could be improved.
  • Reach out to advocacy groups dedicated to the protection of the marginalized group being targeted.

While not ideal, allowing some objectionable but borderline groups is the reality of balancing free expression and protection from discrimination on a platform like Facebook. Continuing to report dangerous content and give feedback helps Facebook strengthen protections over time.

Should I report individual members of a discriminatory group?

In general, focus reporting at the group level and on specific prohibited content. Reporting individual members just for being part of the group is not necessary in most cases. Here are some key considerations around reporting members:

  • If a member is just passively participating in the group without posting rule-breaking content themselves, don’t report them.
  • Do report members who are actively posting discriminatory content in the group.
  • Consider if a member is engaging sincerely or just trolling – trolls often thrive on attention from reporting.
  • Weigh the severity of the violation – an offensive slur might warrant reporting but minor insults may not.
  • Keep perspective – aim to have content removed rather than accounts banned at the outset, if possible.
  • An admin facilitating group discrimination deserves more scrutiny than regular members participating.

The goal should be to eliminate harmful content and speech from the platform, which is usually better achieved by focusing reports at the group level, while reporting members judiciously for severe violations. Avoid over-reporting individual users just for association with a group you dislike.

What steps does Facebook take to reduce discriminatory groups?

In addition to responding to user reports, Facebook proactively employs several strategies to combat discriminatory groups on their platform:

  • Utilizing artificial intelligence to detect hate speech and suggestive content before users even see it.
  • Building keyword libraries and translation capabilities to identify policy-violating langauge across different languages.
  • Enforcing special protections preventing the defamation of historically persecuted groups.
  • Partnering with advocacy groups to better understand issues facing at-risk communities.
  • Updating policies to address emerging forms of harmful content like coded intimidation.
  • Promoting counter-speech and educational resources to discourage hate and radicalization.
  • Boosting the reach of groups dedicated to compassion, equity and social progress.

While Facebook’s protections are not perfect, the platform is actively investing resources into improving in order to better serve all user communities on its platform. Users can support these efforts by reporting concerning content quickly when noticed.


Facebook groups promoting discrimination against protected identities like race, religion, gender or disability status have no place on the platform. Facebook has established community standards prohibiting hate speech, harmful stereotypes, calls for exclusion and other abusive behaviors.

If you discover a group violating these standards, promptly report it through the report group function and provide context on the nature of the violations taking place. Facebook will investigate and potentially disable the group or delete specific violating content based on their policies.

While not every report will lead to immediate action, each one aids Facebook in strengthening its understanding and enforcement against group discrimination. With persistence from ethical reporters and proactive investments by the company, the platform can become safer and more inclusive for all users over time.