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Can you remove a Facebook Marketplace offer?

Can you remove a Facebook Marketplace offer?

Facebook Marketplace allows users to buy and sell items directly through Facebook. As a seller, you can create listings or “offers” for items you want to sell. However, there may be times when you need to remove an offer from Marketplace before it sells. Here’s what you need to know about removing Facebook Marketplace offers.

Why would you need to remove a Marketplace offer?

There are a few common reasons why a seller might need or want to remove a Facebook Marketplace offer:

  • The item is no longer available for sale
  • The listing contains inaccurate information
  • You decide you no longer want to sell the item
  • You want to edit the listing details or restart the offer
  • The item has sold elsewhere

Removing an offer ensures potential buyers don’t contact you about an item you no longer have for sale. It also frees up the listing so you can create a new post with updated information if needed.

How to remove a Facebook Marketplace offer

Removing a Marketplace offer is easy to do through the Facebook app:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap the Menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.
  3. Select Marketplace.
  4. Tap My Posts at the top of the screen.
  5. Find the offer you want to remove and tap the three dots next to it.
  6. Tap Delete.
  7. Confirm you want to delete the offer by tapping Delete again.

The offer will immediately be removed from Marketplace so it’s no longer visible or searchable for buyers.

Removing offers from a desktop

If you prefer to manage your Marketplace offers from a desktop, you can also remove listings via

  1. Go to and log into your account.
  2. Click Marketplace in the left menu.
  3. Click My Posts at the top of the page.
  4. Find the offer you want to delete.
  5. Click the three dots next to the listing and select Delete.
  6. Confirm you want to delete the offer.

What happens when you remove a Facebook Marketplace offer?

When you delete a Marketplace offer, here’s what happens:

  • The offer is immediately removed from Marketplace and is no longer visible or searchable.
  • Any likes, comments or shares associated with the offer are also deleted.
  • If you try to access the URL for the deleted offer, it will show an error page.
  • Buyers who saved the offer or contacted you about it will no longer see it on their end.
  • You can create a new offer for the same item if you choose.

Essentially, removing an offer makes it disappear from Marketplace like it was never posted in the first place.

Can you repost a removed Marketplace offer?

Yes, if you remove a Marketplace offer but still want to sell the item, you can create a new listing for it.

To repost an offer:

  1. Go through the Marketplace offer creation flow again.
  2. Upload new photos of the item if desired.
  3. Write a new description and list the key details again.
  4. Adjust the price if needed.
  5. Select a category and location.
  6. Post the new offer.

The new listing will have a fresh start with no association to the deleted offer. Reposting can be helpful if you need to make changes or updates to the original listing.

Does removing an offer affect your seller status?

Removing a Facebook Marketplace offer does not directly impact your account status or seller rating. However, frequently posting and deleting listings could be flagged as suspicious activity if done excessively.

Some key things to know:

  • Deleting a few offers occasionally is fine and normal. Facebook understands sellers need to remove listings sometimes.
  • Repeatedly posting and removing listings could trigger Facebook’s spam detection algorithms.
  • You may see limits placed on your posting abilities if flagged for suspicious deletion activity.
  • Deleting offers never initiates a formal review of your seller account.

As long as you are using Marketplace appropriately and not abusing posting/deletion, removing an occasional offer should not affect your seller status.

Can you delete Marketplace offers posted in the past?

Facebook Marketplace does not allow sellers to bulk delete or permanently erase old postings that have already ended. Once an offer expires after 30 days, it cannot be removed retroactively.

However, there are a couple options for dealing with old Marketplace offers:

  • Let offers expire naturally – Offers disappear after 30 days automatically.
  • Report expired postings – Use the reporting tool if an old offer has concerning content.
  • Create a new listing – Reposting refreshes the listing details and photos.

While bulk deletion isn’t possible, taking steps like letting offers expire and reporting problematic old posts can help keep your Marketplace presence current.

Mistakes to avoid when removing Marketplace offers

When deleting Facebook Marketplace offers, be sure to avoid these common mistakes:

  • Deleting and reposting the same offer repeatedly
  • Removing listings immediately after posting them
  • Deleting offers that have received significant engagement
  • Ending offers because they did not sell fast enough
  • Deleting offers in order to repost at a higher price

Repeated deletions or quick turnarounds on offers may get you flagged for suspension. Try to only remove listings when truly necessary.

The bottom line on removing Marketplace offers

Deleting Facebook Marketplace offers is easy to do on mobile or desktop in just a few clicks. Sellers should remove listings that are inaccurate, out of date, or for items no longer available. While reposting an offer is allowed, excessive deletions may trigger limits on posting abilities. Remember to remove offers judiciously and only when truly needed.

FAQ about Deleting Facebook Marketplace Listings

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about removing Facebook Marketplace offers:

How long does it take for a deleted offer to disappear?

Listings are removed instantly after confirming the deletion. The offer will no longer show up in search results or be live on your profile.

Can you delete Marketplace offers on the mobile app?

Yes, you can easily delete listings right from the Facebook app on your mobile device via the My Posts section.

Do ended offers still show up under My Posts?

Offers expire after 30 days automatically. Once expired, they no longer appear under the My Posts section.

Can deleting too many offers get you banned?

Excessive deletions and reposts may result in restrictions or a ban as it looks like spam behavior. Use discretion when removing listings.

Will people see if I delete and repost the same item?

Buyers can’t see if an item is reposted after you delete the original listing. It will look like a brand new offer to them.

Can I permanently erase old Marketplace offers?

There is no way to bulk delete or erase expired listings from more than 30 days ago. They disappear on their own.


Here are some key takeaways on removing Facebook Marketplace offers:

  • Sellers can easily delete current offers via mobile app or desktop site.
  • Listings should be removed if no longer relevant, available, or accurate.
  • Offers disappear instantly when deleted and cannot be accessed again.
  • Reposting deleted listings is allowed and can refresh old details.
  • Excessive deletions may get you flagged for suspension.
  • Expired offers over 30 days old cannot be manually removed.

Removing Facebook Marketplace offers gives sellers control over managing active listings. Just be sure not to abuse the deletion function or overdo it on reposts. With the right approach, deleting and relisting is an effective strategy for keeping offers current.