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Can you remove a picture from Facebook that someone else posted?

Can you remove a picture from Facebook that someone else posted?

Having an unflattering or embarrassing photo posted on Facebook can be upsetting. While you can’t directly delete a photo posted by someone else, there are a few options you can try to have it removed or limit who can see it.

Can you delete a photo on Facebook that someone else posted?

Unfortunately, you cannot directly delete or remove a photo that someone else has posted on Facebook. Only the person who originally posted the photo has the ability to delete it.

Facebook’s privacy settings allow users to control who can see the posts and photos they share on their own profile. However, you don’t have this same ability for content shared by others on their profiles.

Ask the person who posted it to remove the photo

The easiest and most straightforward way to have the unwanted photo removed is to ask the person who posted it to delete it. This is often the fastest solution if the person is willing to cooperate.

Send them a private message or post on the photo itself asking them to remove it. Explain why you want it taken down and kindly request that they delete it from their profile. If it was posted with malicious intent, be clear that you did not consent to it being shared.

If the photo also shows the other person, they may be more receptive to removing it. Remind them that since anyone can see photos on Facebook, it’s best to respect people’s privacy and wishes.

What to do if they refuse to remove it

If the poster refuses to delete the photo, you can take a few additional steps:

  • Report the photo – Facebook will review the content and take it down if it violates their policies.
  • Block the person who posted it – This will prevent them from viewing your profile or tagging you.
  • Ask a mutual friend to intervene and help get it removed.
  • Leave a comment explaining you are uncomfortable with the photo and want it deleted.

Report the photo to Facebook

If asking the poster to delete the unwanted photo doesn’t work, the next step is to report the photo directly to Facebook for removal.

Facebook has a policy against sharing content without the consent of those depicted. Here are the steps to report a photo on Facebook that you want removed:

  1. Go to the photo and click the three dots in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Report post or profile”.
  3. Choose “I don’t think it should be on Facebook” and then “It’s a photo of me that I don’t like”.
  4. Select the reason why you want the photo removed and explain the situation.
  5. Click “Submit Report”.

Facebook will review your report and determine if the content violates their policies. If they agree the photo should be removed, they will delete it from Facebook.

Other reporting options

Instead of “It’s a photo of me that I don’t like”, you can also choose these other reasons to potentially have the photo removed:

  • “I appear in the photo and I didn’t give permission”
  • “It’s a photo of someone else that shouldn’t be on Facebook”
  • “It’s embarrassing, defamatory or private content”

Provide additional details to Facebook on why you object to the photo and want it taken down. The more context you give, the more likely they are to remove it.

Limit the visibility of the photo

While you can’t delete the photo entirely, you can take steps to control who is able to view or find the unwanted photo that was posted on Facebook:

Adjust your privacy settings

Restrict who can see your posts and profile information using your privacy settings. This will limit who can view photos you’re tagged in or content others post about you:

  • Go to “Settings & Privacy” then “Privacy Settings”
  • Under “Privacy”, limit old posts, people who can see your friends list, and who can look you up using your email address or phone number.
  • Customize individual post visibility and hide certain people from your timeline.

Untag yourself

If someone tags you in an unflattering photo, you can untag yourself to disassociate your profile from the content:

  1. Go to the photo and click “Options” below your name.
  2. Select “Remove tag”.
  3. Choose “Remove tag from photo”.

This will unlink the photo from your profile, but won’t delete or remove the photo itself.

Ask Facebook not to show you the post

On the photo itself, click in the top right corner and choose “Hide post” or “Snooze person” to prevent the content from appearing in your News Feed for 30 days.

Action Result
Hide Post Won’t see the specific post in your feed
Snooze Person Won’t see posts from that person for 30 days

Prevent it from happening again

To avoid having unwanted photos posted of you in the future on Facebook, you can take a few preventative steps:

  • Be selective about photos you’re tagged in to reflect how you want to be portrayed.
  • Frequently check your Activity Log and remove tags on any undesirable photos.
  • Limit who can see posts you’re tagged in via the audience selector.
  • Exercise caution about what photos you allow others to take of you that could end up online.
  • Ask friends to be conscientious about getting your okay before posting photos with you in them.

Other options to try

If the above methods are unsuccessful in getting an embarrassing or unflattering photo removed from Facebook, there are a few additional options you could pursue:

  • Copyright claim – If you took the photo yourself, file a copyright claim with Facebook asserting your ownership rights.
  • Legal request – Consult with an attorney about sending a cease and desist letter or DMCA takedown notice to Facebook.
  • Contact poster’s employer – If appropriate, notify their work place about the photo, especially if posted with ill intentions.


Having an unwanted photo posted by someone else on Facebook can certainly be aggravating and upsetting. While you can’t directly remove or delete it yourself, you do have options to report the content or limit its visibility.

Always be proactive about untagging yourself from undesirable posts. And utilize Facebook’s privacy settings to customize exactly who can view photos and content associated with your profile.

With persistence and leveraging Facebook’s policies, you should be able to have the inappropriate photo removed or obscured from public view. Be selective about what you allow others to post about you, and don’t hesitate to report content that violates your privacy or wishes.