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Can you report a Facebook account that blocked you?

Can you report a Facebook account that blocked you?

Being blocked on Facebook can be frustrating, especially if you feel the blocking was unjustified or excessive. While there is no direct way to report a Facebook account for blocking you, there are some steps you can take if you feel you were blocked unfairly.

Why You Might Be Blocked on Facebook

Here are some common reasons why someone might block you on Facebook:

  • You made unwanted, harassing, or abusive comments towards them
  • You repeatedly messaged them when they did not respond
  • You shared private information about them publicly
  • There was an argument or disagreement between you
  • They wanted to cut off contact with you
  • They didn’t know you and wanted to block stranger followers
  • It was an accident or mistaken block

If you engaged in abusive, harassing, or threatening behavior that violated Facebook’s terms, being blocked was justified. However, if you did nothing wrong and were blocked by mistake, there are some things you can try.

You Cannot Directly Report Blocking

There is no specific tool on Facebook to report another account for blocking you. The block feature allows users to manage who can see and interact with their content and profile information. Here are some things to note:

  • Blocking does not violate Facebook’s terms and conditions
  • Users have discretion over who they connect with
  • Facebook does not mediate blocking disputes between individuals
  • You cannot report or appeal blocks directly to Facebook

While blocking alone is not grounds for a violation report, any associated harassment would be. Read on for steps you can take.

Look for Signs of a Mistake or Accident

Before taking any action, examine whether the block may have been accidental:

  • See if you can view the profile from another account
  • Ask a mutual friend if they can still see the person’s profile
  • Consider if you recently changed your username or profile photo
  • Think about any recent bugs or glitches on Facebook

If it appears they actually meant to block you, move on to resolving the issue civilly. An accidental block means you should let the person know so they can fix it.

Communicate Through Alternative Channels

Since you cannot directly message someone who blocked you on Facebook, try reaching out on another platform:

  • Send them a text or email asking why you were blocked
  • Try messaging them on Instagram, Twitter or another social media app
  • Ask a mutual friend to discuss the block in person or online

Keep your tone polite and avoid aggressive demands. The goal is to open a constructive dialogue to understand why you were blocked and resolve any misunderstandings or hard feelings.

Report Serious Harassment or Threats

If the person blocking you is also engaging in abusive behavior like harassment, threats, or sharing intimate content without consent, report them to Facebook right away:

  • Go to and select the type of issue
  • Provide details, dates, links, and any evidence you have
  • File a detailed report about the specific policy violations

Serious and credible threats should also be reported to your local law enforcement. Facebook willfully blocking you does not amount to harassment on its own, but any associated hostile behavior should be addressed.

Submit an Appeal Request

If you believe you were blocked by mistake or maliciously, submit an appeal to Facebook explaining why the block should be reversed:

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center
  2. Search for the topic “appeal disabled account”
  3. Click “I think my account was disabled by mistake”
  4. Select “I can’t access my account”
  5. Choose “My account is blocked”
  6. Enter your info and explain why the block should be overturned

However, keep in mind Facebook rarely interferes in blocking disputes between users. Focus on being concise, factual, and providing evidence that you did not violate policies.

Create a New Account to Monitor Status

As a last resort, create a new account to check if you are still blocked by the person over time:

  • Make a new Facebook account with different credentials
  • Do not try to connect with the blocking user or view their private content
  • Periodically check if you can now view their public posts and profile

This lets you see if the block was temporary and has been lifted without contacting the user directly. However, avoid using the account to circumvent the block or contact the person after they made their wishes clear.

When to Let It Go

If all other options have failed, you may have to accept the block and move on. Continuing to pursue the issue against someone’s wishes can become harassment. Consider letting it go if:

  • The block was not an accident and they will not undo it
  • You have already made a good faith effort to communicate
  • You do not have an essential need to interact with this person
  • Interacting further would only prolong conflict

While being blocked can feel personal, it’s often not about you. Give the user space and focus your energy elsewhere. Seek closure for yourself if needed, but avoid escalating the situation.

Can You Be Blocked Again After Being Unblocked?

If someone removed their block of you, they can decide to block you again at any time in the future. There is no limit to how often someone can block or unblock you on Facebook. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Use an unblock as a chance to resolve any misunderstandings
  • Respect their boundaries and privacy if they unblocked you
  • Avoid behavior that may have prompted the initial block
  • Know that they can re-block you anytime for any reason

The decision to block, unblock, and re-block is fully at the discretion of the user. If you are blocked again after being unblocked, go through the same options of trying to communicate or appeal the decision if you feel it was unjustified.

