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Can you recover a memorialized Facebook account?

Can you recover a memorialized Facebook account?

When someone passes away, their Facebook account can be memorialized to preserve their profile and posts. A memorialized account is locked so no one can log into it anymore. Some people wonder if there is a way to recover or access a memorialized account.

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialized?

Memorializing an account means Facebook turns it into a memorial page. Here’s what happens:

  • The word “Remembering” appears next to the person’s name at the top of their profile.
  • The profile and photos remain visible to the friends and family who were connected to the deceased.
  • No one can log into the memorialized account.
  • Memorialized profiles do not appear in public spaces like the Friends feed.
  • Friends and family can still post on the memorialized Timeline to remember their loved one.
  • Memorialized accounts cannot create new friend requests.

Overall, memorializing freezes the account while still allowing it to remain visible as a memorial page. The key is that no one can access the account anymore.

Who can memorialize a Facebook account?

These people can request for a Facebook account to be memorialized:

  • Immediate family members
  • Other verified family members
  • Executors of the estate
  • Anyone with legal paperwork to authorize them like a power of attorney

To submit a memorialization request, you need to provide documentation proving your relationship to the deceased. This could be an obituary, death certificate, or power of attorney paperwork.

Is it possible to recover or access a memorialized account?

Once an account is memorialized, it is not possible for anyone to recover or access it anymore. Here’s why:

  • Facebook will not reactivate memorialized accounts under any circumstances out of respect for the deceased.
  • No one can reset the password or use account recovery options.
  • Memorialized accounts are completely locked down from the login screen.
  • Facebook’s policy is firm on memorialized accounts remaining deactivated indefinitely.

Some people may want to recover a memorialized account to obtain data or photos. But Facebook does not allow this due to privacy and security reasons. The contents of memorialized accounts remain viewable to confirmed friends as a memorial page only.

What if you need data from a memorialized account?

If you need to retrieve data from a memorialized Facebook account, you have a couple options:

  1. Download a copy of the data: Verified immediate family members can request to download the deceased person’s Facebook data archive. This lets you view their photos, posts, videos, etc. But you cannot log into the actual memorialized account.
  2. Request account deletion: Verified immediate family can request for Facebook to completely delete the memorialized account. This erases all data and removes access for anyone previously connected.

In special cases, Facebook may work with law enforcement conducting an investigation to provide limited data access. But generally the company errs on the side of protecting privacy and does not reopen memorialized accounts.

Can you delete a memorialized Facebook profile?

Yes, verified immediate family members can request for a memorialized account to be permanently deleted. This removes all account data and the profile.

To delete a memorialized account:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form.
  2. Select “Request account deletion.”
  3. Enter your information and relationship to the deceased.
  4. Upload a copy of your ID and the deceased’s death certificate.
  5. Facebook will review the request and delete the account if approved.

Deleting a memorialized profile erases all data and removes access for anyone who could previously see the memorial. It’s a permanent action, so consider downloading data before deleting.

Can you reactivate a memorialized Facebook account?

No, Facebook does not allow memorialized accounts to be reactivated under any circumstance. Once an account is memorialized, it stays locked and deactivated permanently.

There are a few reasons Facebook maintains this strict policy:

  • To prevent identity theft or hacking of the deceased’s account.
  • To maintain an online memorial that friends and family have contributed to.
  • For privacy considerations regarding the account’s data.

The only option is for immediate family to request deleting the memorialized profile if they do not want it viewable online. But Facebook will not reactivate a memorial account.

Can you appeal if Facebook declines a memorialization request?

If Facebook declines your request to memorialize an account, you can appeal the decision within 30 days. Reasons your request may get declined include:

  • Not providing sufficient documentation proving your relationship.
  • Another family member contests your memorialization request.
  • Suspected identity theft or malicious intent.

To appeal a declined memorialization request:

  1. Locate the initial request confirmation email from Facebook.
  2. Click the “Appeal this decision” link within 30 days.
  3. Explain your relationship and intent to memorialize the profile.
  4. Provide any additional documentation requested.

Facebook reviews all appeals on a case-by-case basis. But the threshold for overturning a declined request is high due to privacy concerns.

Are there any alternatives to memorializing on Facebook?

If you are unable to memorialize someone’s Facebook profile, a couple alternative options include:

  • Create a Group: Make a invite-only Facebook Group and share memories, photos, and stories about the deceased.
  • Build a Legacy Contact: Designate a Legacy Contact to manage your account if it’s memorialized after you pass away.
  • Share via Family: Have close family members share specific memories or photos from their own Facebook accounts.
  • Dedicated Website: Build a dedicated memorial website to celebrate the person’s life and legacy.

These alternatives let friends and family share memories without needing direct access to the deceased’s actual Facebook profile.

Key Takeaways

  • Memorialized Facebook accounts are locked and cannot be logged into anymore.
  • Immediate family can request an account be memorialized after providing documentation.
  • It’s not possible to recover or access a memorialized profile for any reason.
  • Verified family can download data or request account deletion.
  • Facebook will not reactivate a memorialized account under any circumstance.


Facebook’s strict policies around memorialized accounts are designed to balance privacy and security with the ability to memorialize someone who has passed away. While it’s not possible to recover a memorialized profile, there are some options for immediate family to download data or delete the account entirely. Overall, Facebook aims to prevent unauthorized access to accounts out of respect for both the deceased and their family members.