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Can you put a Facebook link on Instagram?

Can you put a Facebook link on Instagram?

Yes, you can put a Facebook link in your Instagram bio or posts. Instagram is owned by Facebook, so it allows you to connect the two accounts and cross-promote between platforms. There are a few different ways to link Facebook and Instagram.

Adding a Facebook link in your Instagram bio

The easiest way to connect your Facebook page and Instagram account is by adding the Facebook link in your Instagram bio. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap “Edit Profile”.
  2. Scroll down to the “website” field and paste your Facebook page URL (e.g.
  3. Tap “Done” in the top right corner to save changes.

Once you add the Facebook link to your Instagram bio, people who visit your Instagram profile will see it and can easily navigate to your Facebook page. This allows you to promote your Facebook content to your Instagram followers.

Tagging Facebook in Instagram posts

You can also link to your Facebook page directly within Instagram posts. Simply include @yourfacebookpage anywhere in the Instagram post caption or comments.

For example:

“Check out my latest YouTube video! @yourfacebookpage”

This will create a live link to your Facebook page that people can tap on from your Instagram post. The Facebook page name will appear highlighted in blue.

Using a Facebook link sticker

Instagram has a “Facebook” sticker option that lets you add a clickable Facebook icon in your Instagram Stories. To use it:

  1. Take or upload a photo/video to your Instagram Story.
  2. Tap the sticker icon in the top right and select the “Facebook” sticker.
  3. Move the sticker where you want it and tap to paste your Facebook link.

The Facebook sticker is a quick, visual way to promote your Facebook page via Instagram Stories. When viewers see it, they can simply tap the icon to visit your page.

Connecting accounts in Settings

You can also officially connect your Facebook page and Instagram account using the following steps:

  1. Go to your Instagram Profile > Settings > Linked Accounts
  2. Tap on “Connect to Facebook”
  3. Log in to your Facebook account if prompted
  4. Select the Facebook page you want to link to Instagram
  5. Tap “OK” to confirm

Once your accounts are linked, you will have additional options for cross-promoting, such as the ability to automatically post Instagram posts to Facebook. Your Instagram posts may also begin tagging your Facebook page automatically.

Benefits of Linking Facebook and Instagram

Here are some of the top benefits of connecting your Facebook and Instagram accounts:

  • Increased brand awareness and reach by promoting across both platforms
  • Ability to automatically share content between Facebook and Instagram
  • Streamlined workflow managing just one business profile on both apps
  • Analytics and insight into cross-platform engagement and traffic
  • New audience growth by reaching both Facebook and Instagram followers

Best Practices

To get the most out of linking Facebook and Instagram, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Tailor content for each platform – don’t simply repost the same posts
  • Find a balance between automatically sharing and creating original content
  • Use multi-image Instagram posts to preview Facebook content
  • Leverage Instagram Stories to tease upcoming Facebook updates
  • Promote your Instagram profile actively on your Facebook page


Once your accounts are linked, you can view cross-platform analytics to see how well your Facebook and Instagram content performs together.

In Instagram, go to Profile > Settings > Linked Accounts then select your Facebook page. This will show you stats like:

  • How many visits you’re getting on Facebook from your Instagram account
  • How many likes, comments, and clicks your Instagram posts get when shared to Facebook
  • How many Instagram followers you’ve gained from Facebook

You can also view Instagram stats from your Facebook page Insights. Analyze how your audience engages across both platforms to refine your cross-promotion strategy.

Instagram Sharing Options for Facebook Pages

When you connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts, you unlock options for auto-sharing Instagram posts to your Facebook page. Here are the different ways you can share Instagram content on Facebook:

Auto Post All Instagram Posts to Facebook

This option automatically shares all your Instagram feed posts to your connected Facebook page as native Facebook posts.

Auto Post Tagged Instagram Posts

With this option enabled, any Instagram posts you tag your Facebook page in will automatically share to Facebook as native posts.

Share Instagram Posts to Facebook Manually

You can manually share specific Instagram posts to your Facebook page as you’re posting them or retroactively. Tap the share icon on an Instagram post and select your connected Facebook Page.

Share Instagram Stories to Facebook

Instagram Stories can be shared automatically to Facebook Stories when you link accounts. You can also manually share Instagram Stories as Facebook Stories.

Enable and customize automatic Instagram sharing in your Instagram settings to choose the best option for your cross-promotion strategy.

Facebook Sharing Options for Instagram Business Profiles

Facebook pages also have options for auto-sharing content to a connected Instagram business profile. Here are the ways Facebook can share to Instagram:

Auto Post All Facebook Posts to Instagram

This copies all your Facebook posts to your Instagram feed automatically.

Auto Post Tagged Facebook Posts to Instagram

Facebook posts tagged with your Instagram handle will auto-share to your Instagram feed.

Share Facebook Posts to Instagram Manually

Choose specific Facebook posts to share to your Instagram feed manually as you create them or retroactively.

Share Facebook Stories to Instagram

Connect your accounts to automatically share Facebook Stories to Instagram Stories.

Customize your connected Facebook page’s Instagram sharing settings to choose the right options for you.

Tips for Cross-Posting

Here are some tips to make cross-posting between Facebook and Instagram more effective:

  • Adapt posts to suit each platform – don’t simply duplicate the same content
  • Shorten long Facebook captions when sharing to Instagram
  • Resize images to fit Instagram’s dimensions
  • Use relevant Instagram hashtags for discovered on both platforms
  • Engage with your audience and reply to comments on both sites
  • Analyze your best-performing cross-posted content

Things to Avoid

Watch out for these potential pitfalls when linking Facebook and Instagram accounts:

  • Avoid over-posting and overwhelming your audience with too much duplicated content
  • Don’t automatically share everything to both platforms without curation
  • Ensure you have permission when sharing content featuring people
  • Follow both platform’s community guidelines and avoid banned content

Troubleshooting Issues

Here are some common issues and fixes for linking Facebook and Instagram accounts:

Issue Solution
Unable to connect accounts Double check you are logged into the correct Instagram and Facebook accounts. Check that your Facebook page username matches the Instagram handle you want to connect.
Content not cross-posting Make sure automatic sharing is enabled in your Instagram and Facebook settings. Try reconnecting the accounts.
Cross-posts have formatting issues Instagram crops Facebook images and video to square. Make sure to adjust formatting before sharing for each platform.
Stats not showing up It can take up to 24 hours for cross-platform analytics to start reporting. Check again a day after linking accounts.

Third-Party Tools

You can also use third-party social media management tools to connect your Facebook page and Instagram profile. Popular options include:

  • Hootsuite
  • Sprout Social
  • Buffer
  • Later
  • Planoly

These tools provide additional options for scheduling cross-platform posts, managing multiple accounts, and analytics.


Linking your Facebook page and Instagram account makes cross-promoting your brand seamless. Take advantage of the native options on each platform or use third-party apps to share content, track engagement, and reach new audiences across both sites.

Focus on quality over quantity with your cross-posting strategy. Tailor content for each platform and aim to provide value for your target audience on Facebook and Instagram.

With smart coordination, you can expand your brand awareness exponentially by linking these two top social sites.