Can a Blocked Person Still See Your Posts?

When you block someone on Facebook, they can no longer see or interact with your profile or content. This includes:

  • Your posts, photos, videos, and feed will disappear
  • They will be unable to message you or comment
  • Any tags of their name by you will be removed
  • Your name will no longer appear or autosuggest to them

However, they may still be able to see:

  • Your content shared through mutual friends
  • Posts that went viral or very public
  • Comments you left on public pages they follow

So while a block limits their access to your profile, some public content visibility remains. Tightening privacy settings can help limit what a blocked person still sees.

Should You Post About Being Blocked?

Venting about being blocked on Facebook is usually not productive. Some downsides to posting about it include:

  • It can come across as passive aggressive or coercive
  • It puts the focus on your hurt feelings, not resolving the issue
  • It rallies people to take sides in the situation
  • It discourages civil communication
  • It remains public even if the block is later reversed

Talk privately with close friends about your feelings, but avoid one-sided public posts. If you need to make a statement on the reasons behind the block, do so tactfully without attacking the other person.

Should You Block Someone Who Blocked You?

There are a few advantages to blocking someone who already blocked you:

  • They cannot see any of your profile activity if they undo their block
  • It prevents them from viewing your content through mutual connections
  • It stops accidental communication if either block is removed
  • It can give you a sense of control over the situation

However, there are also good reasons not to block them back:

  • It may needlessly escalate the situation
  • It eliminates any chance for resolution
  • You lose access to anything useful they may post
  • It sends a confrontational message
  • It seems reactionary and emotional

Evaluate the specifics of your situation and which pros and cons matter most. Mutual blocking is difficult to undo and should not be done lightly.

Can a Page Owner See Who Blocked Them?

Pages on Facebook operate differently than individual user profiles. When someone blocks a Facebook Page:

  • Page admins cannot see who has blocked the Page
  • They will not be notified or alerted of blocks or unblocks
  • The person blocking can still see public content from the Page
  • Any previous likes or follows of the Page remain intact

So blocking a Page simply limits your personal feed exposure. Page admins remain unaware and cannot access blocker identities. Blocking works one way for Pages.

Can You Tell if You Are Blocked?

Facebook does not directly notify you if you are blocked, but there are some signs you can look for:

  • Being unable to view the person’s profile or send them messages
  • Seeing limited or no feed posts from them
  • Feeling like they are ignoring or ghosting you
  • Notices that tags of you are being removed
  • Disappearing from their friends/followers list

Check from another account if possible to confirm you can no longer see key profile details. While not definitive, these clues suggest you may have been blocked.

What to Do If You Have Been Unfairly Blocked

If you believe a Facebook block was unwarranted, here are some productive things you can do:

  • Try to communicate through other methods politely
  • Document evidence in case the situation escalates
  • Submit an appeal request to Facebook citing unfairness
  • Consider legal action only for serious reputation damage or loss
  • Request mutual connections talk to them on your behalf
  • Focus on your own closure rather than retribution

Avoid hostile reactions that could worsen the situation. Handle any truly dangerous behavior through proper legal channels. With patience and resilience, most unfair blocks can be resolved or overcome.

Can You See Messages After Blocking Someone?

When you block another Facebook user:

  • You can no longer see new messages from a blocked user
  • Previous messages from before the block remain visible in your inbox
  • You may get notifications of new messages but be unable to view them
  • Blocked users can no longer see if you have read a message

This means historic message records remain accessible even if current communication is cut off. To fully purge previous messages, you will also need to delete them or block the sender from your inbox settings.

Should You Block or Unfriend?

Blocking and unfriending both limit interactions, but have key differences:

Block Unfriend
They see your posts No Yes
You see their posts No No
Bidirectional No Yes
Easily reversible No Yes

Blocking is more final and limiting for both parties. Unfriending still allows some content visibility. Choose based on the level of separation desired.


Being blocked on Facebook can certainly be frustrating, but reacting spitefully rarely helps. Communicate clearly, report harassment, and make your appeal if the block seems truly unjustified. But also have empathy and patience for the other person’s right to block who they wish. Focus on resolution, not escalation or revenge. With time, most blocking issues subside, providing closure and an opportunity to move forward constructively.