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Can you remove someone’s emoji reaction on Facebook?

Can you remove someone’s emoji reaction on Facebook?

Facebook’s emoji reactions allow users to quickly respond to posts with icons representing different emotions or sentiments. Once an emoji is used to react to a post, it becomes visible to anyone who can view that post. This has led some Facebook users to wonder – is it possible to remove or delete another person’s emoji reaction?

Can you delete someone else’s reactions on Facebook?

The short answer is no, regular Facebook users cannot directly delete or remove emoji reactions left by others on posts or comments. The reactions belong to the user who made them.

However, there are a couple of indirect ways a post author or Page admin may be able to remove other people’s reactions:

  • Delete the entire post or comment that has reactions
  • Ban or block the user who left the reaction

We’ll explain both of these options in more detail below.

Delete the post or comment

If an individual Facebook user wants to remove someone else’s reaction, their only option is to delete the entire post or comment that has received the reaction. This will erase all reactions that people have left on that piece of content.

Page admins also have the ability to delete posts and comments on their Pages, which would remove all reactions those posts have received. So if a Page admin finds a user’s reaction inappropriate, unhelpful, or spammy, they can remove it by deleting the associated content.

Ban or block the reacting user

The other option is for a Page admin to ban or block the user who left an unwanted reaction. Here’s how it works:

  • Banning a user from a Facebook Page or Group will automatically remove all of their reactions and comments from content within that community.
  • Blocking another Facebook user will prevent them from viewing your posts or interacting with your profile. Any reactions and comments they’ve previously left on your posts will remain visible to other people but disappear from your view.

So in summary, while regular users can’t directly remove other people’s reactions, Page admins and post authors do have some indirect control through removing content or banning/blocking users.

Why can’t you delete other people’s reactions?

Facebook intentionally designed reactions to be permanent from the user’s perspective in order to facilitate authentic communication. The idea is that reactions represent genuine human sentiment at a specific point in time. If they could easily be retracted or deleted later, it would undermine their meaning.

Some key reasons Facebook doesn’t allow users to erase others’ reactions include:

  • Preserve free speech and expression
  • Maintain an accurate record of interactions
  • Avoid potential harassment or abuse of deletion privileges

Being able to remove reactions you don’t like could enable censorship or lead to unfair silencing of certain users. It may also encourage targeted campaigns of users maliciously “ganging up” on others.

Overall, the permanence of reactions creates a transparent record of interactions and sentiment on Facebook posts and comments.

Special cases

There are a couple special scenarios where emoji reactions can be removed:

Message reactions

In Facebook Messenger, users have more control over reactions to their own messages. You can delete reactions you’ve made to your own messages, and remove reactions other people have left on messages you sent.

Deleted users

When a Facebook account is deleted, all reactions and comments made by that account are also erased from the platform.

Court orders

In very rare cases, Facebook may be compelled by court order to remove specific content or reactions from their platform. But this would only occur in exceptional legal circumstances.

Workarounds to remove reactions

If you’re determined to remove another user’s reaction from your content on Facebook, here are a couple “workarounds” that may work:

Edit the post

Making an edit to the post or comment will reset all existing reactions. You could make a minor change that won’t substantially alter the content, like adding a period or adjusting punctuation.

Delete and repost

Deleting the post and then reposting the same content afresh will also wipe all previous reactions. Of course, this means other users would have to react again if desired.

Turn off reactions

Page admins have the ability to limit reactions on their posts by turning off specific emojis. For example, you could disable the “Angry” reaction if it’s frequently abused.

Cover photo trick

Uploading a new cover photo for your profile or Page removes all reactions from your previous cover photo posts. So this is one way to clear reactions from a specific post, though it only works for cover photos.

But keep in mind all of these workarounds violate the spirit and intent behind Facebook’s reaction feature. Reactions are designed to be permanent from the user’s view to maintain transparency.


Ordinary Facebook users cannot directly remove or delete emoji reactions left by others on posts or comments. This is an intentional design choice by Facebook to preserve the authenticity and transparency of interactions on their platform.

Page admins have some indirect controls through deleting content or banning reacting users. But in general, once an emoji reaction has been made, it will persist in that form as a permanent record of the user’s sentiment at the time.

Trying to circumvent this by reposting content or forcing reactions to be re-applied goes against Facebook’s principles. It’s better to simply accept that reactions are permanent, or disable them preemptively if you’d prefer limited engagement.